Chapter 1

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"Clary!" He shouted. His golden hair was plastered to his face. Streams of rain water ran down his shirtless chest, weaving around his abs and disappearing into his boxers. He cautiously stepped forward, hands out as if approaching a rabid animal. For every step he took forward, she took one backwards until her back hit the alley wall. She swiveled her head trying to look for an escape. Her hair swung wildly around her face, sticking to her neck.
"Clary, please. Im sorry" Jace pleaded with Clary which only made her mader.
"No, Jace. Im sorry wont fix it this time. You guys talked crap about my shadowhunting skills and then you cheated on me, with Kaelie!" It took all her willpower to stay calm speaking so instead of making her voice angry she made it ice cold.
"I didnt mean that, we were just joking around." During her past few months of shadowhunter training she has gotten good at knowing when people lie, Jace was obviously lieing through his teeth. Clary slid her stele out if her sleeve and quickly drew a portal on the wall. This portal is diffrent, it only lets the creater go through.
"Goodbye jace" Clary whispered ignoring his shouts. She turned away from him staring at the swirling black flames. The flames were unnaturally colored but the portal still worked the same. In some small way she felt guilty for leaving her mom and luke but she needed to get away from this city. Before Jace could pull her back or change her mind she jumped into the mass of black flames.
As she jumped she thought of only one person. She thought of his toned, muscled body. She thought of his eyes that seemed to be endless. She thought of his soft white blond hair. She thought of only Jonathan as is shw jumped.
The portal spit her out into a cold room. Clary braced herself for hitting the floor, but the pain never came. She opened her eyes which she didnt realize she was squeazing shut.
Clary was in a beautiful kitchen it seemed to have a theme, black and white. The most shocking thing was that she landed on her feet. Rain water was pooling onto the floor, running off her in streams. The only sound in the room was the water dripping off her hair onto the floor.
"Clarissa" his voice was dreamy, when he spoke her name it sounded like a sigh. Clary slowly turned around to face him. He looked like he had been asleep, his white blonde hair was sticking out in all directions. His wasn't wearing a shirt and his sweatpants hung low on his waist, showing off his abs. His abs pulled her attention. Her eyes were pulled to his cheast like magnets to a refrigerator.
"See something you like sister?" He teased as he got over his shock at her being here. Clary didnt blush she just shrugged, she wasnt in the mood for any of his games.
"Why are you here?" He asked and hastily added "Not that i dont want you to be"
Clary sighed taking deep breaths, trying to hold back her tears.
"Sister whats wrong?" he stepped closer to her as he spoke. He was so close she could feel the heat radiating off him. He looked so comforting she couldnt restrain herself from colapsing into his chest. He was shocked at first but then his arms wrapped around her. "Shhhh whats wrong" he gently asked while rubbing circles on her arms.
Clary sniffled and pulled away from his chest.
"Could i take a bath first?" She asked. He looked genuinely, concerned. He nodded and scooped me up bridal style. He ran up the stairs and stopped at a door. He pushed against it as he spoke.
"This room is yours. I hoped you would join me eventually. I decorated it myself" he said nervously.
He walked through the room and opened a second door at the back of the room. He closed the door behind him and set me down of a couch as he drew a bath. She looked around the bathroom. The room was huge. It has a bug shower, with basically a pool for the bath tub. On one wall by the door there was a huge mirror with 2 sinks set into black countertop. There was a couch next to the sink which she was currently sitting on. Next to me was a closet, probably filled with towels and hygenic stuff.
"Clarissa your bath is ready" Jonathan's said pulling my attention from looking around the room. She stood up from the couch and sat on the rim of the tub. Jonathan crossed the room and opened the door steping out into the bedroom.
"John" she called out. He turned at her use of his birth name.
"Please stay" she begged. He hesitated slightly before coming to sit on the aide of the couch that was closest to the bath tub. She pulled off my shirt and johnathan advirted his eyes. He was being so polite.
"John, dont look away" She called out while pulling off my jeans. He turned his head and his eyes met hers. They were blacker than usual, darkenes with lust. She smirked as shre sat there in her lacey lingere. She pulled off her bra. Smiling as his eyes roamed her body. She placed her hands on her panties and slowly pulled them down and slipped backwards into the bath.
"Johnathan I.......

A/n sorry short chapter. Cliffhangerrrrrrrr
Next chapter there will be more clabstion scenes. Will we find out what happened to clary at the institute? Will clary get revenge on the tmi gang? We'll find out next chapter

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