Episode 24

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Days passed but taehyung and hana didn't talked much after that hana didn't dare to talk rudely to him, which was really bothering him and one he texted her that they both have to go to a business party, and he told her to be ready, and she got ready she was wearing black wide frock which was down to her knees she was looking really beautiful and then taehyung came...

He was also in black, and he noticed it and then he noticed it

"i don't want to say that but you are looking good i mean beautiful" he said

"Gomawoyo" she replied

"don't get me wrong that's all cause me, cause you are living with me, you came to know that how to be good" he said

She smiled and said

"ne Mr. Kim how can you be wrong? It's this can be happen? Huhh? Well don't you think we are getting late? Mr. Kim?" she asked

While he was staring her with open mouth

"ah-ah n-ne i was exactly gonna say that kaja" he said

Then they both went there

Everyone were familiar to her cause she knows his all business partners and friends she was standing with him when someone tapped on taehyung's shoulder

"Taehyung-ah is that you?" jimin asked

"ne" he answered

"i thought I'm watching a dream beautiful one" he taunted

"stop annoying me park jimin" he said

"anyhow how are you?" jimin asked

"I'm fine you?" taehyung asked

"I'm good, oh hana-ya you are also hear, well congratulations to both of you for your wedding I'm sorry i was busy that's why i didn't came to my best friend's wedding" he taunted him again

"stop it park jimin you are bothering" taehyung said

"anyhow I've to go, see you soon, take care hana" and then he left

Taehyung was drinking his cold drink cause he doesn't like drinking

"Taehyung i think you should go to those people i will sit somewhere else" hana whispered

"what you think, Mrs kim don't you remember last time what did happened? And i can't want any mess so I'm here" he said

"fine" she replied

"Good" he replied

"Hey Taehyung, after so long time" a man shouted

But i know every person who's related to taehyung but i didn't see him before, he was with a man and i know him 'Jung hoseok?'

"Yea long time hyung, i didn't know that, you are in Korea these days" taehyung said

"ne i came here for some important cases" he said

"Mmm crazy about your work" taehyung replied

"ne Taehyung who's that lady with you?" the man asked

"ehh she's my Wife Kim Hana recently we got married hyung, didn't hoseok hyung told you?" taehyung asked

"ye-yea he told me i just forgot that well don't you wanna introduce your hyung with your beautiful wife?" he asked

"m-mianhe hyung, Hana-ya he's Min yoon gi, he's the main inspector of Secret Agencies, and he's encounter specialist" taehyung said

And after hear that hana's facial expressions got changed

"woah woah woah taehyung-ah are you introducing or scaring your wife from me?" he shouted

"hahaha i was kidding hyung,, hana he's really good friend of me first I met him in America" he said

"Oh Nice to meet you Mr. Min kim hana imnida" she bowed and greeted him

"I think I'll fall for her" hoseok said while placing his hand on his heart

"stop it hyung it won't work stop it" taehyung said

"mianhe taehyungie i was joking" hoseok answer

"Hey guys the music is so lovely everyone is dancing, with his partners, and hoseok hyung are came here with your noona right kaja, go dance with her" jimin said

"Yaaa! Park jimin I'll kill you i know i don't have any partner but I'll dance with my beautiful noona so I'm going Yoongi-yaa kaja" hoseok said

Min yoon gi shook his head like he has allergy from women

"aishh i know you won't go so Taehyung and Hana come you should dance, everybody wanna watch this Adorable couple with same colour of dresses" hoseok teased him

"Aishh jinja? Hyung! You are so annoying" taehyung answered annoyingly

"well I'm going, as you see park jimin is enjoying this night, so come kids" hoseok said

"you go first hyung we are coming" taehyung replied


After sometime they were both looking around here and there didn't bother to talk

"ahh Do you wanna dance?" taehyung said shyly

She remain silent for some time but then nodded, and then both went to the dancing area, taehyung placed his hands on her waist and took her left hand, simply they made a dancing position, and then they started dancing

Kim Ha na's pov

We were dancing at that time, i was totally forgot where am i? Or what's happening he was spinning me around this place to another but lightly, well he is really a good dancer i must say, but suddenly i went to my dreamland


I'm so happy that I'm dancing with him, he's too good in it

He is looking really handsome, he is looking at me with love and care

"i must say Mr. Jeon jungkook you are really a good dancer" i whispered and that's made him chuckle

"hmm well you know I'm good in everything" he answered proudly

"huhh in everything please pinch me, you are just good in this" i said

And then he tightened his grip on the waist and looked into my eyes

"I'm good in another thing should i show you hmm?" he teasingly asked

He came closer to me with smirk


"Yaa! Stop it i won't do tha-" and and then i came back in reality he wasn't with me, how can it be happen? He's gone

"wae? Hana?" taehyung asked

I remain silent but then i said

"An-aniya i was just, ahh I'm tired Taehyung i can't dance, more I'm going" i said but suddenly he hugged me tightly i tried to release myself from him, i pushed him but he was strong

"Tae-Taehyung please release me i said I'm tired" i said

"Shushh hana, stay still,,, just be like that for a moment" he mumbled

And that night i can hear the fast heart beat of his heart, i know that man who was infront of me, who's suppose to be my husband, who really loves me, but i can't Make you happy Kim Taehyung i can't forget him, and i don't know why i saw jungkook in you, he can't be i think that was just fairy-tales that's it yea, and then we came back, and he didn't forget hug me while sleeping cause that doctor ahhhh

End of Episode 24

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