8. Hold me closer.

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" Okay I will be collecting homework now. " The teacher called as he started walking from the first desk to the second one. " Wait, we had homework? " Ben asked looking up from his phone. You could hear Joe face-palming himself from the other side of the room. " Yes Ben but I guess I don't need to check yours since, when did you ever finish the homework I gave you? " The man asked as he passed him by. " Well I can't help it that I suck at math. " Ben said pouting. Joe didn't even notice himself staring at his friend from across the room until he got cut off by the teacher standing infront of him. " I-I am sorry sir I didn't finish it. " Joe protested weakly. " I thought we talked about this Joseph? You would make your homework more often right? " Joe leaned back growing more tense as everyone was looking at him. " I was. Busy, yesterday. " He stuttered. " Well, it's because I know that you're good at math's so I will see this through. " He said as he left. When Joe turned his head he saw Ben trying to hold in his laugh. ' Fuck you. ' Joe mouthed. ' Yes please. ' Ben mouthed back getting a middle finger in return.

When the bell rang and Joe could finally call it a day he and Ben got called by the teacher making Ben groan out of frustration. " I've been thinking about it- "  He began but Ben cut him off. " Not long enough, bye- " He said as he turned around but Joe slapped the back of his head. " Thank you, Joseph. " The man said continuing. " Since Ben is not that good in math, I thought you could tutor him? " Joe's eyes widened. " NO. " Ben shook his head. " I'm not doing that. " The teacher sighed. " Joe if you do that I could make your grade go from 80 to 90 percent. And for Ben, you won't be able to finish this year with that kind of grade you have with math. " He was right, it would be a good thing for both of them since Joe really wanted his grade to go higher so his parents would finally be proud of him. 


" Dude I am really not into this at all. " Ben said as they walked to their apartments. " I fucking know but what else do you want? To actually spend 3 whole years on this school? And by the way my grades need to be perfect. " Joe said as he opened his door. " Yeah since when did you become a whole ass nerd. " Ben asked falling down on the couch. " I did not and my parents, you know? " Joe trailed off grabbing a caprisun out of the fridge. " Oh yeah. " Ben remembered now, the first time he met Joe he already got an odd feeling from Joe's parents. They were never really paying any attention to him so that was also the main reason Joe spend more time in Ben's house since his mom treated Joe as if it was his own child. " Okay let's start. " Joe piped up when he put down the empty cap of caprisun. " Or we could- " Ben started scooting closer but Joe stretched out his arm trying to keep distance. " Ben stop we need to study. " He said but Ben put his hand on Joe's waist making Joe weak. " Come on. " He tried as he started poking Joe's side. " NO if you are going to start tickling me I swear I will knock you ou- " Joe warned but Ben saw his opportunity and started tickling him making Joe burst out laughter. " STOP. " He yelled in a high pitched tone laughing uncontrollably. " P-PLEASE. " He didn't know how he ended up on his back with Ben between his legs but it just happened. 

Ben didn't stop ticklimg him trying to dodge every punch or kick from Joe. The latter was too weak to push him off and when Ben finally calmed down he realized their position. ' Should I kiss him? ' Was the only thing going through Ben's mind but when he saw Joe's tongue dart out and lick his own lips he just couldn't resist and bend down. Soon they moved on from innocent kissing to making out and Ben wanted to test the waters by grinding his hips downwards. Hearing Joe let out a sound in the back of his throat as his jaw went slack. He took it as a positive reaction, but the kiss turned sloppy as he kept grinding carefully, pulling tiny sounds of pleasure out of Joe's mouth. For a second Ben thought to stop dry humping his Best friend but Joe wasn't pushing him away or anything, no he did the opposite. Joe spread his legs more to give Ben more room and continue.

Their moment got cut off when there was a knock on the door. They almost jumped off the couch. When the knocking kept going on Joe stood up groaning. " Yeah yeah. " He said as he opened the door. " Do you still hate Ben? " Gwil asked as he walked inside. ' Fuck. ' Joe thought. He forgot he ranted about Ben being dumb and stupid when he ignored Joe. " You hate me?! " A voice called from the couch. Gwil obviously didn't know Ben would be there but it was also no surprise since Ben was more at Joe's place rather than at his own. " Had a good sleep? " Gwil spoke as he sat beside Ben while looking at the brunette still standing at the door. " Your hair is sticking out everywhere. " The taller explained when he saw that his friend didn't understand anything. " Oh, y-yeah. You could say so. " Joe answered looking down trying to hide his red face. The silence that grew between them was awkward and Gwil definitely noticed. " Did.. something happen? " He asked raising his eyebrow looking at the two. " Nope. " Ben said popping the ' p ' and standing up walking towards the kitchen.

 " Alright then, well anyways I just came by to check if you were okay. " Gwil said standing up and walking towards Joe. " Yeah it's okay. " Their voices dropped really low to almost whisper because Joe didn't want Ben to know he was ranting to Gwil about the fact that he was drooling over the new girl. " Okay, well gotta go I will talk to you later. " The taller said placing his hand on his shoulder. It was just too intimidating for Ben to see his two friends this close and whispering to each other so he just had to clear his throat making the two stop talking. Gwil turned his head looking at Ben. " We need to study, remember? " Ben asked looking at Joe making Gwil turn his head again towards Joe. " You two study? " But soon he got pushed towards the door by Ben. " Yes now if you don't mind I need to keep my grades up so bye Gwil have a nice day. " He said as he closed the door.

" What was that for? " Joe asked looking at the back of Ben's head who was walking towards the couch again. " We need to study. " He claimed again. " I thought you didn't wanna study? " Joe was really confused now because Ben was actually acting weird and it creeped him out. " Well now I really want to study so come here. " He said and Joe obeyed just as always.

hahs hello ehm this chapter was shit ok bye

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