Episode 9

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Lee's mention

"i can't believe that you are my son idk what did i do in my life that i got you minho!" mr. Lee said

"i was mad aboji" minho replied

"why?what did they do with you?" he asked

"she slapped me and that boy -"

"shut up minho i said shut your freaking mouth,,, she slapped and you rapped her? That guy? You killed a boy minho are you even in your senses?" he shouted

"..." he didn't say anything

"what should we do now Mr. Lee?" Mr. Seo asked

"send that bloody jerk to America cuz i can't take this anymore it's about my family reputation and that guy ruined it" he said

"ne Mr. Lee" Mr. Seo answered

"but abo-"

"don't call me aboji you are not my son just get the hell out of here get out and don't come" he shouted

After that jeon and Choi family reported but nothing happened cause Mr. Lee control every situation cuz he was powerful

After one year

"hello? Is Mrs. Choi here?"


"I'm from Seol Hospital i just wanna inform that Your daughter Ahn ha na has woke up"

"n-ne? Th-thank you so much we are coming" she replied with joy.....

And when they came to her she was silent she didn't say anything else she wasn't that ha na anymore she lost her love..... 'jeon jungkook'

"idk what to do hani since she came home she didn't say anything else she's just watching his photo" her mother said

"don't worry eomma it will be fine give her some time" hani hugged her mom

8 years later

Los Angeles - U.S

"oh my God just look it that man he's so freaking handsome and hot I'm dying" a girl said

"stop it ellie he'll hear that if he hear that you are dead" she told her

"why?" she asked

"don't you know? Our C.E.O isn't like that he hate girls you are new here that's why you don't know so be careful" she told her

"oh i see so he's The C.E.O" she said

Well in these 9 years everything went change it was 2018 btw,,,, everything has changed just Like one person


"Mr. Kim you've a meeting today with Mr. John" his secretary said

"hmm" he replied

"and" she stopped

"and? What?" he asked while looking on his laptop's screen

"ahh your mother called you" she told him

"so? What did she said?" he asked well he was a busy man and a successful business man

"she said your grandfather isn't well and he's calling you and she said to call her sir" she informed him

After hear that his fingers stopped and he stood up....

"i want to be alone Mrs.Peter leave me alone" he ordered her

"okay sir"

He was standing on his mirrored wall of his office he was looking on that city in which he spent 9 years,,, his hands was in his pockets of his pants he was an angry young man and mature too he was 28 years old man but freaking handsome

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