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It was Friday and Jack had spent the previous three days of her suspension helping her mother at the bookstore

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It was Friday and Jack had spent the previous three days of her suspension helping her mother at the bookstore. She was shelving books when she turned her head to see Betty standing in front of her, "What do you want?" Jack asked her cousin with an attitude.

"I just wanted to talk," Betty sighed out, "It feels like we haven't talked in forever. I tried calling you, but you didn't answer."

"I got my phone taken away," Jack informed Betty, "And also, there's a reason why we haven't talked in a while."

"What's the reason?" Betty asked Jack confused.

"Your sister fucked my sister's boyfriend," Jack responded before continuing to work.

Betty was taken aback by Jack's response, her eyes widened, "That has nothing to do with us!" She complained, causing Jack to groan in annoyance as she turned her head to look at her once more.

"Doesn't it?" Jack questioned her with an attitude, "Aunt Alice and my mother aren't even talking at the moment either. The two of us acting as if we're cool with each other isn't going to help anything. So are you going to buy a book or just stand there looking stupid?"

Betty was dying to ask why Jack was being so moody with her but then decided against it, "I wanted to know if you'd help me with something," She informed her cousin.

"With that?" Jack asked Betty curiously.

"A dinner party for our family. You, me, my mom, your mom, Polly, and Elena," Betty explained her and Jack quietly scoffed, feeling as though it was an impossible task to get them all in the same room, "Maybe everyone could finally make up."

"Whose house?" Jack questioned, raising a brow at Betty.

"Your dining room's the size of the two of mine put together so yours," Betty told her and Jack nodded her head in understanding.

Jack was silent for a long moment, thinking hard on the idea. After a moment, she looked up at Betty, "I'll be done here in an hour. If you wait, we can head to the grocery store really quick and then head to my house to cook?"

"Sure," Betty replied, nodding her head, "I can convince Polly and my mom to attend tonight."

"I'll do the same for Elena and mother," Jack responded, causing Betty to smile.

"Great!" She said excitedly, clapping her hands together.


That night, Jack and Betty were shocked that they were able to get the four women in the same room. It was awkwardly silent as the six of them sat at the dining room table with numerous plates of food in front of them.

Jack had done most of the cooking while Betty just served it. She had learned to cook from her father, just as Elena did. He had gone to culinary school before deciding to join the army, which was honestly his way of getting away from what is Riverdale.

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