Episode 11

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It was mid night i was on my balcony watching the stars without blinking..

And then

"why you are awake hana?" eomma asked

"just like that" i replied

"umm you thinking about-"

"jungkook" i complete her sentence

"n-ne" she replied

"hana-ya may i ask you one thing?" she asked

"ne eomma" i replied

"it's while he gone when you will forget him? You are not that hana i supposed to know that, that hana was loud, short tempered, confident and proud but thi-" i didn't let complete her sentence

"but this hana is silent, cool minded, and important thing she isn't confident she just lost it, it won't be wrong if i say that she just lost everything"

"..." she remain silent

"you know eomma that hana was just jungkook's hana she was loud cause jungkook was silent, she was short tempered cause jungkook was cool tempered, she was confident cause jungkook was with her, and and she was proud cause she was a strong character girl but this hana isn't has pride jungkook's hana was pure but this hana isn't pure she is-"

Eomma hugged me tightly

" stop there hana-ya I'm sorry I'm sorry"

And that night we both cried, that was my life dark, silent and lonely........

Same night

Kim's mention

I was in my swimming pool my legs was in it, what pool was infront of my room well i can say that that was my room's part,,, i was drinking espresso and was thinking about someone,,,.....

"why didn't you came tae? We were waiting for you that was rude you said that you'll come" jimin suddenly came and rapidly said

"..." i remain silent didn't bothered to reply him

"are you even listening tae? I'm talking to you man! That party we arranged for you" he said and sat next to me

"i wasn't in that mood to come jimin-ah" i finally replied

He sigh

"you are changed tae? Totally changed!" he said

"and that's what you wanted, don't you remember you always told me to me 'get change tae get change' see I'm changed now" i said

"yea you are" i was staring in the blue water

"you know jimin-ah that's life that's fate,, you was right, you warned me but i didn't listen, aboji was right I'm stubborn and i was maybe i am" i told him

"taehyung-ah are thinking about-"

"Ahn ha na" i replied

"that's impossible you i thought you forgot her" he said

Well he was shocked, and that wasn't new for me

"she isn't change" i replied

"you-you saw her! When is she alright?" he asked in a different tone he supposed to hate her but that was strange

"do you care even i don't care about her" i replied with sarcasm

"you wh-what?" he asked

"ne! She was just like old hana damn beautiful, but three things has changed about her " i told him

"what is it?"he asked

" her hair are longer than before her eyes aren't shiny than before and her attitude isn't like before "i said

".... "he didn't say a single word

" well i don't care"i said

"I'm totally changed as you know but one things is totally changed jimin-ah you know what is it?" i asked him

"w-what?" he replied

"That i hate her and i won't forget that! Never in a billion years!" i replied

"taehyung-ah" he said

"well it's getting late I've lot of work tomorrow halaboji's lawyer called me tomorrow so I've a important meeting with him good night jimin-ah" and i left him there..

Jimin's pov

That's impossible she has come i hear that from somewhere else that she's gone! I still remember that incident, that night! Jungkook! Hana!

That night i called taehyung lot of time to tell him about what just happened with hana and jungkook but he didn't answered

And next day his mom told me that he's gone, last night he went to America she told me he wasn't in a good mood he was weird! Well after that i really tried to contact him and tell him about hana and jungkook but he didn't he changed his number and didn't bothered to contact us! And then i became busy with my family business and other stuff and forget about that incident but today taehyung make me remember that i wanted to tell him but i don't think so i should cause it's too late and i know that something was happened that night between them! And Hana is the cause of Taehyung's change! Something.... But idk what just happened between them 9 years ago with taehyung but that can't be as terrible that incident! I can't face hana! Poor one........

Ahn ha na's pov

One day i was walking to my house when suddenly some voices came a house that was jungkook's house eomma told me that his family went to busan after that incident when i go there, that was a girl standing and talking with someone on phone

She hang up and noticed me that i was staring her.... And then she ran to me and dragged me into the house and then she hugged me! Well that was surprising for me i didn't know her but i think she knows me.....

"hana eonni where were you i really missed you" she said while crying

"wa-wae? Who are you and what are you doing here? I'm sorry but i-i don't know you!" i confusingly asked

"eonni I'm sooyeon Jeon sooyeon, jungkook oppa's younger sister" she said

When she told me i hugged her so tightly cause that was his sister i really missed his family and i can smell his fragrance from her! After all she was his sister, she told me that they are living in busan,, eomma wasn't in good condition after jungkook so that house reminds him!

"so sooyeon-ah what are you doing here? In seol?" i asked her

"well i came here after 1,or 2 months to meet my friends and for clean this house" she answered

"can-can i go to jungkook's -"

"go eonni that's your room" she said she was really mature girl well she was 20 but she was mature.....

When i went to his room nothing was change,, everything was on it's exactly position, our pictures,, his clothes, his books! And then i sat on his study table i open his drawer and there was something

His diary, his personal one,,, i knew that writing a diary that's his childhood habit so i asked sooyeon to take it and she gave me permission.......

And that night i read it that was just about me every night he wrote about me! I didn't dare to read it cause that's hurts me so i closed it and i fell asleep

End of episode 11

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