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(Gemini POV) (10am)
"Scorpio wake up." I say and shake her. "Scorpio!" I say again. She punches my shoulder. "Ouch. that hurt." I say. She yawns. "Sorry I was having one of those fighting dreams." She says and laughs. I laugh too. "You gotta get to class." I say. "Fineeee." She says and gets up. I kiss her on the forehead. "What about you?" Scorpio asks. "I have to go the principal's office because my dad is coming for the parent conference and I have to be there." I say. "Alright. I'll cya later." She says. "I love you!" I say and walk out. I'm pretty sure my grades and behavior were good so I wasn't really nervous about the conference.
(In the principal's office)
"Thank you sir for coming in on such short notice." The principal says. "No problem." My dad Gemie says. "Now let's talk about Gemini's grades. His grades are above average which is good." "That's amazing." My dad says and looks at me. "Yeah it is." I say. "As for your absences Gemini I will excuse most of them because of your grades." My dad looks at me. I try not to make eye contact. "Have you been hanging out with anyone that puts a bad influence on you?" He asks. "No." I say. "Are you sure because I see you hanging out with Scorpio and she has a history." "And? I'm helping her become a better person. And if I am absent it's never because of her." I say starting to get annoyed. "Gemini I understand that but sometimes you have to put yourself before others." I look down. "Gemini he's talking to you." My dad says. "Fine I understand." I say. "Alright good." The principal says. "Well thank you for setting this up but I have to get back to work."  My dad says and gets up. We say goodbye to the principal.  "You know he was right." Gemie says. "About what?" I ask. "About Scorpio I don't want her putting a bad influence on you." "Dad you heard what he said my grades are above average a little bit of absents aren't gonna mess me up." I say. "Fine." My dad says and walks off. I can't believe he really thought Scorpio was putting a bad influence on me when she wasn't. I walked into my classroom. "Gemini nice to see you're finally joining us." My teacher says. "I was at the parent conference thing." I say and sit down next to Scorpio. "Well I wasn't informed that you would be going." "Maybe that's because you and your boss don't communicate like you used to." I say lowly. The class laughs. "Anyways." "So how did the conference go?" Scorpio asks. "it when pretty good. But the principal thought that you were putting a bad influence on me." "Of course he would think that. Classic." She says. "I know but you're not a bad influence on me." I say and put my hand on her thigh. "Good." Scorpio says.
(Libra POV) (At Dorms)
I open the door. "Oh hey Sagittarius." I say. "Hey. Uh Cancer wanted me to bring this over here for her." He says. "Oh well come in." I say and he walks past me. "Wow I never knew your guys dorm was so clean." "Yeah Cancer is a clean freak." I say and roll my eyes. He laughs. "I can tell."  "Hey me,Virgo and Cancer are gonna go see a movie tomorrow night you should come." Sagittarius says. "Maybe. I might have some homework to do." I say and walk him to the door. "Alright well text me and let me know if you can come by tomorrow." "I will." I say. "Alright bye." He says and winks at me. I roll my eyes. It seemed like he was flirting but I didn't really care.
(An Hour later)
"Heyyy I'm back." Cancer says as she walks in. "Hey. How was your date with Virgo?" I ask. "It was great. I hope you didn't mind I told Sagittarius to come over here to drop off some of my papers." She says. "Oh no it's fine. It seemed like he was kinda flirting with me though." I say. "Well probably I mean everyone else in the zodiac has a boyfriend or girlfriend. You guys are bound to date" "I don't know he's not really my type. My type is-" "I know I know. gEmINi!!!" Cancer says. I laugh. "Oh shut up. I wasn't gonna say that but I just feel like he flirts with a lot of girl I mean you see what he did to Aries" I say and get into my bed. "Hey maybe he's changed. But if you do wanna date him you gotta make sure he's down for you." She says. "I know. Goodnight." I say and yawn. "Night." Cancer says.
(Virgo POV)
"You okay Leo?" I ask. "Yeah I'm good." Leo says. "Are you and Pisces dating again?" "Yeah. But I can't get Aries off my mind." "Well you better or else Capricorn will come over here and beat your ass again." I say and laugh. He laughs too. "Oh shut up. I had the last hit!" He says. "Ok that don't mean shit!" I say. "Eh I guess."

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