18. Not your party favor.

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Joe was never really ashamed to dance or anything since he didn't care who might watch him. So when he had already 3 shots down he started getting more loose. He was about to dance when Rami pulled him down. " Oh no you are not gonna dance. " He said and Lucy slapped his arm. " How dare you? Come on Joe let's dance." She said pulling Joe up again by his hand. After a couple of minutes of him and Lucy dancing and mostly not taking it seriously he lost her. He didn't really care that he didn't see the blonde anymore since he felt someone grinding against him from behind. His first thought was Ben but when he turned around it was a totally different boy. It was actually Jeremy, the boy he once sucked off because he wanted to know if he could go further than only fucking his friend. Joe was so lost and was too far gone to even care or think about Ben when the boy dragged him upstairs towards the bathroom.

Joe always liked experimenting new things. He already did that when he was a young boy but that was with how far he could jump or if he would break his arm if he jumped off a play tower which indeed, gave an answer to his question since he ended up in the hospital with a broken arm. He however did not experience this kind of thing in his life. He was currently pressed against the sink making out with a boy he never really interacted with. He was so caught off getting kissed by a stranger that he didn't even notice his blouse was opening more and more. " How about, we go to your place huh? " 

" How about you get the fuck off of him and leave? " A voice spoke up behind them making the two males flinch. " What the fuck Ben- " Joe began but Ben cut him off. " Shut up. " Joe of course sometimes saw Ben getting mad or pissed and most of the time it was because of Joe and Joe knew how he had to deal with it since it wasn't that bad but seeing the state Ben was in now made him question if he even knew his best friend after all. " Now get. off. " Ben demanded looking at the boy as if he could actually kill him. The boy let Joe go putting his hands up in defense. " Calm down dude, didn't know y'all were dating." He said as he left Ben and Joe alone in the bathroom. " What even is your problem? " Joe asked both not even noticing the remark from the boy looking at Ben and even tho his friend was looking really scary right now and kind of intimidating he had the courage to actually speak up. 

" My problem? " Ben asked walking towards him making Joe back up again but pressing himself more against the sink. " My problem Joe?! Really? You out here getting almost fucked by a whole stranger inside someone's bathroom you don't even know! " Joe knew Ben was actually really angry. " And why would you fucking care?! Even if I got fucking gangbanged it would be none of your business! " Joe was glad the music was playing really loud otherwise people might've heard their whole fight going on upstairs. " Watch your fucking mouth. " Ben warned stepping closer pressing Joe more against the sink. Joe would lie if he said he wasn't slightly turned on but also scared. " I can fuck whoever I want and even tho I finish tonight sucking multiple dicks, at the end of the day it wouldn't be any of your fucking business. " Joe said with all his courage left expecting Ben to snap at him but instead he got an coat thrown at his face. " Button up your fucking blouse. " Ben said looking away and Joe didn't even know why he obeyed but he just closed it until the last 3 ones.  

" We are going home. " Ben said clearly trying his best to stay calm because he looked as if he could snap any moment and Joe knew Ben long enough to know that when that moment would come everyone would catch hands. " I'm not going h- " Joe began but Ben cut him off. " Just put on the fucking coat!" Joe had two options: Be ignorant and disobey the boy or actually go home since he knew his friend was already pissed. 


The way home was cold and he was glad he had his coat with him even tho it was kind of big on him and that's when he noticed. It wasn't even his coat that he was currently wearing, it was Ben's. He kept quiet just like his friend who was walking infront of him. It was already late and people were probably sleeping. Joe was still angry with Ben because he still didn't get why his friend cared so much he would get laid. " You ruined my whole night thank you. " Joe spoke up looking at the boy still walking infront of him. " You're welcome. " Ben responded making Joe roll his eyes. " I mean I could get laid- " 

" Not now Joe. " Ben cut him off but the boy kept going. " What means that when I got laid and actually found someone you would get rid of me- " 

" Not now. Joe. " Ben repeated now more sternly. " We all could go back again that's what you want right? " At this point Joe didn't even control himself since he was clearly pissed and upset about something deep down. " Just going back and being normal that's what you want right- " Joe continued until he got cut off.

" NOT NOW! " Ben raised his voice turning around. " THEN FUCKING WHEN?! " Joe snapped. There it was, his anger. He kept it inside of him for so long and for what exactly? He didn't even know why he felt upset, actually he did but he was still too blind to see what it was. " Yes of course I wished all of this never happened, of course I wished that it would still be how it used to be but don't you think I'm trying my best-(?). " Ben cut the sentence off because he felt actual tears welling up inside his eyes. " I'm sorry okay? I care about you, I don't want to lose you as my best friend." Ben sighed out looking down. Joe looked at him showing no emotions on the outside but inside he kind of felt bad. " I don't know why but- Maybe it would be better if you know.. " Ben began still looking at the ground. " I don't know. " He corrected himself. " I'll talk to you later. " Ben said as he turned around walking away. Joe stood there broken-hearted since he had the feeling he just lost the most important person in his life. It wasn't even a breakup, no it felt worse. His throat tightened as he saw his vision slowly turn blurry. Of course he misses his old best friend, laughing and fighting all the time. But he couldn't bare to miss him as a whole person. 

Joe started taking steps what turned into running. While Joe ran towards the blonde there were a million thoughts going through his head but he just pushed them away when he got a hold of his friend hugging him from behind making Ben stop walking any further. " Don't leave me. " Joe said his voice muffled because his face was flat against the boy's back. " Don't leave me. " He said again sobbing and probably messing up Ben's sweater. " Don't leave me please. " He repeated crying slightly getting more sad and scared when he felt Ben grab his hands to free himself out of Joe's grip but instead he turned around grabbing the back of Joe's head letting it rest on his shoulder. " Don't. " Joe cried snaking his arms around Ben's waist again to hug him.  

Joe calmed down after a while of Ben just going through his hair not saying anything but still giving him so much comfort. He hated that it was Ben who was sad and it still ended with Ben comforting Joe. " Let's go. " Ben said after a while seeing Joe only nod still sobbing but more calm. Even tho Ben knew it was supposed to be sad he prevent his heart from skipping a beat when Joe dried up his tears looking extremely cute. It would of course be weird for them to just walk side by side as normal people right? No? Well Ben intertwined their fingers anyways. ' Just because I'm a great best friend. ' He told himself.


Ben was about to leave Joe alone when they arrived at his apartment. " Don't go. " Joe said quietly holding Ben's hand stopping the boy to walk any further. " I won't. " Ben said sitting down on Joe's bed not trying to be all too subtle watching Joe as he unbuttoned his blouse and put on a white shirt with some sweatpants. Joe was all too tired to even process anything and before he knew he was fast asleep. Probably because Ben was going through his hair with his fingers calming him down.

yoyoyoyoyooy ok wtf was this chapter. i mean i kinda liked it since i had it in mind for a while now but im so sorry if it was too serious but i just HAD to have one long ass chapter about being gay and lonely and inlove haha okay anyways. ty for the support i love yall sm 😔💖

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