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(Author speaking:Do NOT take this chapter offensively. This is for Scorpios because yes I am making Scorpio a little be emotional and dark. But yes I know not all Scorpios are like that. My sister is a Scorpio and she isn't very much seen as dark as emotional.)

Scorpio POV

"Scorpio wake up." I hear my roommate Gemini say to me. He pulls my arm and I hit him hard. "Damn no need to get violent." He says. I laugh  "Aw you laughed." Gemini says. "Shut up." I say and get up and go to the bathroom.
I'm Scorpio,a female. I'm mostly seen as mean and cold as stone. Which is true. But not all the time. Mostly the only person I smile or laugh around is Gemini. Does that mean I like him? No it doesn't. But anyways in this school you can chose to share a dorm with someone but I didn't have a choice because of my behavior. I've gotten into to much trouble this year so they gave me a roommate. They were going to give me Libra but I said hell no because I don't like her. So they gave me Gemini. And the school doesn't like a boy and a girl sharing a dorm but they made an exception for me.

"Hey you ready to head to class?" Virgo asks me. "Nah I'm skipping today I don't feel like going. Also because I have 3 classes with Pisces today and I don't wanna see her." I say to him. "Bro you know she likes you. You should cut her some slack!!" Virgo says. "Virgo. If I cut her some slack and actually have a conversation with her she's gonna think I like her and I don't. I don't even like her as a friend." I say. "Why?!?" He asks. "I don't wanna talk about it!!" I yell. "Fine." He says and walks out.
I'm Leo,a male and I'm usually really nice to my friends but as you can see I don't like talking about Pisces. The reason why I don't like her is because something happened bewtween me in her in freshman year. Now it's our junior year. I used actually like Pisces. Like,like her as more than a friend. We've dated before but it was on the low so no one really knew. Then to come to find out she cheated on me with a new student that eventually moved. And now she has a crush on me again but I will NEVER EVER date her again. No one knows about this either.

Aquarius POV
"Come on Aquarius we have to get to class!!" Taurus yells at me. " I can't go." I say. "Why?" She asks me. "Because I have classes with Pisces and you know I get hella nervous around her." I say putting the covers over my head. "Dude come on just get up it won't be that bad. I'll be with you most of the day." Taurus says dragging me out of bed. I sigh. "Fine. But if I make a fool out of myself I'm coming right back here." I say. "Okay." She says
I'm Aquarius,a male. As you can see I was a little bit stubborn about going to class today because I'm afraid to see Pisces. It's just her beautiful blue eyes intimidate me so much. If you can't tell I like Pisces. And every single time I see her it's like my heart just stops. That sounds cringe but it's true. I've never really had time for a relationship it I feel like now I do. But I know probably 100% Pisces doesn't like me.

Capricorn POV
"I can not believe me and Sagittarius are going on a date!!! Eek!!" My Girl best friend Aries says. "All thanks to me." I say and get up from my bed and brush my hair. "Yup. I can't thank you enough Capricorn." Aries says. "No need to thank me. That's what friends are for!!" I say and hug her.
I'm Capricorn,male I tend to focus on my school work a lot because I want to get into a really good college. But as you can see I could basically be a therapist because people say I give such great advice. Do I? Eh. I don't think so I just say what comes from my heart. Crazy right? All that can come from my heart? Yeah no one is gonna believe that.

Aries POV
"Now come on Capricorn we gotta get to class!!" I say to him. "Alright I'm ready." He says and walks out of the bathroom. "You look good." I say. "You don't look too bad yourself." He says. I slap his arm. "Shut up." I say and laugh. He laughs too. We walked out of his dorm and walked to class. Which class was pretty far away so we talked most of the way but then I was thinking about how I have a date with Sagittarius Friday. And for some weird reason I always thought me and Capricorn would end up together but I don't like him like that. But in pass I have. And I once told him how I felt about him and he said he didn't feel the same way. But I felt it. I felt that he did feel the same but hid it from me. So now we are best friends. We've been best friends since that has happened. A few people say we should date like Pisces,Taurus and Scorpio but nope. We don't look at each other like that. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone say my name. "Aries." "Hey Sagittarius." I say to him. "Hey." He says back. "Capricorn." "Sagittarius" Capricorn says and walks off. "Hey you walking to class?" He asks. "Yeah. I got science sadly. My least favorite subject." I say and sigh. "Same I hate science. But lucky for me I got English!!" He says. "Lucky you!!"I say sarcastically. He laughs. "Your cute when you act sarcastic." Sagittarius says. "Hmm really? I thought I was cute all the time." I say and look down and pretend to be sad. He chuckle. "Your savage Aries,you know that?" He asks. "Yup And I've known it since the day I was born." I say. The bell rings signaling class to start. "Shit!"Sagittarius says. "We're late!"I say and start running. He runs behind me. We approached his classroom first. "Bye Sag! I say. "Bye." He says and walks into his classroom. As I walked into mine all eyes were on me. "Your late Aries." My teacher says. "Sorry." I say nervously and sit next to Capricorn. "Hey what did I miss?" I whisper to Capricorn. "Hella notes for this test we got coming up. But don't worry I'll help you study." He says. "Thanks." I say to him and face the board.

Aquarius POV
"Ok here she comes,act natural!" Taurus says to me. "Ok." I say. "Hey guys." Pisces says. "Hey Pisces you look pretty today." I say. "Thanks Aquarius." She says and her cheeks turn a little red. "Hey have you seen Gemini today?" Taurus asks. "Yeah he's with Scorpio down by the cafeteria." Pisces says. "Ok I'll be back."' She says and walks off. "Well we ware probably gonna get in trouble for being late." Pisces says. "Yeah so we better go in there." I say and open the door to the class. "Hey it's so nice for you to finally join us!'" The teacher says sarcastically. Me and Pisces sit in the back of the classroom. Ugh I hated Math class so much. At one point it got so boring that me and Pisces decided to count how many ceiling tiles there were. "I counted 219." She says. "Same." I say and look at her. "This class is so boring!" Pisces says. "I know right." I say back. "Hey you free after our last class of the day?" She asks. "Yup." I say. "We should go and get some food together." Pisces says. "Ok that's great! It's not a date though right?" I ask nervously. "No just to friends trying to get to know each other better." She says nervously and looks away. "Cool cool." I say.
(At the end of the day)
Me and Pisces went to Starbucks and got coffee and some snacks. It was fun because she was really funny. And cute. Did I say she was cute? Oops I guess I did.
(At the dorms)
"Well Pisces that was fun we are gonna have to do it again one day." I say to her. "Yeah for sure" She says and hugs me. I hug her back. We pull away and just stare at each for a minute. God she was so pretty. I was about to say something but then she kissed me. Then I kissed her back. We both pulled away. "Well Aquarius I'll see you tomorrow." She says. "Yeah um uh tomorrow." I say nervously. She laughs. "Your cute." Pisces says and then shuts her dorm door. I chuckle and then walk on back to my dorm.

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