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(The next day) (Aries POV)
It was currently 10am and I just woke up. I also forgot how beautiful the house at Zodiac Headquarters is. This is what my room looked like⤵️

I yawned and got out of bed and went downstairs

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I yawned and got out of bed and went downstairs. I could smell my mom cooking breakfast. "Good morning sweetheart." My mom says. "Good morning." I say back. "I made you some breakfast. I also can drive you to school if you want." "Thank you. I would appreciate that." I say. She nods. "I'll be in the living room waiting for you. I also left an outfit on your chair in your room." My mom says. "Ok." I say and start eating breakfast. After I was finished I went upstairs and put on the outfit she had out of me

 After I was finished I went upstairs and put on the outfit she had out of me

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i mean I wasn't surprised by the outfit tho. I loved it. I forgot how well my mom knew me. I put it on and decided to wear my hair down. I walked downstairs. "I'm ready." I say. "Alright lets go." My mom says.
(In front of the school)
"Alright have a good day. If Capricorn is being a bitch slap him." I laugh. "Yeah don't worry I will." I say. "Alright. Bye" She says. "Bye." I say and get out the car.
(Scorpio POV)
"I can't believe Capricorn went off on Aries like that." I say. "Yeah. Me too. He really loves her too." Gemini says. "True. But he was being such a bitch just because she was helping Sagittarius." "That was a bitch move right there." Gemini says. I laugh. "You got that right." "We should get to class though." He says. I nod. We left our dorm and started walking to class. On the way there we bumped into Aries. "Hey Aries." Gemini says. "Hey guys." She says. "How you holding up." I say and put my arm around her. "I'm good I guess. I don't really wanna go to this class and see Capricorn though." Aries says. "I know. Don't worry if he says anything I'll beat his ass." I say. "No that would be unfair for a girl to fight a boy. I'll do it." Gemini says. Aries laughs. "I'm thankful for you guys. We nod.
(In English class)
"Alright class today you will be partnering up because you have a project today." The teacher says. The whole class groans including me. A project? Really. This is like the 10th project we've done this year. "Do we really have to do this?" I ask the teacher. "Yes Scorpio it's worth half of you grade."! I groan. "I will be coming around with the sticks. You pull one and whoever's name is on it that's your partner."
(Aries POV)
I swear if I get Capricorn..... I pulled the stick and got Sagittarius. Whew. I got up and sat next to him. "Hey." He says. "Hi." I say. He looked beat up pretty badly from last night. "Did you sleep?" I ask. "No. I couldn't." He says. "I can tell. You look tired." I say. "Wow thanks for pointing it out." He says sarcastically. I laugh. Capricorn looks at me. I saw he was working with Libra. I rolled my eyes at him. "So this project you will be making a poem of your choice. It can be about anything you want it to be. Be creative and don't steal from others!" The bell rings. "You wanna work on it at the library?" Sagittarius asks. "Not really. I don't wanna see anybody." I say. "We can work on it at my dorm." He says. "Alright cya later." I say and walk off. "Bye." Sagittarius says.
(Taurus POV)
I was currently at my dorm skipping a few classes until social studies. Because I basically hated every other class but that one. I was cleaning around my dorm because Aquarius is a fucking slop. Ugh he makes me sick sometimes. But I still love him. "Hey Babe." Aquarius says and kisses me on the forehead. "Hey. What are you doing here?" I ask him. "Just came back to get freshened up." He says. "Oh. When you get done for the day can you clean up your mess that I've been cleaning?" I ask. "Yeah yeah I'll do it." He says. I roll my eyes. "I don't understand why you're so lazy." I say under my breath. "What did you say?" Aquarius says. "Why are you so lazy! I have to do everything around here it's like you don't even live here." I say. "I said I'll clean when I get back." He says firmly. Then he walks out. I've never seen him like that before. What the hell is wrong with him!!
(Leo POV)
"Leo wake up." I hear a voice say. "Leo wake up!!!" I open my eyes. "Mom?" I say. "No silly. It's me." I blink. It was Pisces. "Hey." I say and yawn. "Are you still having dreams about your mom?" Pisces asks me. "Yeah. I think it's because I saw my dad the other day." I say. "He's just so different without her." I sigh. "People losing their spouses changes them." She says. I nod. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class." I say. "Shouldn't you be in class?" Pisces says. I laugh. "Alright you got me." I say and kiss her. "I did go to class earlier and I'm about to go back now. I better see you in last period." She says. "You'll see me." I say. "Good." She says and walks out.
(After Classes) (Libra POV)
"So what's going on with you and Aries?" I ask. "Nothing." Capricorn says. "There is something going on. Talk." I say. He laughs. "Ok bossy." He says. "I guess I got kinda jealous when she was taking to Sagittarius. And when she hugged him" Capricorn says. "You know Aries loves you a lot. She would never go back to Sagittarius." I say. "You think so?" "I know so." "What should I do?" He asks. "You need to go talk to her!!" "Yeah you're right."
(Aries POV)
*ring ring* I looked at my phone to see Capricorn was calling. "what's up?" I say. "Hey I need to talk to you. Meet me at my dorm." He says. "Fine. I'll be there." I say and hang up. "Who was that?" Sagittarius asks. "Capricorn. He wants to talk to me." I say. "Alright.
(At Capricorn's dorm)
"Hey." He says as he opens the door. I walk in.  "What do you want?" I say. "I want to apologize for the way I acted last night. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have screamed at you like that."  Capricorn says. "That really hurt me. The way that you screamed at me." I say and look down. "I know. I don't know what came over me. I'm really sorry." He says. "I accept your apology. Just don't do it again." I say and look away from him. "Thank you." Capricorn says and hugs me. I hug him back. He kisses me. I kiss him back. "Look it's getting late. I should go." I say. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow." Capricorn says. "Cya." I say and walk out.

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