Episode 5

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After that i go to amusement park with jungkook he was i was wearing skinny jeans with a cool sweater and black shoes and jungkook was looking damn handsome cause he was wearing his favourite colour 'Black'
Black jeans with black shirt and black leather jacket on it and round glasses and he was looking damn hot but one thing was making me uncomfortable other girls they were looking on him life they didn't saw a handsome boy before...

"how many times I've to tell you that don't wear black!" i told jungkook in mad tone

Jungkook knew that i was mad cause girls

"jealous?" he teased me

"why should i?" i lied and that make him chuckle

"anyhow we should go to the roller coaster first" he suggested

"n-no you know kookie-ah i don't like i just came here for spend some time with you right?" i excused

"yea right no more excuses kaja"

And after that we did lot of rides and that make me sick and jungkook he was so happy like a kid and he was so fresh

"how can you so fresh after these horrible rides huhh?" i asked him

"i thing we take these rides again" he suggested again which make me scared

"n-no who are you? I don't know you, look people i don't know this man who is he?" i said like i was going to cry any moment

And he teased me like before....

Next day i was really down cause i was really anxious about exams and i was totally blanked thanks to jeon jungkook and hani eonni said that if i got bad marks she will punish me and i was also anxious about jungkook cause he was also blank! And we were sitting in our classroom...

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" i was crying like crazy

"aish why are you crying that's so embarrassing ha na-ya" jungkook said

"aniyo it's just because of you i told you I'm blank and i don't have any preparation of exams aaaaahhhh!" i cried more and more

"stop stop hana-ya we'll find a solution let me think" he said
And for some time we remain silent

"may i do something for you both if you don't mind?"

Someone said it was

"oh taehyung you" jungkook said

"yea I'm here while adjusting his glasses " he said shyly

"what do you wanna do taehyung?" i asked

"you said you didn't prepare your exam so i thought i can help" he suggested

And i thought it wasn't a bad idea after all he was topper of the class and he can help like our teacher

"i don't think so it's a good idea hana" jungkook murmured

"no jungkook we don't have another way he can help us! Please jungkook I'm also anxious about you we have to pass! And just he can help us" i begged him

"well i can't say no infront of you hana" he said

"yes that's my boy" i giggled

"so what's your decision?" taehyung asked

"umm i think you are right taehyung that will be good" i replied

"yes she's right" jungkook said

"okay them my house?" taehyung said

"your house?" i asked

"yes you can study in my room! Cause my family won't have any problem with that you know my family rules i don't have permission to go to my any other classmate's home!" he said embarrassing

Well that was embarrassing but we all knew that he's from a rich family and his family just aloud him to go jimin' s house cause Park and Kim's are friends btw so that's all and that wasn't a big deal....

" umm okay we don't have any problem then!" i replied

"okay then 4 o'clock pm?" he asked

"done" he said

5 o'clock

Me and jungkook went to his house damn that was huge like Palace i didn't know that he was living in that much big house! Firstly a lady open that gate...

"what can i help you? Miss and mister?" she asked

"aah we are here to meet taehyung we are his class mates" jungkook told her

"you are little master's friends i call him just sit here and wait" she said in really good manner well i was impressed

And after that an amazing and beautiful lady came! She was looking around her 40's but she was really beautiful really really classical!

We both bowed

"anneonghaseo" we both greeted her

"anneong what brings you here kids?" she asked

"umm we are here to meet taehyung" i said

"we are his classmates and here for study" jungkook said

"oh nice to meet you kids did Mrs. Smith ask you anything to eat?" she ask

"we are really thankful for your kindness mam but we are just here for study" i replied

And then taehyung and that lady came

"hey hana hey jungkook how are you? I'm so glad you came!" taehyung said

"Mrs. Smith that's so rude that you didn't ask anything to them" she said to her

And then Mrs. Smith bowed

"pardon lady my apologies" she said sorry

Well that wasn't a big deal but you know these rich families

"and taehyung you didn't tell me that you have that beautiful and handsome friend" after that me and jungkook both blushed

"thank you mam you are more kind and beautiful" i said

"haha! Thank you dear and taehyung just get them to your room! And study hard kids!" she said

"and mrs. Smith make something for them araji?" she ordered

"ne mam" she bowed

And then taehyung lead us to his room his house was amazing and i was really impressed from his family

"taehyung?" i asked

"mmm?" he replied

"who was she?" i asked

"she's my eomma!" he replied and wow his mom is so different from mine

And we did study hard

Taehyung's pov

I was really happy that hana came to my house i didn't expect that they'll come but one think bothered me 'jeon jungkook' i just wanna spend my time with hana.....

"well taehyung your family is really well mannered i really like your family you are lucky" she said and that think made me curious that she's so innocent she actually don't know anything about the mess about my family actually only a guy lucky that is jeon jungkook who has a little loving family yes i know him since 4 years and the most important thing which made him that was hana he has her! Every time every moment! He is lucky!

"yea thanks!" i replied

End of episode 5

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