Chapter 15

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"I cant believe her!"
Isabelle was furious. If she were a cartoon character steam would have been exploding out of her ears a long time ago.
"Who the hell does she think she is?" Isabelle raged as she paced back and forth across the brightly lit library.
"Izzy sit down, i understand your mad but your going to wear a path in the floor." Alec called tiredly from were he was lounging on a couch in the center of the room with Jace and Simon. Isabelle had been shouting furiously at the new faerie princess since they had arrived home hours ago.
"Don't tell me to calm down Alexander! And shouldn't all of you be just as mad as me?" Isabelle called as her voice rose several octaves.
"I'm more curious than mad." Jace interupted from his spot next to Alec on the couch. Isabelle opened her mouth but Jace cut her off.
"Didn't you all see how she couldn't say that her and Jonathan were fine?" Jace inquired thoughtfully.
Isabelle halted her pacing as she though about Jace's questions.
They all had been thinking about Clary's display since they had been rudely thrown out of faerie by Izzy's ex-boyfriend, meliorn.
"I think that since she is now part fey and the fey cant lie that rule now extends to her." Alec said slowly as he watched his parabaiti's face carefully.
Jace's face remained void of all emotion except for one, curiosity.
But since Jace was Alec's Parabaiti, Alec could feel Jace's anger and despair brewing underneath all of the curiosity.
"That could be true, afterall The Queen didn't seem concerned." Simon said sleepily as he yawned and leaned back into the couch cushions.
Izzy had a look on her face that made the other shadowhunters nervous.
Isabelle was determined to figure out exactly what was happeneing to her ex-bestfriend.
"Lets go." Isabelle called as she picked up her coat off of the back of a wicker chair.
"Where are we going?" Alec called to her sister as she pushed the elevator button. Just as the golden, gilded birdcage appeared Izzy turned back to answer her brother.
"To find out whats going on with Clary."
The subway was unusually quiet for 3'oclock in the morning.
Alec, Simon, Izzy and Jace were the only ones on the usually packed subway besides for a group of drunk teenage girls who insisted on flirting relentlasly with Jace.
As the subway slowed and the doors sprung open Izzy had to pull Jace out of the subway and away from the giggling girls.
"What the hell Jace?" Izzy hissed as they marched across the grass to the entrance to faerie. Jace didn't even glance over at Izzy.
"I'm single Izzy." Was all Jace said before he glanced up at the moon and waded into the pond.
Isabelle was furious at Jace's nonchalant attitude towards their growing problem.
But right before Jace's head disappeared under the water Izzy could see the pain etched on his face, illuminated by the moon.
Isabelle glanced at her brother who gave her a stiff nod before she followed Jace into the pond.
"If this is not as urgent as you say i warn you, both Her Majesty and Her Highness are in a particularly uncomon mood." Meliorn warned before pushing open the throne room doors just enough for them to slip through and darting back to his place on the opposite side of the double doors.
The Shadowhunters remained silent as they watched The Queen smile evily down at the teenager who knelt at her feet, bound by restraints made of thorns.
"I beg you Your Majesty, please spare me." The boy pleaded in a desperate, scratchy voice.
The Queen's smile grew as she her eyes snapped to the Shadowhunters.
"You are not my mother's to attend too." A angry voice stated as they stepped out from the shadows next to the unoccupied throne.
Clary looked the same as she had earlier this morning.
She wore the same green dress and her hair was still swept the same way over her shoulder. The only differnce was the blade in her hands.
The beautiful sword seemed almost living as Clary experimentally swung it in a wide ark. The sword sang as it moved from it's expected path and inbeded itself onto the boy's chest.
The boy's hands clawed at his neck as he fell onto his back at the feet of the princess.
Clary knelt down and pulled her sword from the neck of the man.
As a faerie knight rushed up to her to take the sword Clary's eye's began to glow and purple sparks flew from her fingers.
The body caught fire and Clary backed away while the Knight scurried away from the princess with her sword.
"Ave Atque Vale, Mark Blackthorn."

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