thirty five

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I know today was already gonna be a long day. It was only 10am. Which I'm usually up at this time but I'm just chilling. Not being pressured into picking a college. They say I'm qualified for all 3 so I just have to pick one. But isn't it too early? I know my Mom just wants the best for me but come on. I'm already starting to fall behind in my classes because of this. I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror. Come in Cancer you can get through the day. You can do it. That's what I thought to myself. But was it true? I have no idea. Just then someone knocked at my dorm door. I walk over and open it. It was Virgo. "Hey." I say. "Hey your Mom is in the lobby waiting for you." He says. I sigh. "Alright thanks for telling me." He nods. "What's wrong you look stressed." Virgo says and hugs me. He then walks into my dorm. I shut the door behind him. "And your dorm! A mess!" He says. I chuckle. "I know. I have been stressed lately. Libra is staying with her Dad right now so I just haven't had the time to clean up." I say. "I'll clean up for you." Virgo says and smiles. "Really?" I say. "Yes." "Thank you so much." I say and kiss him on the cheek. "I gotta go though I'll cya later." "Cya. I love you" "love you too." I say and walk out.

"Took you long enough!" My mom says as I walk up. She then laughs. I laugh and then roll my eyes. "Let's go look at colleges!!" My mom says excitedly and walks out the front doors. I sigh and follow behind her. "Yay." I mumble.


I was currently staying with my dad because yesterday was too much. I just needed a break. A break from everything. Away from everyone. My dad was always working so I was alone most of the time. Which was a good but bad thing. Just then I got a text.

Sagittarius ♐️: I'm sorry about yesterday. I took it too far. I was just hurt. I just wanna know if you're down for me or still love Gemini.
Libra ♎️:I don't know yet.
Sagittarius ♐️:well let me know when you know. I think we should break off whatever is gonna on between us if you aren't sure.
Libra ♎️:okay.

I sigh and turn off my phone. I couldn't be upset with Sagittarius because I did hurt him. I'm a really shitty person. I sigh and then groan. Just then my dad walked in. "You have a vistor" My dad says. i sigh and then get up. I walk out front onto the porch. It was Gemini. I sigh and then sit down next to him. "Hey." Gemini says. "hey what's up?" I ask. "i wanted to come check on you. Cancer told me that you were with your dad." He says. "Oh I'm fine. I just missed my dad and wanted to see him." I lie. He nods. "Well im glad. I thought something happened." Something did happen. But of course i wasn't going to tell him. I mean he didn't ned to know. It honestly didn't matter because Sagittarius apologized. "When are you coming back to school?" Gemini asks. "I don't know. Maybe Friday." I say. It was Wednesday. "Alright. Scorpio is back." He says. "Oh. Well that's good." I say trying to hide my hurt. Just then his phone started ringing. "Hello?" He says and puts the phone by his ear. "Yeah I'll be back in a bit. I'm with my dad." I sigh. "I love you too. Bye." He says and hangs up. "Scorpio?" "Yeah. I gotta go." Gemini says and stands up. I stand up too. "I'll cya Friday." He says and hugs me. "Cya Friday." I say.

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