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Hours after Reggie had texted Jack, asking if she needed a ride to school the following day, he never got a response, which confused him

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Hours after Reggie had texted Jack, asking if she needed a ride to school the following day, he never got a response, which confused him. The following morning, he drove to her house before school, only to have Jack's mother tell him that she had driven with Elena and Elena's friends to school that morning. He was confused, but most of all, he was worried.

He was worried for numerous reasons. Worried that she was freaked out after what they had done together. Worried that she had doubts and didn't want to be with him anymore. Most of all, he was worried that she had found out about the bet.

As he walked down the hallway before first period, he found Jack standing at her locker, clearly gathering her materials for her first class. He took a deep breath, just before walking over to her.

He placed a hand on her lower back as he leaned against the locker next to hers, causing Jack to turn to him with wide eyes, "Everything alright?" He asked her with a smile on her face, "You didn't text me back last night."

He leaned forward, about to kiss her, which caused her to jump a bit. She placed a hand on his chest, lightly pushing him back as she glanced around to make sure no one had seen his attempt to kiss her, "Reggie!" She scolded him in a hushed tone, "Take it down a notch."

"What's wrong?" Reggie frowned in confusion.

Jack nervously glanced around once more as her tone of voice began quietly, "People might see," She whispered to him, causing Reggie's frown to become even larger.

Reggie was utterly confused at that moment. He couldn't even believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. He had never been in that position before. Well, he had never been the one being told that they didn't want to be seen with him in public. It was always the other way around. Honestly, it made him feel hurt. Never in his life when he was with her a was he ever told to take it down a notch. Girls would throw themselves at him and beg to be seen with him in public.

They all loved the attention. But that was thing that made everything click in his mind. Jack hated attention from the people around her. That must have been the only valid reason why. She didn't want people knowing she was involved with Reggie Mantle, a member of the varsity football team

He couldn't blame her, though. Not that Jack knew, but the second Chuck and Jason saw them in public together as an item they would do everything within their power to tease and mess everything up for them, which was the last thing Reggie wanted.

"Who cares?" Reggie complained to her, "I can't stop thinking about you, Jack."

"Mhmm," She hummed in response as she took out a book from her locker before closing it. She let out a sigh, turning to face Reggie fully, "Listen, Reggie. I think it would be better if we kept our distance from each other. I can't let anything like yesterday happen again. I don't even know why I did it in the first place. I was clearly not in the right mind."

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