Chapter 21

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Thank you guys all so much for the love and support. Your motivation is the only thing that has prevented me from discontinuing this story. Please feel free to comment on anything you don't like. Or if you have any ideas I'm always welcome to suggestions.

For @FandomFan99
"Alexander I'm sorry but I must go."
Magnus explained through his gritted teeth. Alec was making this much harder than it needed to be.
"But why Magnus, you don't owe Clary or Sebastian anything." Alec exclaimed in exasperation. Magnus ignored Alec and continued to stuff clothes into the several large suitcases.
Alec could never understand. Clary was the only queen the warlocks had and they would follow her no matter what and because Clary had picked Jonathan's side Magnus had no choice but to follow. No matter how much he loved Alec his loyalty to his queen overpowered anything else.
"I'm sorry Alec but this is something I must do."
Alec sighed and flopped back onto the bed throwing up clouds of glitter.
"Fine then I'll go with you."
Magnus froze. Alec was loyal to the Clave just as much as Magnus was loyal to Clary.
"Alec I can't ask you to do that." Magnus sighed. No matter how much he wanted Alec to be with him it wasn't fair to ask him to betray the ones he loved.
"Your not asking me to. I'm going with you." Alec said firmly as he sat up. Magnus rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"Magnus I love you. I want to go with you. Please Magnus." Alec begged as he stood up. Magnus sighed deeply.
"I would love for you to go with me Alexander but you have your family and your loyalty to the clave." Magnus reminded Alec as he turned back around and continued to pack his suitcases. Alec groaned and wrapped his around around Magnus from behind.
"You don't get it do you? I want to go with you." Alec protested as he laid his head against Magnus's shoulder. Magnus sighed and zipped up hid suitcase.
"We leave tonight at midnight. Go back to the institute and pack. If anyone notices say that we're going on a vacation." Magnus said as Alec released Magnus and began to do a celebratory dance. Alec gave Magnus a quick peck on the cheek before racing out of the apartment.
"Are you ready Alexander?" Magnus asked impatiently as he glanced at his watch. Alec nodded and pulled his suitcases into the elevator. Alec glanced at the inside of the institute one last time before the golden elevator doors slid shut.
"You don't have to do this Alec." Magnus reminded Alec as the elevator stopped on the ground floor. Alec sighed.
"I want to." Alec reassured Magnus but seemed that he was reassuring himself too.
"I contacted Jonathan and he is sending someone to make sure we are telling the truth." Magnus said as he stepped out onto the street. His gaze swept over the street.
Magnus pointed to a  man standing directly across the street from them. With the glamour he was a regular man but once Magnus peeled it away he could see the crimson shadow hunting gear. Magnus nodded and the man crossed the street.
"Master Jonathan and Mistress Clarissa have sent me to retrieve you."
The man was young but his voice was startlingly deep.
"Of course" Magnus nodded but Alec looked uncomfortable.
The man glanced over them before twisting a ring on his middle finger. A spiraling black portal erupted in the middle of the street. The mortals passing by didn't even glance indifferently at the portal.
" Go ahead sirs." The man is ushered them forward. Magnus glanced at Alec and grabbed their luggage before stepping into the portal. Alec glanced back at the man before following Magnus through the portal.
"Woah." Alec gasped as they stepped out of the portal. The house they stood in was gorgeous.
"Follow me I'll show you to your rooms. When the master is ready to meet with you they will summon you." The man said as he stepped into the kitchen. The portal snapped closed behind him and the man stalked out of the kitchen. Alec quickly followed with a backwards glance at Magnus who was right behind him.
The rest of the house was just as magnificent as the kitchen. Dark colors seemed to be the theme of the house.
As they climbed the glass staircase Alec glanced at the paintings on the walls. Some of them pictured Alicante's demon towers while others were paintings of weapons and fighting. But the one that caught Alec's attention was a painting of an angel.
In the painting a women knelt in front of an angel that glowed a pure, white light while a man knelt in front of a demon that spewed darkness. But the part that caught Alec's attention was their interlocking hands. Their hands reached behind their backs but their faces stayed focused on the creature in front of them.
In the middle of the canvas the darkness and the light met creating a swirling mass of gray.
"Beautiful isn't it?" A soft voice asked startling Alec. The man that had retrieved him and Magnus stood by Alec's side.
"Mistress Clarissa painted all of these. This painting was always Master Jonathan's favorite." The man sighed as he stared at the painting.
"Your Warlock is in your quarters." The man said before he turned away.
"Wait." Alec called out. The man stopped and turned back around.
"What's your name?" Alec asked cautiously. The man smiled and stuck out his hand.
"Justin Fairfoot. It is wonderful it meet you Mr.Lightwood."
Alec gasped and shook Jason's hand. The Fairfoots were the best spies in the Clave. They were quick and stealthy, especially Justin. He was the best spy the Clave had until he went missing 6 months ago.
"Your room is this way." Justin said as he pointed Alec to a hallway with 10 doors.
"This is the guest hall. You room is the last door on the left." As soon as Alec nodded Justin disappeared back down the stairs.
When Alec opened the bedroom door he gasped. The room was ginormous. The bed that sat against the far wall looked like it could fit 10 people.
"Alec come to bed." Magnus called sleepily from his position in the middle of the bed. Alec smiled and quickly stripped off his shirt. He crawled across the bed to where Magnus was curled up.
As soon as Alec was in arms length Magnus pulled him against his chest.
Alec sighed contently before his eyes fluttered closed.
"The mistress and master are currently in the training room. They said if you wish to accompany them you may." Alec was rolled off the bed and onto the tile floor. Justin stood above him with a smirk. Alec groaned before nodding.
"Tell them we will be there in 10 minutes." Alec said as he watched Justin push Magnus out of bed. Magnus landed with a thud on the floor and Justin snickered before darting quietly out of the room. Magnus groaned as Alec pulled him off the ground.
"Why are we up so early?" Magnus asked as he swayed on his feet. Alec laughed as he rubbed his eyes and accidentally smeared eyeliner all over his face.
"We have to meet Clary and Sebastian in the training room in 8 minutes." Magnus immediately perked up and raced towards the bathroom.

After both men were showered and dressed in training clothes someone knocked on the bedroom door. Alec pulled it open to see a smug-looking Justin.
"I'm here to escort you to Master Jonathan and Mistress Clarissa's private training room."
Alec raised his eyebrows at the formal language but nodded. Magnus appeared by his side as they began to make their way down the hallway.
After many twists, turns and staircases they arrived in front of a pair of double doors. The sounds of metal against metal could be heard as well as grunts and growls of frustration.
"Mistress Clarissa and Master Jonathan are in the middle of sparring so I would appreciate it if you would remain silent until they finish unless you would like for me to lose more than my job." Justin called back to them before cracking open the right door and slipping through quietly. Alec glanced at Magnus and shrugged before he slipped through the door.
The figures in the center of the training room moved with an inhuman grace. For the first time Alec understood what Jace meant when he said that fighting was like dancing.
Jonathan swung his seraph blade down over his head in a fatal arc but suddenly one of Clary's short swords rose to block his blade. Once their blades connected Clary twisted her blade and Jonathan's seraph blade went soaring across the room. Jonathan only had his one seraph blade but Clary had two short-swords.
Jonathan laughed and Clary threw her blades to the side. Clary crouched low to the ground and waited for Jonathan to advance. Jonathan leaped forward but Clary rolled to the left to evade Jonathan.
While Jonathan was temporarily phased Clary threw a punch into his side and another one to his head. Jonathan groaned and staggered. Clary laughed and pulled him into a headlock. Jonathan groaned again and tapped the floor twice. Clary let go of Jonathan and let him sink to the floor.
Clary immediately pulled out her stele and began to trace the healing rune on Jonathan's shoulder.
"This was fun my love but you know you cant beat me." Clary mocked as she pulled Jonathan to his feet. Jonathan raised his eyebrows.
"Just because I can't beat you in the training room doesn't mean I can't beat you in other places." Jonathan waggled his eyebrows suggestively and Clary laughed.
Alec and Magnus glanced at each other before Justin cleared his throat. Clary and Jonathan immediately sobered up as their gaze landed on Justin.
"Mistress Clarissa your guests are ready." Justin said and Clary rolled her eyes.
"How many times must I ask you to call me Clary?" She sighed as a faint smile danced across her lips. Justin laughed teasingly but it was quickly cut off at a glare from Jonathan.
"At least once more as always."
Jonathan rolled his eyes, he was clearly irritated.
"Be gone Justin I have no use for you right now." Jonathan snapped and Justin darted out of the room. Clary frowned at Jonathan who just shrugged before they both focused their gazes on Magnus and Alec.
"Another warlock will be a nice asset but this one is more powerful than the others. Don't you agree Clary?" Jonathan asked as he stared at Magnus.
Alec had to swallow the snarl that was building in his throat. He didn't like how they were looking at them. They looked like they were examining merchandise.
Clary shrugged. She knew Alec was getting irritated.
"Jonathan just wanted to make sure the Clave didn't send you. We can continue this discussion in the morning, when we are all rested." Clary said as she laid a hand on Jonathan's arm. Jonathan nodded quickly before turning back to their guests.
"I'll get someone to show you back to your room. Your rooms are in the opposite wing as ours." Jonathan said as he pressed a red button on the wall.
A couple seconds later a woman scuttled into the room.
"Yes Master Jonathan?" She asked softy. The woman seemed well taken care of. She was wearing the bright red gear that all of Jonathan's shoulders wore.
"Return these men to their rooms, Rebecca."
Rebecca nodded before turning to Alec and Magnus.
"This is Rebecca Pangborn, the daughter of one of my most trusted men. Treat her with respect." Jonathan commanded before he pulled Clary from the room. Clary glanced at Alec and Magnus one more time before she allowed Jonathan to pull her from the room.

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