17. Only for the moment.

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" So what do you wanna do today? " Joe flinched slightly when he felt arms going around his waist. " Uhm I don't know what do you wanna do? " Joe asked smiling while turning around still having Ben's arms around his waist. " I thought we could just you know hang out.. " Ben said shyly making Joe smile even more. " Only hanging out or.. " Joe trailed off. " And maybe do something. " The blonde suggested making Joe laugh. " Hey why are you two taking so lon- Oh my god. " Rami said cutting their moment off making Joe jump out of Ben's hold. " I told you two not to eat each other's face in public. " Joe's eyes widened. " We weren't even kiss(!)- ing... " He cut himself off knowing he might said that too loud. " Great job dumbass now say it louder so Lucy and Gwil might hear it. "

" Shut up. " Joe said not flinching this time when Ben hugged him from behind again. " We will be there in a couple of seconds. " Joe said as Ben gently kissed his neck. " Make that one hour. " Ben corrected him making Joe giggle. " You guys are fucking disgusting. Hope you choke on his dick Joe. " Rami said. " He's already doing th- " Ben said and Rami just cut him off. " OKAY BYE. " He said as he walked away.

" Where are they? " Lucy asked. " I don't wanna talk about it. " Rami said walking away in trauma. Gwil and Lucy looked at each other confused but the second after it finally clicked. " OH MY GOD- " Lucy said as she wanted to listen but Gwil pulled her away. " No we are not doing that. " 


Lucy and Gwil had to act as if they didn't know what they did when Joe and Ben came running into class with their hair tousled and shirts messy. They sat down behind Gwil and Rami and Rami just turned around. " Had fun? " Joe was sure he was blushing now. " Yeah we had. " Ben answered making Rami roll his eyes and turn around again since the teacher walked in. " You can suck me off right here too you know? " Ben suggested quiet enough so only Joe could hear. " Shut up. " Joe said as he pinched him lightly.


It was 6 PM when Joe laid upside down on his bed blowing bubbles. He was bored and he didn't have anything to do and he was not really in the mood to only fuck so calling Ben wasn't an option. He tried calling Gwil but he was with his family and Rami was going to a party probably ending up fucking Lucy he thought. He began feeling lightheaded and luckily he got an text so he could get up and let the blood rush normally again. 

ben🧟‍♂️:                   now

- get ready

- im waiting outside

Joe was confused because why even was Ben waiting outside? He got this small hope and thought that he pushed away really quick because that was just dumb, of course he wouldn't take Joe on a date. 

" And why do I need to get ready? " Joe asked opening his door seeing Ben leaning against the wall infront of his door. " I told you about this party right? " Ben said and Joe had to dig deeply until he remembered. " Boy that was like 1 month ago? " He didn't care he was standing there in his Spongebob pajamas since Ben had seen that already. Ben looked at him and then at his clothes. " Are you naked under that? " He asked smirking making Joe roll his eyes. " No I have a coat underneath it- Yes of fucking course I am dumbass. " Joe said, he wasn't really naked since he was wearing his underwear but it's the same. " Well get ready we are going to get wasted. " Joe wasn't in the mood to party but he was already bored and laying on his bed only blowing bubbles while watching The Legend Of Avatar would not make his night any better. " Give me a minute. " He said as he closed his door knowing it would probably take more than a minute since the thought of him getting laid or finding perhaps someone on that party triggered something inside of him. 

His clothes were spread all around on the ground not knowing what to wear. " What the fuck. " He said as he sat down on the floor. It felt like a miracle or something when he saw a redish blouse with short sleeves lay in the corner. He never saw it, he probably once bought it and threw it somewhere in his closet never looking at it again but it was actually not that bad especially when he looked at himself in he mirror with the black jeans and the blouse wearing white vans. " Okay I see you. " He said proudly turning around all satisfied. Well not really, something was missing he thought looking at any sign. Then his eyes caught something and he popped open the first 3 buttons. 

" Perfect. " He said as he looked at his clothes.

" Jesus that took you fucking long- " Ben said as he looked up from his phone. Joe was ready for him to say something but instead,

" Let's go. " Joe sighed walking after him. 


" Didn't know you liked parties Joe. " Rami said seeing the boy enter the house. " Got dragged. " He said nudging his head towards Ben who was standing beside him getting glances from girls passing by. " For someone who got dragged you surely dressed up nice huh? " Rami joked making Joe snort. " Yeah well gotta get laid tonight. " He said making Ben stop looking at some group of girls. " What? " Ben asked not noticing Rami roll his eyes. " Hey Joe- WOAH HEY JOE! " Lucy said as she walked towards the boy. " Is she drunk? " Ben asked Rami and he just nodded. " You look HOT! " She said as she was holding the beer bottle. " Guess who's here. " She said pointing with her head towards the boy in the corner. " I asked Jeremy about you and he said he might talk to you! " The girl said happily and when Joe glanced over to the boy he winked at him making Joe blush because he was still kind of new to these kind of things. He didn't even notice that soon when Jeremy winked at him he also walked away since the boy next to Joe was giving him this stare that could kill people from miles away. 

" Let's party! " Lucy said walking away making Rami sigh and go after her. 


( also if yall were curious what joe was wearing it's similar to this )

( also if yall were curious what joe was wearing it's similar to this )

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