thirty four

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It was 7am. No where near time for me to go to class. I had class at 11. Ughhh. I hate when I wake up this early. It's unnecessary and annoying. Me waking up early gives me more time to overthink. I got up from my bed and put on some leggings and a loose shirt. I decided I would go for a walk or a jog. Which ever one I felt like doing. I decided to jog around the track. As I jogged I thought. I thought deeply. Mostly about me and Aries friendship. How it would never be the same. I guess it kinda changed when the Leo situation happened. I guess sometimes things just change. For the better or the worse. I don't know which one it is though. "Hey." Someone yells. I look at the bleachers to see Aries. I get off the track and walk over to the bleachers. "Hey what are you doing up so early?" I ask and sit down next to her. "Thinking." She says. "Me too. Well I'm always thinking. You know me." I say. She chuckles. "Thinking about what though?" I ask. "I don't know. Some places where I went wrong." Aries says. I don't say anything. I know what she's referring to. We both stay silent. "I'm sorry Pisces. I really am. About the whole Leo situation. It was really and still is really shitty." She says. I look at her. She had tears flowing from her eyes like a river. This was a surprise because you will hardly EVER see Aries cry. That's how you know she was hurt. She was a very guarded but friendly person. If you ever saw her cry that means she was hurting. "Aries I already told you I accept your apology. You made a mistake but I forgive you for it." I say and put my hand on top of hers. She wipes her eyes. "I know. I just miss our friendship." "I miss it too. It won't be the same but I still miss and want it." Pisces says. Aries then smiles. I smile and then hug her. Wow. The things that can happen at 7am.


"Hey baby. Are you ready to go home?" I ask Scorpio as I walk into the hospital room. She had her clothes on already. "Yes. I hate staying in hospitals. They creep me out." She says. I laugh. "Well let's go. Where's Semini?" I ask. "Didn't I tell you? They have to keep her at the hospital for a little bit. She's super small so they have to make sure she grows." Scorpio says. "Oh. How do you feel about that?" "I guess it's whatever. If they need to keep her here I guess I'm fine with it." "Let's go see her." I say. Scorpio nods. She grabbed her bag and follow out behind me. Soon we entered the room where all the babies were. We then found our baby, Semini. "She is small." I mumble. "I know. The doctors said she will most likely grow." Scorpio says. "What if she doesn't. What will happen?" I ask. "Let's not think about that." She says and walks out the room. "But I wanna know!" I say and follow behind her. She laughs.


I walked back into my dorm from that talk with Pisces. It was a good talk. But I just felt guilty. Guilty for the shit I did. I hated apologizing but this time I had to. Because if i didn't it wouldn't feel right. I walk into my room and see Leo still sleeping. I walk over to him and try to wake him up. "Leo. Wake up. You're gonna be late for class." I say. He groans. "What time is it?" He asks. His voice was raspy. "After 9:30. I told you that you shouldn't have stayed out late with Virgo." I say and walk out the bedroom. He yawns. Then a few minutes later he came out of the bedroom. "I made up with Pisces." "I thought you guys already made up." Leo says. "No not really. We REALLY made up this time." I say. "That's great babe. How do you feel?" "Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders." "That's good." He says and wraps his hands around my waist. "I hate seeing you sad." Leo says and kisses my cheek. "You will rarely see me sad though." "I know. But when I do I don't like it." He says and kisses my neck. "Come on you gotta get to class." I say and push him away. "Or I could stay here...with you." "I'm gonna be leaving soon too you know." I say. "But you aren't leaving right now." He says. I roll my eyes and then kiss him.


"Hey longtime no see." I say and sit at the table with Libra. We were in science class. "Hi Sagittarius." She says. "So where have you been. You've kinda ghosted me." I say. She chuckles. "I didn't know the player gets hurt too." Libra says and rolls her eyes. I could tell she was upset about something. "You know I'm done with my player ways. You know maybe I'm just friendly. Everyone calls me a player but what if I'm just being nice and the girls think I'm hitting on them? Have you ever thought of that?" I say. "No. Because you CHEATED on Aries. Basically played her. I'm not trying to get played." She says. "Mhm. Yeah that's definitely what this whole situation is about." I say and look away from her. "Then what is it about! You tell me!" "Wait what is that on your neck?" I ask and look at her neck. "What?" She says. "That looks like a hickey." I stutter out. "Yeah one that YOU gave me." Libra says. I could tell she was lying. "You know you were kissing my neck the last time we hung out." She says. "I know but not hard enough for me to give you a hickey." I say. And then. Then something just clicked in my head. "Gemini." I say. She looks away. "Gemini." I repeat. "It doesn't matter who it is." "Yes it does! You call me a player but he's playing you." "He loves me!" Libra yells. "IF HE LOVED YOU HE WOULDN'T BE WITH SOMEBODY ELSE!" I yell. The classroom went quiet. The teacher even looked at us. Libra didn't say anything. I got up and walked out of the classroom. Yeah I took it to another level but I really didn't give a fuck. She pissed me off. But for real if Gemini really loved her he wouldn't stay with Scorpio. He has a fucking kid!!! Come on now.

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