Episode 8

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**Episode 8**


"What are you talking about?" Jungkook demanded, his voice trembling with fear and confusion.

"You'll see," Lee Minho replied, a cruel smirk curling his lips.

"An-dwae!" Jungkook shouted, his desperation evident.

"Hana, what's happening? Tell me!" Hana cried out, her voice laced with panic.

"Get that girl into that room now," Minho ordered his men with a cold authority.

"Ne," the men replied, moving swiftly to obey.

Hana's pleas grew frantic. "What are you doing to me? Let me go! Please, please, Jungkook, save me! Save me!" she begged, her voice breaking with fear.

Jungkook was restrained, overwhelmed by the number of men surrounding him. Despite his cries and attempts to break free, he was powerless, unable to help Hana. His struggles were futile, and soon the door to the room closed, shutting out his anguished cries.

"No! Stop it! Don't come near me! Don't touch me!" Hana's screams pierced the air from inside the room. Jungkook's heart shattered with each terrified scream he heard.

"An-dwae! Mianhe, Hana-ya! Mianhe!" Jungkook wailed, his voice raw with agony.

Hana's cries for help continued, "Jungkook, save me! Please, it hurts! It hurts so much!"

After what felt like an eternity, Lee Minho emerged from the room. Jungkook, his face a portrait of despair and fury, could barely move, his body trembling with a mix of rage and helplessness. Minho's men dragged Hana out of the room, her body limp and battered, her spirit broken.

They threw her onto the floor like a discarded rag, her condition dire. She was barely conscious, her strength drained, her body showing the scars of the brutality she had endured. Jungkook's eyes filled with tears as he looked at Hana, both of them now enduring a nightmare.

Lee Minho approached Hana with a sinister smirk, touching her chin with his index finger. "Mr. Park, do you remember what I told you about her?" Minho taunted.

"I—I don't remember, Daepu-nim," Mr. Park stammered, his voice shaking.

"It's sad you've forgotten," Minho said with a cruel grin. "But I'll remind you. I said she was perfect for me. And look at her now, Ahn Ha Na. You were amazing."

In a blind fury, Jungkook lunged at Minho, throwing punches with all his remaining strength. "Wae? Wae? She didn't do anything to you! Wae?" he screamed, tears streaming down his face. His strength was waning, but his determination to protect Hana was unwavering.

"Kill him," Minho ordered coldly.

"No, an-dwae!" Hana cried out, her voice barely a whisper.

The men began to beat Jungkook mercilessly. He was struck repeatedly, his shirt drenched in his own blood. Each blow weakened him further, his body breaking down under the assault. Hana watched in horror, her heart breaking as she witnessed Jungkook's suffering. Her tears flowed freely, her sobs mingling with the sound of the brutal beating.

"Jungkook, an-dwae!" she cried out, her voice filled with anguish. But her pleas went unanswered. An iron rod struck Jungkook's head, and he fell to the ground, his consciousness fading.

As Minho and his men prepared to leave, Mr. Park expressed concern. "Daepu-nim, we should go. I don't think they'll survive. You should leave before this harms your reputation."

"Ne, kaja!" Minho agreed, his laughter echoing with a devilish edge.

When the room was finally empty, Hana was left alone with Jungkook, who lay on the floor, barely alive. Her heart ached as she crawled to him, her body weak and trembling. She reached out to him, her face streaked with tears.

"Jungkook-ah," she whispered, her voice choked with sorrow.

"Ne?" Jungkook responded weakly, his face contorted with pain.

"Don't leave me," Hana pleaded, her voice trembling.

Jungkook's eyes, though filled with pain, softened. He tried to smile, but the agony was evident in every feature. "Mi-mianhe," he said softly.

Hana's tears flowed uncontrollably. "An-dwae! An-dwae! Please, don't leave me!" she cried, her sobs shaking her body.

"Do you remember?" Jungkook asked, his voice barely audible. "Hana-ya, if someone hurt you, I wouldn't live. Look, I'm dying..."

Hana's heart shattered. She cried out in desperation, hitting the floor with her fists. "No, Jungkook, no! I can't lose you! I can't!"

Jungkook's expression grew more anxious. "Promise me one thing! Promise you'll live, you'll be happy. It's my order, Hana-ya. Promise me!"

Through her tears and pain, Hana tried to find a semblance of strength. "I-I will," she promised, though her heart was breaking.

Jungkook's face relaxed into a pained, yet relieved smile. "Hah, that's my girl," he said softly, his voice fading.

"Jungkook-ah," Hana called, her voice breaking.

"Ne?" he responded weakly.

"Don't leave me," she pleaded, her heart breaking with every word.

Jungkook reached out, taking her hand. "I-I won't... I pro—"

His sentence was never completed. Hana's heart stopped as she realized he was no longer breathing. The warmth left his hand, and his body lay still. She was paralyzed, her world crumbling around her.

Her eyes went heavy, and she closed them, her tears continuing to fall.


**One Hour Later**

Park Jimin arrived at the scene, summoned by his uncle, Mr. Park. As he entered the room, he was struck by the horrific sight of the two lifeless bodies. The realization of what had happened hit him like a ton of bricks.

**Seol Hospital**

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jeon, but your son is no longer with us. He was already dead when he arrived," the doctor informed Mr. Jeon, his voice heavy with sympathy.

"No, it can't be," Mr. Jeon's voice cracked with disbelief.

The Jeon family was devastated. Mr. and Mrs. Jeon were inconsolable, their grief overwhelming. They had lost their only son, Jeon Jungkook.

"Doctor, how is Hana?" Mrs. Choi, Hana's mother, asked anxiously.

"Who are you to her?" the doctor inquired.

"I'm her mother," Mrs. Choi replied.

"I'm afraid it's a police matter now. We need to inform the authorities," the doctor said solemnly.

"But what happened to my daughter?" Mrs. Choi demanded, her voice breaking.

The doctor sighed. "She was brutally raped, Mrs. Choi. Her body was severely weakened by the shock, and she's now in a coma. We can only hope and pray for her recovery."

The night was a living nightmare for both families, their hearts shattered by the loss and the suffering they had endured.

Hani, Hana's younger sister, arrived at the hospital, her face pale with shock. "Eomma, what's going on? This can't be happening," she cried, her voice filled with despair.

"That's all my fault, Hani. I didn't give her the love and care she needed," Mrs. Choi sobbed.

"Hani, is it true about Jungkook?" Hani asked through her tears.

"Yes," Mrs. Choi confirmed, her voice heavy with sorrow.

"I'm going to the police," Hani declared, her resolve firm despite her grief.

"Where are you going?" Mrs. Choi asked, her concern evident.

"To report this to the police," Hani said, her determination unwavering.


**End of Episode 8**

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