Episode 36

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It was all set she wear a blue jeans with off white loose sweater and she got the taxi... To go there


I got a taxi, anxious, sorrowful, frightened all the worse feelings i got that time, i was all thinking about taehyung i know he is hurt i hurt him so badly, but suddenly a message popped up on my phone's screen i frowned it was another unknown number


I'm waiting for you, ik you are coming

I sigh after read this it was from him, he doesn't know that I'm going to kill him i don't care about my life,, in this world I've taehyung but in that world I've jungkook but this feeling is killing me this fear i don't know I'm strong enough to kill him?? He won't do it again to a woman

"Jungkook-ah mianhe I'm going to take your revenge, I'm sorry taehyung I'm doing thus for you too and I'm sorry jungkook-ah I promised you but I've to do this" she mumbled

"we are here agashi" taxi driver said

Hana sigh and nodded from the back seat

"ne take this" she handed him money

"Gomawoyo" he said and got out of it

It was just a mess to go there to remember all of the worse memories where she lost her pride, her virginity, her jungkook she entered and scanning everything where he was laying, shouting, screaming, to not touch me, she remembered everything every groan of him it was painful for her she sat down on her knees where the two lifeless bodies supposed there she touched on that spot where he took his last breaths "Jungkook-ah" she whispered

Clap clap clap 👏

She turned around and he can see tears in her eyes, and she stoop up

"i knew that you'll come" he said

She didn't answer to his question

"do you know I've a wife people always said that I'm a really lucky man that i got her but you know one think she's nothing but i must say your husband is really lucky to have you oh i think I'm wrong to have your body" she was standing silently in front of him he came more closer to her his hands were in his pockets

"you are lucky, cause i didn't think so that a girl like you who got rapped got a husband who's a billionaire and handsome will choose you he's really an idiot isn't he?" he mumbled

Hana tightened her fists
Blood was boiling inside her

"you don't need to talk about him, don't mention him in this mess it's about you and me" she said

Min ho laughed

"like seriously? Sounds like you loves him alot" and then he came closer to her ear and whispered

"more than him? Jeon jungkook? Aww you can't Hana-ssi that guy sacrifice his life for you" he taunted

"none of your business" she told him

He looked at her

"well i think we talk enough just get ready I'm waiting for you inside" he said and turned

"never in a million years" she said and he turned hana took a knife and try to bang inside him but he took her wrists and pushed her and through that knife on the floor
now he was mad

"tchhhh seriously? Knife? Do you really think that you can kill me with this poor girl" he mumbled

"D-don't come" now hana was afraid cause from somewhere she knew that she can't kill him but she also knew that, it's time to lost her pride again

He took her arm and pushed her on the floor again and slapped her several times, he beat her really badly, she was screaming "ahhh taehyung" she screamed now she was a mess

"jebal jebal Lee minho aniya aniya taehyung-ahh save me" she shouted

"he won't come darling that last time you called jungkook but that kid was too weak in front of my men" he smirked

She looked at him with sadness

"who told you that i won't come to save my wife?" Taehyung said

Hana got happy but afraid at the same time

He walk to them and sat on his knees, he was scanning her features which are really blur cause her bruises, he can see her hot tears, swell face and then touch her lips which were bleeding

"i promised you i won't leave, but why did you make me fool do you think that your taehyung is that weak who can't kill this shit?" he mumbled

When he said that hana starts crying

"yaaa! I'm not here to listen your lovey dovey couple conversation and you Kim Taehyung i want your wife this night as a slut do you get it" min ho said that

Taehyung stood up and started punching him so hard "what did you say? Huuh?you actually don't know Min ho you are in trouble you've to pay this" he said

After a punch min ho lay down on floor he touches her bleeding lip and smirked and pressed a button who was inside his pocket

"you are dead Kim Taehyung last time a boy named Jeon jungkook punched me don't you know?? Oh how do you know that about him! Yaaa (he clapped to call hana) hana tell him about your lover" he shouted on the other side tears were streaming from her eyes

Which was really making taehyung mad cause he can't see her in that situation in this pain

But after sometime lot of men came

Lee minho stood up.

"T-taehyung just go leave me! I told you right to not leave now I'm saying this to leave me! I'll deal with him don't worry 'she said while cupping his face

Taehyung smiled but kissed her on forehead

"i won't leave you and I won't let him touch you i promise now I'll show you my love for hana" he whispered

"Taehyung" she blinked in disbelieve

Minho made a disgusted face

"Yaaa don't you hear me?" he order to his men

End of Episode 36

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