14. Secrets were told.

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The next morning when Joe woke up next to Ben yet again he let out the deepest sigh. Trying his best to gather all of his clothes together was a mission since his shirt was laying somewhere in the corner while both of his socks on a lamp. He put on his underwear and pants not caring about his shirt since he was about to shower right away when he got home. " Where are you going? " A sleepy voice asked making Joe flinch. " Home. " Joe mumbled halfway stumbling because he had to balance on one foot trying to put on his left sock. " Oh.. " Ben said. ' Yeah ' oh. ' What else do you expect me to do?! Move in with you? ' Joe said inside his head. " Are we still, good? " Ben asked and when Joe looked at his friend now sitting but still looking back at him with his hair messy he felt himself almost fall again because that shit was breathtaking. " Uhm- Yeah, yeah. " Joe cleared his throat trying to get his shoe on. It was quiet again the only sound of the busy road outside. " I gotta go now. " Joe spoke up pointing his thumb behind him. " Okay. " Joe turned around and walked out calling Rami immediately when he got the chance. 


" Joe? " Rami asked opening his door. Joe wasn't even in the mood to talk so he just walked inside. " How was it? " Rami asked making Joe paranoid because how does he know they fucked? " You know, you and Ben? Are you two okay again? " He sighed in relief. ' Okay. ' the word rang inside his head making him scoff. " Yeah, kinda. " Joe said seeing Rami smile in response. " Oh that's nice I was wondering if you guy— Wait what do you mean ' Kinda. '? ' Rami squinted his eyes at Joe making Joe lean back. " Well we, fmmkd. " He mumbled the last word. " What? What did you say? " Rami asked again trying to make eye-contact with Joe but the boy was looking everywhere except his eyes. " You know.. we fuckmmd.. " He mumbled again scared of his friend reaction. " What are you even saying dude? Say it ag- " Rami began but got cut off. " WE FUCKED OKAY?! " 

" YOU FUCKING DUMBASS! " Rami yelled and Joe ran behind the couch really fast screaming in a highpitched tone. " I'm not going to hurt you, just come here you twink. " Joe stopped screaming and slowly started approaching his friend on the couch. " Now sit. " Rami demanded and after a moment of Joe just looking at his friend in fear he sat down. " Now.. " Rami said calmly before he slapped the back of Joe's head making him yell outloud. " GOOD FOR YOU. " Rami said angry and upset as if it was a kid who stole a toy. " I couldn't help it his lips were so SOFT. " Joe said dramatically making Rami roll his eyes " Do you like Ben? " Rami asked and Joe gave the most quickest answer. " No I'm just desperate and gay- OOH look at the time well bye. " He said realizing he fucked up already standing up to leave but Rami pulled him down again. " What. Did. You just say? " Rami asked eyes wide open. " I- I Don't know if that's it but I have this thought for a long time now and I'm really confused- " 

" Joe- " Rami said. " -But I also don't know since I always liked tits you know?- " Rami tried again, " Joe. " but the said boy kept going on. " I couldn't sleep for SO long Rami it ruins me and how am I supposed to tell Ben this I don't want to lose him oh my god I'm gonna die- " 

" JOE! " Rami yelled snapping Joe out of his rant. " When did this ' thought ' began to come? " The blackhaired boy asked and Joe was on the edge of crying. " I- I don't know I.. I've been thinking about it for a while now actually. I laughed at myself the first time when I asked myself. I mean it was just absurd you know? I always liked girls but when I started doing ' that ' with Ben I became a little bit curious so I tried.. " Rami's eyes widened. " You what?! " 

" I'm sorry don't slap me! " Joe said backing off with his arms defending himself. " Calm Joe, I'm not gonna slap you. " Rami rolled his eyes. " That's what you also said 15 minutes ago.. " Joe mumbled and Rami just grabbed his arms putting them down. " Now tell me, are you sure you're gay? I mean isn't this just because you are you know, confused? " Joe thought about it and he thought about all the time he sucked dick or got fucked. " Well, yeah.. " Joe said quietly and he was so happy that he didn't even notice his tears were starting to stroll down his cheeks. It didn't take Rami long to hug his friend trying to comfort him. " You kind smell. " Rami said after a while.

 " Sorry I fucked today. " 

WELL THAT TOOK A TURN DIDNT IT?? hahs i dont even know why i put that in so randomly but it had to be said i mean everyone could see that coming since joe was acting like a real twink 😪 ALSO THANK YALL FOR 1K VIEWERS ON THIS STORY im- ?? sorry just got emotional 😔😔

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