Episode 28

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He took that page when he noticed that wasn't just a page that was a letter...

"it's strange"

"wait! It's a letter! And what's that? For Kim taehyung?"

That thing make him confused!!! He was confused that why jungkook wrote a letter for him?

'Kim Taehyung anneong i don't know why I'm writing this letter for you but these days I'm watching you and i can feel your feelings about hana, you know right i like her too,, we are really closed to each other but taehyung i don't know i will give her happiness in the future or protect her but i just know that i love her very much i can't live without her!!! You also love her right? But i can bet you don't love her more than this jeon jungkook!!! TAEHYUNG-AHH i promised her to protect her to love her!!! And i will and you know what i didn't feel jealousy from anyone but these days I'm feeling jealousy when she talked to you being friendly!!! So i decided that i will let her go!! Taehyung-shi if I'm not here beside her if you love her please stay by her side,,, she doesn't like to make friends i think these days I'm overreacting well think about it first I'm not that bad!!

                           Ahn ha na's Jungkook'

After read that letter taehyung sigh and lie down on his bed!!he was staring at the fan continuously the letter was on his chest,,,,after sometime some tears rolled down to his cheeks,!!!

"Jeon jungkook what you did? Huhh? I know that's just teenager's aggressive attitude you've showed but i can feel the true love of yours for hana that simply you said that you love her more than i!!! one thing Jeon jungkook i won't break my promise this Kim Taehyung will find him who ruined everything i promise and i love her like jungkook care her like jungkook but protect her like Kim Taehyung i promise "he mumbled to himself

Kim ha na's pov

"hana-ya is taehyung good with you?" Mrs. Choi asked hana was beside her on her bed

"ne eomma he really care about me" hana replied

"umm i know hana-ya!" she said

"ne eomma?" she asked

"I think you should forget him" she mumbled

"eomma please you know i love him he's my everything i can't forget him" she said

"aniya he's not here hana and taehyung really loves you know he came here some days ago and asked me about everything what happened to you and that's really appreciating that after knows everything he loves you more than before hana don't you think it's true love? "she said

Hana sat down and covered her face with her hands

" eomma jebal"she said

She hugged hana and patted her back

"hana-ya i know you something is bothering you what's wrong tell eomma" she murmured

"eomma i can't forget him i can't forget his sobs i can't forget his screams,, his pain that wasn't cause that he was in pain he was full of blood that was just cause i was hurt i lost my pride and he knew that and that jeon jungkook after 9 years I'm doing that promise i did!! But eomma i can't forget him i can't forget that man who ruined our life who ruined our love.... Idk eomma taehyung is my husband and i really care about him i know he loves me i really appreciate him but eomma i actually don't know about my feelings for him i just know that i love jungkook from the depth of my heart"she said

Mrs. Choi nodded

"i respect your feelings hana now sleep take some rest" mrs. Choi said

"ne eomma" hana said

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