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Aries POV (my zodiac sign)

"Where the heck is that social studies book!!" I yell to myself. I sigh as I stop looking for it. I hear a knock at my door. "Come in!!" I yell. "Hey." Pisces says. "Hey." I say. "I came here to return the social studies book you let me borrow." "WHAT?!? I let you borrow it?!?" I ask. "Yup." She says and hands me the book and then walks out. I sigh.
I'm Aries, a female and usually seen as loud and outgoing. But it's not always like that. I'm sometimes very forgetful. I only remember something if I want to. As you can see I didn't wanna remember that I let Pisces borrow my social studies book. THAT I NEEDED BECAUSE I HAVE A SOCIAL STUDIES TEST TODAY!!!! But anyways enough about me.

Pisces POV
"Hey Leo." I say to  him as I stop in front of him. "Hello Pisces. What do you want?" He asks. "Nothing just wanted to say hey geez." I say and walk off.
I'm Pisces,a female usually seen as sensitive but I swear I'm not!!! I just express my feelings a lot. Which I know many people do not care but whatever.  Also a little thing to know  about me is that I kinda sorta like Leo. But everyone thinks I'm crazy for thinking a fire sign and a water sign can work together.  As you can kinda see Leo isn't a big fan of me. He just doesn't like me for some reason but that doesn't stop me from having a crush on him.
(Author speaking:ill do more introductions later but let's get to the story.)

Aries POV
I walked into the social studies classroom and sat next to Pisces. "Hey" She says as I sit next to her. "hi." I say and open the social studies book. "Whatcha doing?" Pisces asks.  "Studying because I didn't get a chance to because I let you use my social studies book." I say and sigh. "I'm sorry." She says. "It's ok." I sigh and look up from my book. Ugh it was Sagittarius. You may think that pretty much all of the fire signs are suppose to get along but not really. Me and Sagittarius sorta used to have feelings for each and we would make out sometimes but we never really confessed that we really liked each other. Then after that we just stopped hanging out and now it's just awkward when I see him. "Hey Sagittarius come sit by Aries!!" Pisces yells to Sagittarius. "Shut up." I turn and whisper to her as I see him walking up to us. "Hey Pisces." He says to her. "Hey." She says. "Aries." He says. "Sagittarius" I say. The teacher walks in. "Everyone have a seat!!" The teacher says. Great,Sagittarius sat next to me. Now how am I suppose to focus during this test. "Put all study guides,books, notes away because we are taking our social study test today." The teacher says. My heart started beating fast because I was nervous and knew I was going to fail this test. "Hey Pisces since you studied can you give me some of the answers!" I whisper yell to her. "You know I don't cheat Aries." Pisces says and starts her test. "I can help you." Sagittarius said to me. I turn and look at him. "How can you help me you probably didn't even study." I say to him. "Actually I did and I'm a pro a cheating." He says. "Fine." I say. He gave me a slip with the answers and I used it. Thankfully I didn't get caught. Then class ended. "Well I gotta go to Art class now. I'll see you guys later." Pisces says to me and Sagittarius. We say bye. "Hey um thanks for helping me on the test." I say to him. "No problem. Anything for my favorite girl." He says and walks off. Anything for my favorite girl. Those words repeated in my head for a good 5 minutes. Ugh he's such a player but I still like him. I sighed  and decided to go to the library so I could find Capricorn. My boy best friend. Right as I walked in I saw him. "What brings you to the library Aries. I know you don't study." He says. I laugh. "I know but I need some advice. So I came to you because you give the best advice." I say to him and sit down at the table he's sitting at. "Talk." Capricorn says. "Well you know how I like Sagittarius." "Yes" He says. "Well should I confess to him?? Do you think he likes me??" I ask. "Hell yeah he likes you." "He's just to afraid to admit it." Capricorn says. I sigh. "I'll talk to him." He says. "But he doesn't like you." I say. "And that's why it's perfect for me to tell him. The people that you don't like get in your head the most." He says and walks off. I sigh.

Capricorn POV
I knew exactly where to find Sagittarius. Of course he was at the gym. I walked into the gym and saw him. I got on the treadmill next to him. "Hey Sag." I say to him and start jogging on the treadmill. "What do you want Capricorn?" Sagittarius asks. "To talk about Aries." I say. "What's wrong? Is she ok?" He asks. "She's fine. She just wants you to know that she likes you and wants to go out with you," I say. "I can't." He says. "Why?" I ask. "Because I don't like her like that." He says. I get off the treadmill and so does he. "Sagittarius,I know we aren't the greatest of friends but I know damn well you like Aries. Just tell her." "I can't because I don't want to break her heart." Sagittarius says. "You won't. If you love someone dearly you cannot hurt them. Especially Aries because I know that she has an impact on you." I say. "Fine I like her. But I don't want you to tell her. I'm gonna tell her." Sagittarius says. "When?" I ask. "Tonight. Tell her I'll be at her dorm at 8pm tonight." He says. "Deal. Bye Sag!" I say and walk out.

Aries POV
*KNOCK KNOCK* I heard a knock at my door and got up and got the door. "Hey Sagittarius I didn't expect to see you here." I say. "Didn't Capricorn tell you I was gonna be here at 8." He says. "No" I say and let him come inside.  "What's up?" I ask him. "I like you Aries. Like I really really like you and Capricorn told me that you wanted to go out and I think that would be a great idea." Sagittarius says. I sat there in shock. "Wow um really he said that?" I ask. "Yeah. It's true right?" He asks. "Yes it is. I like you too. I always have. And I think going out with you would be great." I say to him. He stayed quiet for a moment and then kissed me on the cheek. "Well how about Friday at 7." "Im down." I say. He nods. "Goodnight Aries." He says. "night" I say and he walks out. I swear I couldn't sleep all night because of him. But it was a good thing because I could think about him.
Author:I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know this was just mainly Pisces,Capricorn,Aries and Sagittarius but I promise the next chapter it will be some of the other zodiac signs too!! Also if you think that the personality's don't match with the zodiac signs feel free to let me know.

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