Chapter Twenty One

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Allen should have really believed Kanda when he said that the wacky old man would wail for all the nations to know. Now here he was, Tiedoll hugging him to his chest and wailing to the heavens as soon as the words had left his mouth.

"This is wonderful!." The old man cried.
"Now my Yuu-kun is going to be a father!. I'm so happy!."

Allen laughed, despite being crushed in the tight embrace. His gaze skated all over the stunned gazes around the room, except Daisya and Lenalee.

"Alright, let my mate go old man." Kanda said stepping forward to pry his father away from Allen.
"You'll crush him, idiot!."

Allen was released after that, giggling regardless that he was being pulled away by his grumpy mate.
He ended up getting hugs by everyone though, that was something that Kanda couldn't avoid no matter how hard he tried.

After all the excitement was over and tears were finally dried, Tiedoll gave them a serious look before leading them into his own little office he had there. Allen wouldn't call it little however.

"Now I know that you two have been safe so far, tell me, is there anything suspicious happening on your end?." He asked, elbows on the table and fingers stapled together, giving them a business like look.

"If you count that Mikk and Kamelot suddenly being transfers In the middle of our semester, then yes that's fucking suspicious." Kanda huffed, arms crossed. He was slouched in his seat, head turned towards the closed window.

Allen slapped his mates shoulder lightly and laughed.
"Exact thing what Yuu said sir, Tyki wanted to take me for drinks one time but ended up with Kanda busting his nose." He looked thoughtful.
"I think he knows that we're together."

Tiedoll hummed, brows knitting. This was a piece of new information to him. He looked up at his son and his mate, watching as Allen pinched Yuu's cheek for being so rude and instead of yelling at the small boy, Yuu just turned his head and caught the offending appendage in his mouth causing Allen to squeak and pull his finger away quickly while turning bright red.

His son was deeply in love with his mate, that much he could tell and if what they just told him was true, meaning if something even happened to Allen, his son would be out for blood, no matter whose.

"I suggest be careful from here on out." He spoke breaking them out of their little flirting fest.
"I have a feeling that what ever They have planned, they are gonna act on it soon."

"No need to tell us that." Kanda said rather grumpily, arms crossed over His chest and face set in a scowl.
"Fuckers really pisses me off."

"Yuu, I'm going to wash your mouth with some soap." Allen said, shaking his head.

"Yeah?." Kanda's smirk told Allen that his answer was going to make him squirm.
"Rather wash it with something else, hmm?."

Allen coughed a bit, face bright red and ears burning.
He reached out a palm to push Kanda's face away from near him and turned to look at his father in law, who was smiling at their antics.

"I'll make sure we keep our eyes open sir."

Tiedoll waved his hand In dismissal.
"I have no doubt you will, and you can drop the sir my dear boy, you are the human mate of my son, Tiedoll is fine."

Allen smiled brightly at him that Tiedoll had no doubt that this boy was the perfect one for his son. He waved them out his office, watching as Allen kept dodging his son when Yuu tried to grab him. The door closed shut with their laughter.

"So, can I get a tour?." Allen asked, standing in front of one of the rare mirrors in the castle. He ran his fingers through his hair a few times, bringing it up In a medium size ponytail and reaching for the small hair band in his pocket. He was about to ask again when the feeling of a warm mouth was suddenly on his sensitive neck. Allen shuddered violently, a moan leaving his lips as he all but slumped back against Kanda's chest.

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