Episode 29

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"mwoeyo?" hana asked

Taehyung took hands and placed them on his chest

"what's wrong tae? Gwenchanayo?" she asked

"hana-ya I'm going to America tomorrow" taehyung said

"..." she remain silent

"actually I've something important work there, you know that i lived there 9 years and I've a business there so I've to leave" he told her

"wh-when you'll come?" she asked

"i don't know maybe after a month? Or after more than that" he said

"go get sleep tae, you should take some rest I'll prepare your every stuff next morning" she murmured

"hana-ya I'm sorry it was just happened suddenly,,, but that's all for our good future you know right? I'll come" he said

"tae I'm tired please" she replied

Taehyung sigh....

"I'll miss you Kim Ha na, i promise that I'll be back, i won't leave you" he whispered hana was listening everything she was just pretending to be like that she's sleeping and taehyung fell asleep after sometime hana wasn't sleep yet she was just thinking about taehyung

'I don't know why I'm feeling weird when he said that he's going'

'why I'm that sad'

'why i feel frightened when he said that he won't leave me'

'jungkook also said that but he left'

'taehyung you are going to be my habit that habit i can't live without'

'idk what will i do after you please take care of your self tae you are really important for me'

Suddenly she felt like she is crying her face was full of tears she doesn't know that why she's crying? Then she started staring her husband he was sleeping really calmly

"these two boys sleep like babies" she mumbled

"idk why I can smell the fragrance of jungkook from you tae, what are you?" she murmured

She stare him and 'cute' she mumbled and kissed his cheek and hugged him.... And fell asleep


I was in a dark room it was really big i can see lot of men around me with guns!! I was feeling really afraid i was trembling so bad, sweating

"what's wrong? What I'm doing right here?" i shouted

And i can hear the voice of a man it was familiar for me

"get into the room"

And that made me more frightened it can't be happen again it can't be....

"andwae andwae andwae jebal jebal don't do that jebal i beg you jebal" i begged

"jungkook-ahh please come look you promised me you’ll protect me jebal yaaaa! Jeon jungkook where are you?" i shouted

I was crying, screaming so hard

And then min ho came closer to me and pushed me

"tchh you are so selfish Hana do you want him dead? Again? He won't come he's dead, he's gone get it?" he mumbled with a smirk

And after hear that i remember everything i was full sweat my whole body was trembling my lips were dry

And then i remember my last memories with jungkook he was in pain a huge one i can't let him in this.

"you can do anything with me" i said

And he smirked again

"let her in" he ordered

And then i heard a sharp voice

"Don't dare to touch her" at first i thought it was jungkook, he come back? No it can't be happen

"jungkoo-" i turned back but it wasn't him it was "Taehyung?" i said

"oh another lover i must say hana-shi btw who's he?" min ho asked

"aniya Kim Taehyung what are you doing here just go away you shouldn't come here, jebal go go go away from here" i shouted

"andwae i won't i can't take this anymore yaaa! Release her and first thing not a single finger arasseo?" he shouted

"tae-" i didn't complete my sentence and Min ho say something

"Kill him"

When i heard that i got frightened it can't be happen i loss jungkook i can't loss him Kim Taehyung

"andwae" i shouted


"andwae andwae andwae andwae andwae"

"hana-ya what's wrong? I'm here don't worry I'm here shushhhh" taehyung said

I looked at him, cupped his cheeks and started checking him

"taehyung are-are you fine? You shouldn't come there they'll hurt you, andwae andwae" i was sweating and trembling

And then taehyung hugged me tightly

"I'm totally fine hana-ya don't worry arasseo? No one can hurt me believe me, it was just a nightmare" he told me

"aniya it wasn't just a nightmare you can't go anywhere else, jungkook also promised me that he won't leave me but he left but you can't leave me i don't have anyone jebal kim taehyung jebal you just can't g-"

He pecked my lips

"shushh you are noisy kim ha na and so overprotective wife, and don't worry I'm not that old kim taehyung who can't do anything except studies but this kim taehyung can bang that man who put a little finger on you and I'm going America tomorrow araji?" he said but that's make me sad

"but tae-"

"with you" he said

That's make me amazed

"m-mwoeyo?" i asked while blinking my eyes

"haha ne you’ll come with me, you've to help me with my business in just that case we can come back here to korea" he said

"well that's not a bad idea I'll protect you my husband" i joked

He got shocked and laughed

"oh so this little girl will protect me my dear wife we are going America on a business purpose not on a secret mission" he joked back

And then we both laughed

And then he hugged me and helped me to sleep


don't know what's wrong with me why I'm being that caring about him? What is he? Why I'm feeling that same feeling when i was with jungkook? Who's he? He's just Kim taehyung i supposed to hate!!! Why he's like that? Why he loves me that much? That he made a huge decision after my nightmare he didn't ignore!why are you doing this to my poor heart Kim Taehyung? A girl can love two persons? Two men? Wait what did i say? Love? Is this love? Aniya i think it's just care and friendship... I shouldn't think too much......

End of episode 29

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