2. You're an asshole, but I love you.

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" Oi what are you doing after school? " Ben asked his friend who was currently beating up a vending machine. " My fucking money! " He yelled out of frustration making some heads turn while passing by. The machine finally gave his snicker and he couldn't be happier he turned around and saw two girls staring at him in horror. " What? " He asked them and they both quickly walked away. " Come on dude, if you keep being like this in public you will never get laid. " Ben said seeing that his friend didn't really care about that. " Whatever. " Joe said as he rolled his eyes throwing the plastic in the bin and walking away. " So what were you asking? Sorry I don't listen that much whenever pigs try to talk to me- " Joe joked but Ben slapped the back of his head having him groan and rub it in pain. " What are you doing after school? Probably nothing since you don't have friends. " Ben laughed. " I DO, I have.. Gwil, Lucy, Rami, you- " He was still counting on his finger but Ben cut him off. " Who said I was your friend? " At this point Joe knew Ben was being an annoying prick and trying to make him angry. 

Joe glared at Ben having a whole dark aura around him. " If you won't shut up I will fucking- " Joe raised his hand but soon he felt someone standing behind them so he didn't want to continue that sentence. " Being violent again Mazzello? " The deep voice said. Joe turned around in horror. " W-would never Sir. " He smiled angelic. " He slapped me sir. " Ben said laughing quietly when the teacher turned his head towards Joe who was currently backing off and looking like he wanted to disappear and also probably kill Ben. " I- I swear sir I certainly did not. We were just being great friends! You know Ben, always loves making jokes. " The brunette said as he walked towards Ben and threw his arm around his friends shoulder. The man looked at the two boys infront of him smiling as if they were the sweetest children out there. " Hm, okay. " He said as he walked away. Joe's arm moved from Ben's shoulder to his neck really quick putting the blonde into a headlock. " And Joe- " The man who was already walking away suddenly said making Joe let go of Ben and him quickly standing straight up. " Yes sir? " He said hands behind his back. " Did you finish that assignment already? " Joe nodded. " Yes. " The teacher only nodded and turned around walking away. " You fucking bitch. " Ben said pushing Joe slightly. " Not my fault, you were being annoying. " The boy said walking away.

After school ended Joe always used to stay with Gwilym and Rami in the library to ' Study '.

" Gwil- I bet that I can climb up the bookshelves, open up that broken tile on the ceiling and crawl to another class. " Joe said looking at the taller one clearly trying to focus on reading a book. " No. " Gwil said not looking away from his book. " What?! Why not? It would be cool tho. " Joe claimed already getting up. " No? Joe that's ridiculous not to mention extremely dangerous. " Rami now looked up from his phone at the two boys. " What happened? " He asked looking at Joe folding his arms as if it was a toddler not getting his candy. " Joe wants to climb that bookcase to open that broken tile on the ceiling and crawl his way through the Air-Vent like a psycho! " Gwil said putting his face in his hands. " You forgot that I could watch other classrooms. " Joe added and Gwil looked up making him shut up and look down. Rami was about to answer but Ben entered the library yelling: " Guys! " But the other students shushed him. " What's wrong? " He asked when he arrived at the table where his friends were sitting. " Joe wants to crawl through the Air-vent- " Rami started explaining but Ben cut him off by clasping his hands. " Great idea. " He said and Gwil let his head fall onto the table sighing. " Ofcourse. " Rami looked at the taller one looking devastated. When Rami looked back at the two boys they were trying every possible way to get themselves up. He couldn't be mad at that he just laughed.

Ok so this wasnt anything special it was more how ben and joe's friendship is meant to be in this story. i hope you can see that their friendship is based on love/hate since they annoy eachother 24/7. 🗿

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