Chapter 22

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"They wouldn't just leave like this in the middle of a war." Jace snarled at the Consul. The Consul was a young woman, around 30 but her knowledge made up for her missing years.
"I apologize Mr.Herondale but your parabati has been known to allow his Warlock to drag him on sudden vacations." The Consul said gently as if Jace was a frightened animal but it only added fuel to his fire.
"You can't just expect me to sit here while my parabati and his boyfriend are missing!" Jace exclaimed furiously as the chair fell backwards as he stood quickly.
"I have told you several times before Jace, we cannot organize a search party for a man that has been known to leave spontaneously. This conversation is over." The Consuls voice had take a cold edge. Jace snarled at her before he threw the door open and marched through the door way.
As soon as Jace's angry footsteps faded the Consul let her facade fall. Her face softened as her eyes dropped with weariness. Her hands massages her wrinkled face and her hair fell around her face in a blonde curtain.
"How can she be so blind?" Isabelle asked angrily. Jace just shook his head and slumped into his bed.
"I'm too tired to keep arguing with the Consul. If they won't look then we will." Jace said, his voice muffled by the pillow over his face. Isabelle smiled gently. Jace would never give up on Alec no matter who tried to tell him to give up.
"Of course we will." Isabelle reassured Jace.
"Can I bring Simon?" She asked Jace when Jace didn't respond. Jace was silent except for a loud snore.
Isabelle laughed gently as she pulled a blanket over Jace's still body. Her fingers drifted over the lines on his face. Even when he slept Jace wasn't carefree. The marks of stress still lined his face.
Isabelle frowned gently and leaned down to place a kiss on Jaces cheek. The pressure caused Jace to stir slightly. Isabelle's hand jerked away from Jaces face. Jace desperately needed sleep. First Clary left them to join her brother, than Alec.
With one last glance at her adopted brother Isabelle left the room.
"Isabelle get up."
Isabelle had fallen asleep on the couch in the lounge room. The only light in the room was the moon that filtered through the large bay windows.
Jace hovered over her as he shook her awake.
"Jace what," Isabelle started to say before Jace placed a hand over her mouth.
"There's someone in the institute." Jace whispered as he handed her a seraph blade. Isabelle was instantly wide awake. She nodded and Jace removes his hand from her mouth. Jace pulled her to her feet before he beckoned her to follow him.
"Their in the library." He whispered before he darted silently down the dark corridor. Isabelle took a deep breath before she followed him just as silently.
When they reached the library doors faint voices could be heard through the mahogany doors.
Jace gently eased the door on the left open before he slipped inside.
Isabelle sighed as she named her Seraph Blade and followed Jace through the crack in the door.
The library was lit only by a couple scattered lamps. Isabelle's eyes scanned the first floor of the library before she spotted Jace crouched behind a desk on the first floor of the library.
Isabelle slid across the floor so that she was crouched next to Jace.
Jace didn't even glance at her as he pointed to the second floor of the library.
Isabelle nodded and her and Jace crept up the stairs.
"Come on Jonathan we have to go." Someone said quietly. There was the sound of quiet laughter and several sets of footsteps.
Then the figures came into view.
Clary and Jonathan were holding a book and two figures flanked them.
Alec and Magnus stood behind them. Magnus was smiling gently but Alec was frowning.
"Guys I don't like this." Alec began to protest quiet but he was quickly silenced by a glare from Jonathan.
"This is a way for you to prove your loyalty to me. You are just another shadowhunter. If you weren't important to Clary you would have been dead by now." Jonathan snarled at Alec without turning around.
Alec's mouth quickly snapped shut.
"Your warlock has already proved his loyalty to my sister. He is only here to support you." Jonathan continued as Clary began to leaf through the book.
Clary laughed gently and placed a hand on Jonathan's shoulder.
"You got what you needed Jon, let's go home now." Clary said gently as she tried to calm Jonathan down.
Jonathan took a deep breath and nodded. Clary pulled her stele out of her back pocket and began to trace the portal rune on the wall.
Suddenly a spiral of grey flames erupted on the wall.
"Let's go."
Alec glanced around one last time before Magnus grabbed his arm and pulled him through the portal.
The portal snapped shut behind them and Izzy and Jace stood up out of their hiding spot.
"Was that actually him?" Izzy asked even though she already knew the answer as she stared dumbfounded at Jace.
Jace didn't answer he just nodded as he stood on the stairs frozen.
"Oh my god." Izzy sobbed and collapsed against Jaces chest. Jace hesitates before pulling Izzy into his arms. As Izzy sobbed into Jace's chest Jace couldn't help but let a few tears slid out of his eyes.
First it was his girlfriend now his parabati he wasn't sure how many people he could lose before he snapped completely.

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