Chapter Thirty Four

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Allen trotted forward with Lavi besides him, one hand supporting his pregnant stomach the other pushing his hair to the other side of his neck. Once he gets to his mate Allen knows exactly what he needed to do.

"How long has he been in that form Lavi?." He asked looking up at the giant wings he could see just ahead of them both. Damn Yuu's beast was hugggge!.

" Huh I'll say the day you've been kidnapped. "  The red head werewolf replied scratching his head.
"He hasn't allowed anyone near him, not even his brothers."
Allen sighed at hearing that, self isolation for two weeks, he's gonna kick his mate in the arse.

"That idiot." He huffed picking up his pace to get to his mate faster.
"When this is over I want a really long vacation away from everything."

" Don't we all, buddy?." Lavi chuckled easily keeping up with him, before long they both arrived at the scene, there were bodies lying around, limbs ripped apart and blood was covering the entire ground.
"Damn, I'm so glad Yuu-Chan knows who his enemies are."

Allen silently agreed with him, stepping away from someone's entire arm, and making his way towards the hole in the wall that was the shape of some abnormal creature.
"Well," he took a deep breath not knowing what was going to happen the minute his crazed mate laid eyes on him, Allen could only hope that Yuu will recognize him.
"Here goes nothing." He marched inside, and the sounds of fighting could immediately be heard, screaming, the sound of steel clashing against steel.

"Usually Yuu-Chan keeps his beast in track." Lavi said appearing besides him.
"But it looks like when you went missing he let it have full control."
Allen blinked, because it wasn't the first time that Yuu told him, in fact he reminded him everyday that he was going to rip the world apart if something happened to him.

Alma was the first to spot them, he was covered in blood from head to toe, Allen hoped that none of that was his, and it seemed Lavi was thinking the same thing judging from the sound that left his throat. His mate smiled, flashing over to them  second later, a hand reaching forward to cup Lavi's cheek, cradling it so gently that Allen felt his own heart melt at the sight.

"I'm fine Vi." He said softly, thumb brushing the cheek bone on his face.
"I'm glad to see you're okay and that you've found Allen." At this Alma turned to look at him with a grin.
" and its good to see that you're alright bro in law, I think you're only one who can stop Yuu now,"

Allen smiled, propping a small hand on his hip.
"Gladly, as I told Lavi after all this I want a long vacation."

"Heck, I like the way you think, Chibi." Alma grinned, jerking his thumb over his shoulder as an indication
"My dear little brother is just up ahead, go smack some sense into him would you."

Allen laughed, soft and beautiful, he's sure that everyone by now knows he was alright, supernatural creatures and all that. He waved to both Alma and Lavi, watched as they ducked a hunters blade before teaming up to cut him down.

"Allen!." The relieved voice of his best friend had him smiling.
"Hurry you're short butt up, after we'll talk." She was standing there both arms stretched out towards him, a shimmer was seen as the familiar dome was surrounding him once again.

Allen laughed as he now moved faster thanks to his best friend, he reached his mate's huge form and wasted no time in grabbing his attention, the protective spell fell away as Allen picked up a medium size rock, and lobbed it as hard as he could at his mate's head, well it didn't exactly reach his head more like his waist line, but whatever it got what Allen wanted, Yuu's attention.

Propping his hands on hips in a pose that he knows that always got his mate hot and bothered, Allen tutted up at the monster looking down at him in confusion, Yuu looked adorable even if his beast was in control.

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