twenty three

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(Aries POV) (12pm)
*KNOCK KNOCK* Please don't let it be Capricorn. I opened the door and it was Leo. "Oh thank god it's you." I say and sigh. "Who else would it be?" He asks and walks in. I shut the door. "Capricorn is back." I say. "What? Why?" Leo says. "I don't know!" I say and sit down. "This isn't gonna mess up what we have is it?" He asks. I look down. "No. Why would it?" I say and look at him. "I don't know." I sigh. "So why are you here anyways. It's lunch time." I say. "I came here to ask you to be my girlfriend." He says. I smile. "Of course." I say. He walks over and kisses me. "Good. I thought you were gonna say no there for a second." "Why would I?" I ask. "Because Capricorn is back." Leo says. "I really couldn't care less tho." I say. He laughs. "Good. I'll cya in class." He says. "Alright bye." I say. He walks out and shuts the door behind him. I said I really couldn't care less that Capricorn is back but I do care. LIKE ALOT. Like I don't want him to find out because if he does it's gonna be all bad. I sigh and put my face in my hands. I really wish Capricorn wasn't back.
(Libra POV)
"How's Scorpio?" I ask Gemini. "She's alright. She's ready for the baby to come though." Gemini says. I laugh. "I feel for her." I say. Gemini nods. Scorpio was lucky to be with Gemini. I would say he is probably the nicest guys. I'll never forget that day that we kissed. He probably forgot. Like I should have but didn't. Not a lot of people can say they kissed their crush. So I should be lucky.
(Virgo POV)
"So me and Aries are now dating." Leo says. "That's great. I'm happy for you bro." I say. "Thanks. I just hope Capricorn doesn't find out." Leo whispers to me. "We all hope that." I say. Leo laughs. I laugh too
(Capricorn POV)
"Too late. I already know." I say. I didn't mean to ease drop on Leo and Virgo. But I heard Aries name. I can't believe she's dating him. I thought me and her would get back together. But I guess not. I walked to her dorm and knocked on the door. She opened it. "Hey Capricorn." Aries says. "Don't hey me. Really Leo?" I say and walk into her dorm. She shuts the door. "What about Leo?" "You're dating him!" I say. "And? Me and you broke up!" She says. "I still love you." I say. "Well I don't feel the same way!" Aries yells. "I know you do Aries." I say and grab her hand. She snatched it away from me. "No I don't!" She yells. I push her against the wall. Our faces were basically touching. "Yes you do." I say and kiss her. She pushes me off her. I kiss her again. She then kicked my private area. "You bitch!" I yell. "GET OUT!" She says. I slap her across her face. She stood there in shock. I then walked out. Really? She had to date Leo?
(Leo POV)
I was sitting at the table with Virgo. We were currently in science class. I was just waiting for Aries to come. I looked at the door and saw Capricorn. He looked pissed. He then started walking towards me. "So you decide to steal my girl huh?" He says. "She's not your girl anymore." I say. "Go fuck yourself Leo." Capricorn says. "Fine I will. Now can you leave me alone." I say. "No." He says. He punched me right in my face. I stood up and started punching him too. Of course he was a little bit stronger than me but I dodged his punches. Virgo then spilt us up. The teacher came over and sent us to the principal's office. Here we go again.
(Aries POV)
I can't believe Capricorn slapped me. I knew he had anger problems but hit me? Really. I put some makeup over the bruise so no one would see it. I walked into science class. "You're late." The teacher says. "I know." I say and wallow to Virgo's table in the back of the class. "Where's Leo?" I ask. "He got in a fight with Capricorn." Virgo says. I sigh. "This is my fault." I say. "How? You should be able to date whoever you want whenever you want." He says. "If only I would have told him myself. None of this would have happened. If I wouldn't have kissed Leo none of this would happened." I say. Tears started to fill up in my eyes. I hate crying in front of people but I was just done. I was tired. I was drained. Physically as mentally. Virgo put his hand on mine. "Don't blame yourself." He says. I sigh. I got up and walked to the teacher. I told him how I didn't feel good mentally. Surprisingly he let me go. I walked back to my dorm already crying. I hate crying. It showed my weak side. I got into my door shut the door and fell on my bed. That's when I really started crying. Tears fell down my face like they never had before. A few moments later someone knocked on my door. I hoped it wasn't Virgo. I hoped it wasn't Capricorn. I hoped it wasn't Leo. Shit I hoped it wasn't anyone. I opened the door to see Cancer. "Hey you okay? You looked kinda sad walking down the hallway." She says. "Oh no I'm fine. Just tired." I say in a happy tone. "Alright. Get some sleep." She says and walks off. I shut the door. I won't be getting any sleep anytime soon.
(Pisces POV)
"Aries was crying in class today." I say to Scorpio. "Why?" She asks. "I don't know. Probably because Capricorn and Leo got in a fight. It was a good fight though!" I say. Scorpio laughs then sighs. "I truly feel for Aries. She has it rough right now."  Scorpio says. "I know. I tried going to her dorm but she didn't answer the door. I hope she's okay." I say. "Me too." I say.
(Aquarius POV)
"Aries crying? No fucking way." Taurus says. "Yes fucking way. Leo and Capricorn got into a fight and I'm guessing Virgo told her what happened." I say. "See Virgo should have just kept his mouth shut and let Leo tell her what happened." Taurus says. "I guess you're right." I say. "I'll go and check on her later." She says. "I'll come with you." I say.
(Aries POV)
I got knocks on my door all day. I didn't open them. One,because I couldn't move and two,I didn't wanna hear anybody's sympathy. I just didn't wanna hear it. The only person I wanted to hear it from was Leo and he hasn't come by yet. Just then I hear a knock on my door. I ignored it because of course it wasn't Leo. "Aries open up. It's Leo." He says threw the door. I smiled at the sound of his voice. I got up and opened the door. We just stared at each other for a moment. I tried not to cry but then tears went down my cheeks. He walked in and hugged me. I shut the door and walked over to my bed. "I heard you didn't open the door for no one." Leo says. "I opened it for Cancer and you. That's it." I say. He sighs and hugs me. "This isn't your fault. Capricorn is just a bitch and doesn't wanna see you happy." Leo says and hugs me. I wrap my arms around him. "I just feel like it's my fault. I should have told Capricorn myself." I say and sigh. I look down at the hands. "Hey. Don't beat yourself up. It's over now." He says. I sigh. "Yeah. You're right." I say and kiss him. He kisses me back. "One of the foreign exchange students are having a party tomorrow night. Everyone is going. I want you to come with me." Leo says. "I'll come." I say. Leo smiles. I force a smile on my face.

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