twenty eight

478 13 3

(Cancer POV) (Thursday)
I woke up tired because I didn't get any sleep last night. I was to busy thinking about Virgo. Sometimes I'm such an idiot. Fighting about dumb stuff with him. If I was him I would have left me. I sigh. "Virgo wants you to come see him." Libra says as she walks into the room. "I am gonna go see him." I say. "Good he missed you yesterday." She says. I smile. I hope he's doing okay. I feel kinda guilty about not being at the hospital last night but if I was there I probably would have cried. I got dressed,ate an apple and left.
(At the hospital)
I walked into the hospital room and saw Virgo laying down with his mother by his side. "Hello Cancer." She says as I walk in. Virgo turns and looks at me. "Hi." I say. "I'll let you two speak alone." She says and gets up. I smile at Virgo and go stand by his side. "How are you doing?" I ask. "I'm fine. I wish you would have came last night." He says with disappointment on his face. I sigh and start walking around the room. I usually hate hospital rooms but this one was so peaceful and nice. Maybe because it was Virgo's room and I knew he wasn't gonna die. "I know. I just needed to think over something's about myself." I say. There was silence for a moment. "I understand." Virgo says and runs his finger threw his hair. He looked so tired. "You need to get some rest." I say and put my hand on his cheek. He sighs. "I couldn't. This bed isn't very comfortable." He says and shifts around on the bed. I laugh. "Well I'll come back later and visit you. I got class." I say and walk towards the door. "I love you." "Love you too." I say and walk out.
(Libra POV)
*KNOCK KNOCK* I sigh. This has been like the 3rd time someone has knocked on my door! I opened it and see Gemini. "Hey." He says. "What's up?" I ask. "Can we talk?" Gemini says and walks in. "Uh can it wait until later?" "I actually gotta say it now." He says and sits down on the couch. I sigh. "Ok..." I say and sit down next to him. "I like you." He says. I pause for a moment. I laugh. "What?" I say. "How is that funny?" He asks. "Because. I'm not used to people liking me." "Sagittarius likes you." Gemini says. "I know. But that's different." I say and look down. "You can't like me. Scorpio." I say. Gemini sighs. "I know but i like you." He says. i sigh. "i couldn't do that to scorpio." I say. "alright" Gemini says and walks out. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings. But I can't do that to Scorpio. She's pregnant. I don't wanna be the one to mess up there relationship. I would forever hate myself. And I don't wanna hate myself more than I already hate myself.

(This is short cuz I'm losing inspiration for this story!! I'm gonna try to keep going though)

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