22. Maybe we're better off alone.

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Joe woke up next to no one making him think it was just a dream but seeing the sligh dip on the bed next to him and the fact that he didn't have any clothes on made him sigh. It wasn't a dream.

He laid on bed for a couple of minutes maybe hours he didn't quite know. It was quiet and he had the feeling he fooled himself again. Just at that moment realization hit him taking him back to last night. ' No that can't be stop fucking overthinking things. ' He told himself still not unsure if he heard it right or not. But one thing he knew was that last night felt too intense. 


" Joe. "

" Joe. " 

" JOE! " His head snapped towards the boy infront of him. " Yeah what, what? " He asked. " What is wrong? " Rami asked looking at him concerned. Joe looked around him scared that someone might hear what he was about to say. " He came by yesterday.. " Joe said quietly making Rami lean in. " And? " The boy asked. " We, fucked. " Joe said and Rami rolled his eyes. " Just as always- " He said leaning back again. " No, not like that. " Joe spoke up again seeing Rami furrow his eyebrows in confusion. " It was different.. " Joe explained. " It was, more loved? " He asked being also confused. " You two, made love? " Rami asked dumbfounded. " We had eye contact as he pushed i- " Joe began and Rami made a face in disgust. " Too much information. " He said raising his hand to stop the boy. " It was so much more different. " Joe said smiling softly to himself. " Did you like it? " Rami asked. " No, " He stopped letting out a short laugh. " I loved it. " He finished smiling of happiness while inside he knew just as Rami knew that he was slowly breaking more and more.

" Joe.. " Rami trailed off seeing the boy tear up but still smile to himself. " No, it's okay- I'm okay Rami. " He claimed looking up making Rami worried and upset to see his friend break infront of him. " Really. " He added smiling brighter than ever probably only fooling himself. 


He kept talking to Ben but now instead of Joe being awkward and distant it was mutual. They both acted as if they were the closest friends while Rami, Lucy and Gwil only looked at the both in pity. Rami told Lucy and Gwil everything and it hit like a rock for them. " That's- that's.. damn. " Gwil said not quite sure what to start with hearing the news. " What now? " Lucy asked quietly. " I don't know he has been inside his apartment for two days now.. " Rami explained looking at the rain falling down on the window of the cafeteria they sat in. " Shouldn't we help Joe atleast? " Lucy asked looking at the boys in concern who were not responding at all. " Or Ben? "  She added getting mad. " You know nevermind, you guys are great friends. " She said sarcastically before walking out of the cafe.


" Lucy? " Joe asked seeing the girl infront of his door. He smiled at her stepping aside for her to come in. Lucy was worried when she saw the boy. His face was pale and he had dark circles underneath his eyes. " How are you? " Joe asked sniffing obviously because he was crying before she came. " Everything okay? Do you want something to drink maybe- " Joe asked looking at her. " I want you to sit and start talking. " She said sitting down on the couch looking at the mess around her. " Why? Did something happen? " Joe asked still standing up. " Don't play dumb Joe, sit. " She said and Joe knew he couldn't lie anymore so he sat down beside her. " There is something wrong between you and Ben. " Lucy said and saw Joe flinching at the name. " Don't know what there is supposed to b- " 

" Stop lying Joe everyone can see it. " She said calmly. " I, yes we may have kind of misunderstanding for a day. " He said. " Joe it's already going on for one week. " Lucy mentioned making Joe look down. " We are- we are working on it. " Joe said quietly voice cracking. Lucy now knew what Rami ment when he said: ' If you would be with him for even 2 minutes you would start to get concerned. '

" Anyways do you want to watch a movie maybe? " Joe asked standing up. " I have Finding Nemo, " 

" Joe stop. " Lucy said looking at the boy.

" I have Shrek, " Joe continued as if he couldn't hear her. " Joe- " Lucy called his name not getting answered. " I have Shrek tw- " 

" JOE STOP ACTING AS IF YOU'RE OKAY! " Lucy snapped. " I AM OKAY! " Joe raised his voice. The room turned silent as he looked down bawling his fists. " I am okay. I just need a little time to recover.. " He trailed off voice quiet. Lucy looked at the boy infront of her. " I'm okay with feeling like this, it's my own fault. It's my fault for even accepting it when he kissed me. It's my fault letting him in my heart, it's my fault for agreeing to have benefits with him even tho he was my best friend and sometimes I just wish I never fucking met him at all! " He ended up raising his voice again and Lucy walked towards the crying boy. She didn't say anything for a while only hugging him and comforting him as he kept crying.

" I love him Lucy. " Joe cried out feeling the grip around him tighten. " And I hate it, I hate that I love him because he was the only person in my life that kept me together. After my parents got divorced he was the one picking me up or letting me stay at his house. When I got bullied he was the one helping me out. I just ruined the best friendship someone else could ever ask for. " Joe said not knowing for how long they had been standing there. 

" Maybe.. " Lucy began when the boy finally calmed down. " It's better to keep distance from him? " She suggested. " But I love him. " Lucy grew silent at that. " But he breaks you from the inside Joe. " She spoke softly. " I love him.. " He repeated again. " I know, I know.. " She said as she stroked his hair.  " I know.. "

" Sorry that I didn't tell you and Gwil by the way. " Joe said after a while when they sat down in silence. " It's okay, Rami told us. " She said. " Well come on. " Lucy stood up looking down at Joe sticking out her arm. " You can't sit here in this room while trying to get it of your mind. " Joe looked up smiling sighing deeply before putting his hand in hers getting pulled up. 

" What are we gonna do? " Joe asked. " Fun things. I still have those tickets for Toy story 3 you know? " She exclaimed in delight. " Okay. " Joe said smiling while still getting dragged towards the door. " Sorry what was that? " She asked turning around. Joe sighed not being able to get rid of his smile. " Okay! " He yelled making Lucy laughed out loud.

just a little bit lucy and joe friendship bc i feel like that was needed. also ben is pissing me off but im gonna make it better 🤠

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