Chapter 2

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"Jonathan I know that we are polar opposites but I" Clary took a derp breath, trying to build up her courage
"I think i have feelings for you" Shw breathed out quietly. Jonathan was quiet for a few minutes which only made Clary think that he was trying to find a nice way to let me down.
Suddenly he lauched himself forward, still clothed, into the bath and rammed his lips against hers.
Clary gasped as his lips hit hers with bruising force. They stayed like that for what seemed like forever until we were gasping for breath.
"Clarissa, i love you more than you know" he exclaimed and Clary's face broke out into a smile which made Jonathan smile.
"Now Jonathan i think you are wearing way to much clothing" Clary purred seductively feeling the tingling in between her thighs increase. Johnathan purred his pants feeling very small suddenly. He pushed his erection in betwewn Clary's thighs causing her to moan and throw her head back. He rammed his lips into hers. Her nails left scratches down his back as she reached for the hem of his sweatpants. She slipped her hands inside his boxers and pulled both his sweatpants and boxers off at the same time.
Jonathan slipped his tounge into Clary's mouth deepening the kiss and suddenly it was her turn to moan. Jonathan took that as a signal to continue. His hands left her face and trailed down the front of her body. He traced the curves of her boobs, than her hips causing Clary to shiver at his light touch.
He removed his mouth from hers causing a small wimper of protest to leave her mouth. He smirked at her and lifted her up out of the water so that she was sitting on the rim of the tub, leaning against the wall.
Clary smirked as Jonathan's eyes roamed her body, his erection almost poping out if the water. His eyes met hers and she knew that the lust shining in his dark eyes was reflected in hera.
He leaned into her neck and started sucking. It was more pleasurable than she expected it to be and she shoved my hands into his hair and tugged causing him to let loose a feral growl. Clary moaned and wrapped her legs around his chest, pulling him closer. He moved his mouth from his neck to her nipple. As he sucked his teeth grazed it causing her to moan in pain and pleasure. Clary's hands tugged at his hair and her body involuntarily grinded aginst him.
He let go if her nipple and kissed his way down her stomach, stopping when he got to my pussy. He looked up at her questioningly. I nodded for him to continue. She wrapped her legs aroung his face as he started to lick and suck on her clit. She moaned throwing her head back into the wall. The harder her hands tugged at his hair the more pleasure he caused her.
Suddenly the pleasure became too much for Clary and it was like her body exploded, she reached her peak and cried out as she came in jonathans mouth. Jonathan felt victorious as he continued to lick and suck until she couldnt bear it anymore and she pulled his face up to mine.
But he wouldnt let her escape that easily. The second his mouth left her pussy his hands replaced it. He drew gental circles on her clit. His gental touch and the intense pleasure from my my previous orgasm tipped her over the edge. She cried out as she came and he shoved 2 fingers inside her. He finger fucked her as her walls contracted around his fingers. Clary screamed into Jonathans mouth as the added pleasure from johns fingers threw her into another even stronger orgasm. John removed his hands from her pussy and licked off all her juices. Clary purred as he moaned at the taste of her juices.
After he had licked his fingers clean he proceeded to kiss her again. Pushing his huge erection into her thighs.
"Please John i need you" she moaned against his mouth. He smirked and without warning ramed his huge cock into her tight pussy. Claru cried out at the pleasure as he pumped and thrusted into her as his thumb circled her clit.
She screamed out as her most powerful orgasm yet racked her body. Johnathan quickly followed yelling out as he came inside her. He colapsed intop of her and they slid back into the bath tub.
After they had both stopped panting she turned to john.
"Thank you, you took my virginity" she sighed. He turned to her with wide eyes.
"You were a virgin?" He practically screamed. Clary nodded. He looked at me in disbelief.
"Im so sorry i should have been more careful" he apologized frantically. He probably her her but she was to afraid to say anything.
"John dont worry it was amazing, you were amazing" Clary laughed and he smiled.
"Well in glad the fair lady approves" he laughed jumping out if the bathtub. He wrapped a towel around his waist, mock bowed and walked into the bedroom. Clary hasnt seen the bedroom yet but if Jon did it himself it will be amazing she thought.
She undid the plug in the drain and watched the water swirl and disapper into the drain, making little water tornados. Clary sat in the tub until the tub was empty of water. The cool air should have made her shiver but she didnt notice. Her mind was somewhere else, with someone else.

'Have you seen her hold a sword?'

Their cruel laughter and mean words echoed through Clary's head. They all had said some thing bad about her. Even simon and he's a vampire. The only people who didnt talk any crap about her were Alec and Magnus.
Clary shook their voices from her head and dried her face. She didnt relize she had been crying until she stopped thinking about them. Clary stepped out of the bathtub and wrapped a towel around her body. Clary walked into the doorway connecting the bedroom and the bathroom.
The bedroom was perfect. It had a 4 poster, king sized bed with fluffy white duvet one the wall opposite of the bathroom.
There were french door with white linen curtens leading out onto a balcony on the right of the bed.
The door leading to the hall was on the left of the bed along with a vanity. There was a beautiful mahogany desk in one corner that resembled the one that set untouvhed in the Institute library.
A set of metal spiral stairs in the corner on the same wall as the bathroom. In between the stairs and the desk there was the bathroom door and the closet door.
She walked up the stairs, forgeting that she was in a towel. The loft was an art studio.
There was an easel in one corner next to the stairs. The table was cover in every color paint you could imagine. There was ton of paint brushes in a container on the corner of the desk. It was an artists dream, anything an artist could ask for.
A huge window was on the left wall with a window seat. There was bookcases on either side of the window filled with books.
Her fingers drifted over the spines on the books as she examined the titles.
The books had a wide range of topics. Some were books on demons and downworlders. Others had were about shadowhunter history or runes.
But there was a one shelf in the center of the left bookcase that held mundane books. These books were more familiar to her. There were fairtales but others were about math and science.
Clary drifted towards the desk and opened the drawer. It was filled with every color prismacolor penicil you could imagine. There was a expensive looking sketchbook with a leather cover. She was in awe that someone would do this for her when she relized that she was still in a towel.
She drifted down the stairs and opened the glass doors that lead the the huge wadrobe. The closet was filled with anything you could imagine.
It had every type of heel in every color. It had multiple pairs of flats, sneakers, flip flops, sandles, boots, and training shoes.
There was dresses for clubbing, formal dresses, and dresses to match the Shadow hunter childrens ryme.
There was jeans, sweat pants, training pants, skirts and shorts.
There was purses, handbags, every accessory you could imagine, dress shirts, casual shirts, training clothes and everything in between. Isabelle would have loved it.
Clary pulled a black and purple club dress off the hanger. It just barely covered my ass and it showed a decent amount of cleavage. The sides of the dress were cut open to show her sides.
She pulled a pair of black 5 inch strappy pumps and noticed a wierd barely visible button behind he shoe racks. Clary pulled on her shoes and pressed the button silently hoping it wouldn't be anything dangerous seeing as she wasnt armed.
The wall holding the dresses and the door holding the shoes slid apart to reveal a room about the size of her bathroom filled with weapons. The walls were covered in all diffrent types of weapons, no 2 weapons were the same. There were whips, kindijal, a bow and arrow set, throwing knives, shuriken(ninja stars) , steles and any thing else you could think of. There were chests filled with unactivated Sephrah blades and throwing blades.
But the best part was the center peice of the room. There was a mannequin in a glass case.
The mannequin was wearing blood red fighting gear, weapons belts cris-crossed over the entire uniform. The belts wrapped around the thighs, around the stomach, onto the back and around the arms. It seemed to be multiple blades but it was one big belt.
There was a red masquerade mask covering the uper portion of the mannequins face. It was dangerously beautiful. The fabric was sleek and smooth. It hugged the mannequins curves. The uniform didnt have the traditional shoes, it had strappy 6 inch blood red stilettos. If this is what the new clary wore, she desperately wanted to be the new clary.

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