Episode 4

451 21 3

Ahn ha na's pov

"yaaa! Jeon jungkook you can't do to me" i shouted cuz jungkook was teasing me about taehyung that we look together perfect and that's made me mad

"I'm telling the truth ha na-shi" he continues to tease me

"oh ha na-shi okay from now I'll call you jungkook-shi arasseo? Okay jungkook-shi" i pout

"okay ha na-shi" he make funny faces like a kid and that's thing make me laugh

"don't you have any plans for study? Huhh? Exams are coming" i inform him, well he wasn't a bright kid but was was marvelous in sports and dancing and singing that was his interest

"well when you are here should i need to study ik you'll help me right?" he said and came exactly near me and try to flirt with me

"yaa yaa yaa stop right here! No hugs no kisses okay?" i told him

"wae wae wae? We are adults after all" he asked

"no i don't like this you know me right kookie I'm not that type of girl who like that type of stuffs it's good in a friend zone way but we are couple now i think after-" i stopped there

"you think after?" he smirk

"after ahh ooh i was saying-" and then he pecked on my cheeks while smiling

"yaaa! Jeon jungkook i told to not do that you we are-" he didn't let me complete my sentence and he said

"yea yea yea i know we are in school and we are teenagers and not married yet right?" he said

"well you are getting smarter right i must say jeon jungkook" i said that

"well that's just cau-" he was saying his line when someone interrupt us.....

Again Kim Taehyung

"do you want anything else taehyung?" jungkook asked

"no i just - just wanna asked that are you both doing well? Ha na are you alright?" he asked

"yes we are alright and you?" i asked

"I'm also good and what about your preparation of exam?" he asked

Well that was irritating

"yes that's going well pardon taehyung we should go that's off time" i said

"okay then bye" jungkook said to him

"arasseo anneong" he replied

And we left him there

"yaa! Hana do you wanna go to amusement park with me? After school?" jungkook asked

"aishh boy are you mad we should study already we didn't study and I'm not ready for exams" i excused him

"ani you are going with me after school so be ready araji?" he said

"bossy" i pouted

"just with you cause you are mine" he said and i really liked it

"okay your highness" i replied

After school we were going to our home suddenly a bicycle bumped in me and jungkook took my hand to protect me and a car stopped in front of us....

"aishh that was close" i murmured

"ne kaja" jungkook said

But then the car driver shouted

"you both don't have eyes huhh? Can't you see a big car in front of? Do you wanna die?" he said and that's make me mad

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