12. First kiss.

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" Okay I promised not to tell you but I would find that really shitty so- " Rami started looking into Gwil's eyes making Gwil nervous what might come. " Hey guys do you maybe know where I can- " Lucy interrupted but saw Rami really close to Gwil. " Oh- didn't know you guys were.. I will leave. " She said showing off her smile. " What? No you can stay? " Gwil said. " But you two were you know.. " Lucy trailed off making the two boys confused. " About to kiss right? " She said and Gwil's eyes almost dropped on the ground. " WHAT?! No?! Ew- " He said having Rami sigh under his breath. " Thank you. " 

" Oh shut up you also know we weren't about to- You know nevermind. Rami had to tell me something so that's why- " Gwil started explaining but Lucy cut him off again. " Ooh, a secret. I can keep secrets! " She said as she sat down and Gwil just sighed deeply in disappointment. " Why does no one ever let me finish talking? " He asked himself. " Well okay I'm gonna tell you guys but you two have to keep your mouths shut okay?! " He whispered and the two leaned in.  " Okay so.. " 

" WHA- " Gwil started to yell but Rami kicked him underneath the table shutting him up. " Since when? And why? " Lucy asked still in shock. " I don't know, he didn't tell that much. " Rami said. " I knew there was something off between them. I mean come on they are acting so weird lately and nit even Ben and Joe weird but just weird. " Gwil had a point Rami thought. Lately when he saw them there was more tension and awkwardness between them. " I don't know them for that long but I kinda saw it two though.. " The blonde trailed off. " Well just don't say anything, we are now only going to observe the situation okay? " Rami said and the two nodded in agreement.


" Fuck. " Ben cursed walking into the kitchen. " What? " Joe asked looking up from his phone while he sat on the counter dangling his legs. " People are asking me to come to this headass party that I'm not in the mood for. " He explained looking down at his phone. " Then just don't go? " Joe mentioned jumping off the counter. " Yeah maybe it's better if I don't go- " Ben cut himself off making Joe confused. " Or.. " He looked up at his friend still sitting on the counter comfortably. " Oh no, no, no, no- " Joe began already knowing what Ben thought. " Please. Come on when was the last time you actually been to a party? " Ben asked walking towards the boy. " I don't care. I just don't like partying and shit. " Ben looked into Joe's eyes. " What happened to you? You always liked getting drunk and pissing people off. That's the thing we always did.. " Ben trailed off having a sound of sadness in his voice. Joe felt bad for him now because it is true. They always attended to parties and pissed people off, getting kicked out. It was part of their friendship and Joe lately missed that type of stuff. " Please? " Ben asked voice quiet. " Joe didn't even notice Ben coming closer. After a couple of seconds not really thinking about it but just teasing his friend he spoke, " Yeah okay. " Joe said while nodding. Ben smiled at him and he didn't know why his heart skipped a beat.

They looked at each other and Joe was afraid Ben was actually able to hear his heart beating extremely loud. Little did he know was that Ben had the exact same problem. Joe didn't know for how long they've been standing there just staring into each other's eyes because it felt for a whole hour. Joe also didn't know when Ben started leaning in closer and closer until their lips were practically ghosting over each other. Joe's head screamed: ' Just kiss him! ' But he silenced that thought. It was nerve wrecking and a torture to have Ben this close to him with his lips just a centimeter away from his. Joe's breath was uneven not knowing how to act which was weird because it was still his best friend. " I want to kiss you so bad right now. " Ben confessed. Joe didn't expect him to just stay in the same position and whisper back in response: 

" So do it. " 

Ben looked up into his eyes and he leaned in lips softly touching pulling back after a while looking into Joe's eyes again and Joe just kissed back. It was weird but not uncomfortable. Joe kissed his friend many times especially lately when they began messing around but they never kissed this intensely and Ben kissed him as if he was glass which could break any moment. The kiss didn't take long maybe just 5 minutes when they parted. After that it was just 2 more minutes of them just staring at each other. Ben looked down at Joe's lips  leaning in again now his hands holding him by the waist tighter as if he didn't want Joe to let go and leave him. The kiss turned into them being desperate for each other having Joe fisting Ben's shirt tightly. Ben trailed his lips over Joe's cheek towards his jaw. Joe released a shaky breath as Ben licked experimentally his neck causing Joe to grip Ben's shirt tighter than ever Joe felt as if he was floating.

" Ben you forgot your- " Rami came bursting in. Ben actually forgot that he told almost everyone where he kept his housekey. Joe pushed Ben off of him with the speed of light. " Rami haha how are you- " Joe began, smiling at the boy looking at him with eyes wide open in shock. " Oh my- so it is true.. " Rami asked outloud Joe looked up form the ground again at Rami. " What is? " He asked out of curiosity. " Oh Ben told me about you two- " 

" NO I DID NOT! " Ben cut him off giving Rami a face that said: One more word and you will not be able to walk safely out of this apartment. 

" NO HE DIDN'T! " Rami corrected himself looking at Joe again. " No I just- haha he didn't it was just- " He tried to explain but Joe folded his arms looking at Ben. Rami just stood there in between, " Guys we can fight about it but where would be the fun in that huh? Let's sit and talk ab- " He got cut off when he heard a loud slap filling the silence in the room.

" Here. " Rami said as he handed Ben the ice-pack. " Okay let's talk about this so no one gets hurt okay Joe? " Rami asked looking at the boy next to him glaring at the blonde who was currently hissing because of the slap he got. " Why only me?! " Joe asked offended. " WELL YOU SLAPPED ME! " Ben yelled. " OH YOU FUCKING PUSSY GO CRY ABOUT IT- " Rami stopped them both before it will escalate more. " OKAY SHUT UP. " He yelled shutting them both up. 

" Let's fucking talk. "

" Okay Doctor Phil. " Ben said making Joe laugh.

" Oh shut up, both of you " Rami said making the two children shut up again.

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