thirty two

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"Hey Scorpio's water just broke and everyone is on there way to the hospital!! Come on!" Cancer says. "I think I'm gonna pass" I say. "Why?" "You know she doesn't like me." "She doesn't like me either but I'm still going." Cancer says. I pause for a moment. I sigh. "Fine let's go." I say and grab my jacket. A smile comes across her face and we walk out of our dorm.


"How do you feel man? You're a few minutes away from becoming a father!" Virgo says. How do I feel? "Nervous." I say. No let me rephrase that. NERVOUS AS FUCKKKKKKK! What if I mess up this like I basically mess up everything else in my life. I almost messed up my relationship with Scorpio. What if I mess up my relationship with my own child? I snapped out of my thoughts as the door opened. It was Cancer and Libra. Everyone else was already here. I waved to them. Surprisingly Libra waved back even though I was a bitch to her yesterday. Sometimes she's too nice. The nurse then walked in. "Is your dad here yet sweetie?" The nurse asks. "He's not gonna make it." Scorpio says. "Okay. The doctor will be in soon." The nurse says and walks out. A few minutes the doctor finally walked in. "Alright the maximum people I can have in here is 3. So ma'am pick 3 people you would like to keep in here." The doctor says and walks over to the counter to put on gloves. "Aries,Pisces and Gemini." She says. We all go by her side. I was on her left side. Pisces and Aries were at her right. The doctor then started the procedure. Scorpio then grabbed onto me and Aries hand. And when I say grabbed I mean GRABBED. It hurt but hey I had to man up. He then finally finished and the baby was crying loudly. Is this how all babies are? Come out crying? Like shut up. I'm just kidding!!! "It's a girl!" The doctor says and gives the baby to Scorpio. "She's beautiful just like you." Pisces says. Scorpio smiles.


Wow. That really just happened. Hurt like hell. But I was holding my baby in my arms. It felt amazing. The doctor cleaned off the baby and then gave her back to me. "Do you have a name for the baby?" The doctor asks. "I just need the first name for now." "Semini." I say. "Aw so cute" (author speaking:yes I know that name is wack. I will probably change it in the future so don't come for me!!) the doctor wrote that down and then walked out. "Look at those hazel eyes!" Aries says and touches Semini's hand. Semini then grabbed Aries finger. "She likes me." Aries says. Me,Gemini and Pisces laugh. "Hey go out and get the others!" I say. Pisces walks out of the room and goes and gets the others. They then all walk in and fill up the room.  "Hey little baby. You want a chip?" Taurus asks Semini. "Taurus! She's a baby!" Virgo says. "So?" Taurus says. I laugh. "Look at those eyes. They look like yours Scorpio." Libra says.  I nod. She smiles. "So what's the gender and name?" Sagittarius asks. "It's a girl and we chose to name her Semini." I say. "Cute name." Cancer says. "Thanks." I say. They all hanged out at the hospital with me for a while. Then eventually they left. I had to stay overnight because I'm still young and they want to make sure that I'm okay.


"How does it fee to be a father?" I ask Gemini as we walk to the elevator. "It feels good." Gemini says and presses the button. "That's good. I'm glad you and Scorpio made up." I say and follow him into the elevator. "What if we didn't make up. How would you feel?" He asks. "Sad because you guys are having a child together and you don't get along." I say and look down. "I asked you how you would feel. Not think." Gemini says. I look at him. "That doesn't matter." I say. He rolls his eyes. "Alright." I walk out of the elevator. "Don't stay up to late. You look tired." I say. "Okay mom." Gemini says. "I'm glad you called me your mom because you can't like your mom." "I could make an exception." He says and steps closer to me. "Goodnight." I say and walk away. I hear him sigh from behind me.


"Seeing Scorpio have a baby makes me want one." I say and hug Aquarius from the behind. "Ha your very funny. We're too young." He says and turns around and kisses me. "Hey they did it!" I say and follow him to his room. He lays down on his bed. I lay down next to him. "Scorpio didn't have to keep that bay. She chose to. "I know." I say and kiss him. He kisses me back.


"Pretty boy still flirting with you?" I ask Libra. She was at my dorm for the night. "No." She says without taking her eyes off the tv. "Good because you're mine." I say. I then wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She laughs. "Is that so?" She asks in a sarcastic tone. "Yes." I whisper in her ear. "Thats good to know." Libra says. I roll my eyes. I forgot about sarcastic Libra. I liked her though. She kinda turned me on. I then started to kiss her neck. "Hey I'm tired. I don't feel like making out tonight!!" She says. And then we have sleepy Libra. I just ignored her and kept kissing her. "Sagittariussssss." She says sounding annoyed. I laugh. "Fine." I say and stop kissing her. She then flipped over and faced me. "Why'd you stop?" She asks. "You wanted me too." I say. "I was just kidding." Libra says and sticks her lip out. I smirk. I forgot Libra can be wishy-washy sometimes. I then started kissing her again.

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