twenty six

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(Pisces POV)
"Capricorn wanted me to tell you that he's sorry for slapping you." I say. "Yeah right." Aries says. "He truly is." I say. "You talked to him?" She asks. "Uh yeah I did. I hope you don't mind." "You talked to the person who physically abused your friend?" She says. "He didn't mean it! His anger just got the best of him. I say. "Pisces I don't want to hear  it. If you want to talked to him go ahead I don't care." Aries says. "Why are you upset? I'm letting you date Leo!!" I yell. "Well it's not like he hit you or anything!" She yells. I sigh. "Fine you're right. He said he was sorry I don't know what more you want from him." I say and walk out. As I walked out I bumped into Leo. "What's wrong with you?" He asks me. "Nothing but why don't you go find out why your girlfriend is hiding secrets from you!" I say and walk off.
(Leo POV)
"What happened between you and Pisces? And why did she say you're hiding something from me?" I ask. "That bitch." Aries mumbles under her breath. "I'm not hiding anything. She's just mad over something stupid." Aries says. I look at her and cross my arms. "Yeah right. Just tell me." I say and sit next to her. "Capricorn slapped me and then she tried to say that he was sorry." She says. "He slapped you? I swear that bitch can never learn from the past." I say. "Don't go and get in a fight with him. I don't even care about it anymore." She says. "I'm not gonna get in a fight with him. I'm going to talk to him." I say and walk out.
(At Capricorn's Dorm)
"Leo? What are you doing here?" Capricorn asks. "To talk to you." I say and walk into his dorm room. "What's up?" "I don't appreciate how you slapped Aries. You should never put your hands on a woman." I say. He sighs. "Yes I know. My anger got the best of me. Of course I will never do it again." Capricorn says. "You better not." I say and walk out.
(Gemini POV)
"Hey Libra. You look nice." I say. "Oh thanks. I'm going on a date." She says. "Oh really? With who?" I ask. I mean I didn't really cared who she went on a date with but at the same time I did. I guess I kinda like Libra. I don't know. "Don't make a big deal about it." Libra says. "I won't!" I say. She rolls her eyes. "Sagittarius." She says. I was surprised. Sagittarius? Really? No way. "Well good luck with that." I say. "What do you mean good luck?" "Come on. It's Sagittarius. He can never settle down. I mean only with Aries." "So you're saying I'm not as good as Aries?" She asks. "No I mean you're better than Aries. I mean." I sigh. She looks at me with a strange look on her face. "Are you trying to tell me something?" Libra asks. My heart started beating. No. I wasn't gonna tell her how I felt. Because I knew what she would say. You are gonna be a father soon Gemini. I can't date you. It's wrong. My dumbass had to get Scorpio pregnant. Now if I leave her I'll seem like an asshole. Which sometimes I can be. But not to girls. I sigh. "What I'm trying to say is just don't get to attached to him. He might hurt you." "He won't." She says. "Have fun." I say. "I will." Libra says. I walked off.
(Sagittarius POV)
"You look good man." Capricorn says. "Thanks." I say. "You nervous?" He ask. "No. I'm never nervous. I know this date is gonna go good and we'll probably end up dating." I say. "Alright bro no need to brag." Capricorn says and laughs. To be completely honest I was nervous. I tried my best to be calm. It was hard. I mean I haven't dated anyone since Aries. It's been a while. I forgot what's it's like to be in a relationship. I tried to remind myself of the times I had with Aries. I sigh. "Well I gotta go." I say. "Alright." Capricorn says. "You better be out of my dorm by the time I come back!" He laughs. "I will." Capricorn says.
(Aries POV)
"Come on Aries I think you should just go talk to Pisces." Leo says. "Fine."  I say and get up. I walked to Pisces dorms and knocked on the door.  She opened it. "Hey I'm sorry about earlier I over reacted." I say. "I know but I shouldn't have tried to get you to except Capricorn's apology." Pisces says.  "I accept your apology." I say. "I accept your apology too." She says and hugs me.
(Virgo POV)
"You like her?" I ask. "I don't know. I think I do." Gemini says. "You think. You probably do like her if you can't get her out of your head." I say. "But the thing is I don't wanna like her. I love Scorpio. I can't just leave her when she's pregnant. I'll look like an asshole." He says and sighs. "I don't know bro try to hide your feelings that's all I can say." I say and get up. I yawn. "You tired?" Gemini asks me. "Yeah. Cancer made me stay up with her half the night to study. I love her but god I can't do that again." I say and fall on my bed. Gemini laughs. "Alright I'll let you get some sleep. Peace." He says and walks out.
(An Hour later)
"Virgo wake up we have to study!!!" I hear Cancer say. Please Leo come save me from this hell. You know since he's my roommate? "Cancer you have to study. Not me!" I say and put the pillow over my head. "But I want you to help me." She says. I yawn. "Cancer I can't. I'm hella tired. Why don't you get Taurus to help you." I say. "Fine. I just wanted to spend more time with you since our schedules changed and we don't have many classes together." She says and walks out. Of course she slammed the door because she's dramatic. I understood where she was coming from but I'm just so tired.  I yawned and went back to sleep.
(Scorpio POV)
"Where have you been?" I ask Gemini as he walks in. "Oh I was hanging out with Virgo." He says and walks over to me. He hugs me. "Sureeee." I say and roll my eyes. "What? You think I'm cheating on you?" He asks. I laugh. "Yes I do think that." I say. "Wowwww ok. Who do you think I'm cheating on you with?" He says sarcastically. "Libra." I say. Don't get me wrong me and Libra made up but I still don't trust her fully. "No fucking way. Me and her are just friends. Besides she's going out with Sagittarius." He says and sits down on the couch. "And? That doesn't mean anything." I say and cross my arms. "Scorpio I'm not cheating on you. I would never do that." Gemini says. "If you say so" I say and lay down. I hear him sigh. I mean I had to ask him. Me and him just haven't been spending a lot of time together. He was been hanging with Libra. He did says she was going out with Sagittarius.
(Libra POV)
"How did your date go?" Cancer asks. "It was actually really good. Sagittarius was super nice and respectful." I say. Cancer smiles. "Well that's good." She says. I sigh and sit next to her. "But you know Gemini was acting funny earlier." I say. "What do you mean by funny? Because you have to remember he's a two faced bitch." Cancer says. I laugh. "No he wasn't acting like a bitch. He was acting like he needed to tell me something but he didn't want to" I say and play with my bracelet. "Needed to tell you what?" She asks. "I don't know. That he liked me?" I say and look down. "I don't know Libra. I don't think that's the case. You know he loves Scorpio." "I know." I say and sigh.

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