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On the Southside of town, Jack was walking down the street with Fangs

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On the Southside of town, Jack was walking down the street with Fangs. They had just left the Whyte Wyrm and were making their way to Sunnyside Trailer Park.

After Fangs had mentioned Sweet Pea, the conversation had died down and it became awkwardly silent between the duo, "I'm just saying, Jack. Don't you think it's time to forgive him?" He asked Jack, who let out a large sigh.

She was silent for a long moment before turning her head to look directly at Fangs as they continued to converse with each other, "I know, Fangs. You're right," She replied, "But I still can't get over the fact that Sweet Pea really thought it was okay to fuck my sister."

"And you fucked your best friend's other best friend at his birthday party while wasted out of your mind, so..." Fangs retorted, causing Jack's mouth to gape open in shock, clearly not knowing how to respond.

Before Jack could respond, Fangs suddenly grabbed her by the arm as he glared at someone. She slowly turned her head, only to see Malachai and another Ghoulie walking toward them.

Jack groaned, rolling her eyes in annoyance, "What do you want, Malachai?" She asked the man that was only a few years older than she and Fangs, "You're on Serpent territory right now."

"Are we?" Malachai questioned and Fangs immediately turned his head, only to see that they were, in fact, on Ghoulie territory.

"Are you serious, Jack?" Fangs asked Jack in a hushed tone, "You told me we were on Smith Street. This is Thayer Street, which is Ghoulie Territory."

"I could've sworn I saw Smith Street, Fangs," She whispered back to him quietly before they both turned back to face Malachai.

"Just let us go, Malachai," Fangs demanded, "We made a simple mistake. It won't happen again."

"Oh, I'll let you go," Malachai replied before turning to Jack, "But not her. She's not a Serpent. Messing with her won't affect the Serpents in any way."

"Actually, it will," Fangs pointed out.

"How?" Malachai laughed humorlessly, "She's a Northsider. In no way could it affect the Serpents."

"She's my girlfriend!" Fangs suddenly said, even though it was a lie.

Jack's eyes widened, watching as Fangs wrapped an arm around her waist to make it believable, "She's the Serpent's newest recruit and was just on her way to get her Serpent tattoo."

Malachai scoffed loudly, "She's your girlfriend?" He questioned him in disbelief, "Serpents don't mess with Northside girls. If she's your girlfriend, you gotta prove it."

"We will," Jack replied quickly turning to face Fangs fully.

Jack grabbed Fangs' hand, placing it on the small of her back. Fangs placed a hand on the side of her face as Jack suddenly kissed him. The kiss deepened and Malachai stared at them in shock, clearly not expecting them to kiss.

After a moment, Jack pulled away from Fangs. Her eyes fluttered open to see Fangs looking shocked by her actions. She smiled at him slightly, just before they both turned to Malachai and his men once more, "Does that prove it?"

Malachai rolled his eyes, just before leaving the duo. Once he and his buddy were gone, Jack and Fangs were quick to get off Ghoulie territory before Jack decided to speak up, "Sorry about that," She apologized to Fangs, nervously biting her lip.

"It's fine," he assured her before becoming quieter, "Wouldn't be the first time we kissed." He paused, sighing in defeat as Jack awkwardly avoided eye contact with him, "Are we ever going to talk about that night?"

"No," She replied, finally looking Fangs in the eyes.

"Fine," Fangs told her, letting out a sigh, "But let me just say this, Jack. I'm sorry it happened. We were both drunk and I should've known better. You were still a--"

"You make it sound like you forced me to have sex with you," Jack cut him off quickly, "I wanted it as much as you did that night. Maybe even more."

"I know," Fangs replied quietly, "But still."

Jack laughed at Fangs, continuing to walk, "I'll tell you this, Fangs. It was a good first time. I don't regret it one bit. But of course, the thing that sucked about it was that it was ruined by Sweet Pea at the end. I guess that must have been our birthday present to him from the two of us."

The duo began to laugh at the last part of Jack's statement, knowing she was just joking, "I thought he was going to kick my ass," Fangs commented.

"I think he would have if I hadn't threatened him," Jack pointed out, causing Fangs to smile.

"See?" He replied, "Another reason why you should forgive him. You both have made mistakes in the past that you can't take back."

Jack was silent for a moment, thinking hard on what Fangs had said, "You know what?" She spoke up, "You're right."

As they reached the trailer park, Jack bid Fangs goodbye before sprinting to Sweet Pea's trailer. Once reaching it, she quickly knocked on Sweet Pea's door until it was opened by a shirtless Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea's eyes widened at the sight of his best friend, "Jack?" He gasped in shock.

"Sweet Pea," She greeted him quietly, looking extremely nervous.

Sweet Pea left the door open as he went back into his trailer, allowing Jack to enter. Once she was inside the trailer, Jack closed the door behind her. She watched as Sweet Pea walked over to his trailer, getting himself a can of soda. He held one out to Jack, but Jack declined by shaking her head, "What are you doing here, Jack?" Sweet Pea asked the girl curiously, "I thought you hated me."

"I could never hate you, Pea," She argued, shaking her head while she had a sad look on her face, "And I'm sorry I flipped out on you. It's just...it really shocked me when I caught you in bed with my sister and I couldn't control my emotions."

"I'm really sorry about that," Sweet Pea apologized to Jack, referring to him sleeping with Elena, "I should've never done that. I was wasted and you know how stupid I am when I'm drunk. That game of truth or dare...It brought back past memories."

"Tell me about it," Jack muttered under her breath, clearly agreeing with Sweet Pea. While Sweet Pea was referring to memories of things that had occurred between him and Elena in the past, Jack was referring to her and Fangs.

"And because of my stupid mistake, I wasn't able to be there for you when you needed me most," Sweet Pea continued on, giving Jack an apologetic look, "Are you cool? Because I really missed you, Jack, and I don't think I can last any longer with my best friend being pissed at me."

"I missed you, too, Sweet Pea," She replied, rushing over to her best friend.

Sweet Pea smiled as Jack tightly hugged him. He immediately wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back.

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