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Aries POV

Ughhh. Monday morning. The thing I dreaded the most. I hopped up out of bed. Capricorn left probably this morning and went back to his dorm. I brushed my hair,ate got dressed. You know the usual. I was already running late so I hurried out of my dorm. I walked into the classroom taking deep breaths. I hate this class. Science. And we have a fucking test today!!! As I was internally screaming in my head I sat down next to Pisces and Scorpio. "Did you guys study for the test?" Pisces asks. "Fuck no. I slept all day until we did the thing yesterday." Scorpio says. "I didn't study either. I just watched Netflix all day." I say. "Well. Be lucky this isn't the end of the year test. Because you guys would fail." She says. "Yeah Pisces we know." Scorpio says. The teacher eventually walked in. "Alright class!!! Be quiet because we are about to start our test. Put all notes away." The teacher says. I didn't have my study guide with me so I didn't have anything to put away. The teacher passed out the test and I immediately knew that I was gonna fail. I possibly maybe got 3 right. There were 20 questions. A few moments later Capricorn came in. "Your late." The teacher says. "Yeah. Sorry." He says and sits down in his seat. The teacher gave him the test and he started. He looked like something was wrong. I guess I'll find out after class.

(After class)
I totally bombed that test but I don't care. I was worried about Capricorn. Right as the bell rang he was the first one out the door. I ran up to him. "Hey babe." I say. "Hey." He says not looking at me. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing." Capricorn says. "Capricorn tell me what's wrong!!" I say. "Fine. Sagittarius came up to me out of nowhere and decided to punch me in the face. And of course I beat his ass. He said that's what I get for stealing his girl. Aka you." "What the hell. Why is he such an asshole." I say. "Good question. He says. "Well did he get in trouble?" I ask. "Yeah. He got suspended for 3 days. I just have detention for 3 days." He says. "Well that's not that bad." I say. Then the bell rings for next period to start. "Well I'll see you at lunch." says Capricorn. "Bye." I say and he walks off. I was so pissed right now. I WAS NOT SAGITTARIUS' GIRL! I sighed. I now had Art class next with Gemini and Taurus. I walked into the classroom and Gemini automatically knew I was mad. "What's wrong Aries?" He asks. "Sagittarius decided to punch Capricorn in the face because I'm his girl." I say "ugh. Sagittarius. Such a bitch." Taurus says. "Yeah." I say. "Well did Capricorn beat his ass?" Gemini asks. "Of course. Sagittarius got suspended for 3 days." I say. "Good. At least we get a break from that asshole." Taurus says. "Yes but I just wish he was still here so I can beat his ass." I say. "You know that wouldn't be a good idea. If Sagittarius even laid a hand on you Capricorn would beat his ass again." Gemini says. "But he wouldn't do that because Aries is his girl apparently." Taurus says. "I don't even care anymore. When he gets back I will be having a talk with him." I say and put my head down. The class started.
(Leo's POV)
My dad was coming to visit me today. I can't even remember the last time I've seen him. I wasn't very pleased to see him because he always has some bullshit to say about me or my lifestyle. But I guess I'm just going to have to put up with it. I was currently suppose to be in second period right now but I was excused because of my dad coming to visit me. As I was walking down the hallway to meet my dad out front of the school I bumped into Pisces. "Hey where ya going?" She asks me. "My dad is coming to visit me." I say and hug her.  "Oh ok. Have fun." Pisces says. "I wouldn't count on it." I say and walk off.
(At the front of the school)
"Leo. It's so great to see you." My dad Leonardo says. "Great to see you too dad. What brings you here?" I ask. "Do I have to have a reason to be here? Can't I just come to visit?" He asks. "No because you always have something to say about me or how I live my life!" I say. "Now Leo,part of that is true but the last time I was here you were technically depressed. I just came to see if you were happy." My dad says.  "I am happy now. So you can leave."  "Well I find that hard to believe. I would say a girl made you happy but who would want to date you." He says. I scoff. "For your information i do have a girlfriend. Her name is Pisces." My dad gasps. "Pisces?? The daughter of Piscean." He says. "Yes." I say. "You dating a water sign. Lord that must be hard. Water signs are so emotional." "She isn't as emotional as you think. And dating her isn't hard." I say. "Well I'm glad you found love. You know I always thought you would never love anyone again. You know after your mother died." My dad says. "SHE KILLED HERSELF BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE TALKING OF HER" I yell. "Leo I am not the reason your mom killed herself. She had lots of things going on in her life and that fight that we had before she killed herself just topped it off." "So technically it's your fault." I say. "No" He says. "You know what this conversation is over. Goodbye" I say and walk back into the school. My father had no nerve to be talking of my mother like that. Maybe he might have not been the whole reason why she  killed herself but he's half of the reason. I walked to lunch slow so my face could dry so people couldn't tell I was crying. I wiped my face off and then entered the cafeteria. "Hey Leo." My buddy Virgo says. "Hey." I say. "What's up man?" He asks. "My dad." I say. "Hmm so that asshole came to visit you." Virgo says. "Yup. He said somethings to piss me off so I'm just trying to stay low today." "Alright I got you bro.
(Scorpio POV)
I was currently waking to lunch. I skipped first and second period so I decided to go to lunch and the rest of my classes. "Hey Scorpio." Aries says to me. "Hey A." I say. "You know where Gemini is?" I ask. "He got in trouble in art class so I'm pretty sure he has lunch detention." She says. "Alright." I say and go get lunch.

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