Chapter 29

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"Well don't just stand there looking like an idiot." The demon sighed. The god-like man sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Ignore him Clarissa. I'm Micheal." The god-like man introduced himself. Clary's eyes widened more and she began to kneel.
"Oh no don't do that." Michel said quickly. His face had an amused expression that reminded Clary of Jace when he was happy. His golden eyes seemed to light up the clearing and his brilliant smile seemed to be infectious. And for a second, Clary missed Jace.
Micheal gave her a sad smile as if he could read her mind.
"Oh don't listen to that blubbering fool. I'm Lucifer." The demon said with a smirk. Clary just stared dumbfounded at two of the most powerful beings ever.
"Uhm why are you here, not to be rude or anything." Clary asked as she stumbled over her words. Micheal and Lucifer just looked at each other like she was the stupidest mortal ever.
"Isn't it obvious child, we want to offer our assistance." Lucifer said as he pulled out a rag and began to clean his dagger. Clary just raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Okay, but how?" She asked slowly. Lucifer just rolled his eyes and Micheal sighed.
"You are the perfect balance of good and evil. You provide balance for both of our kingdoms. The shadow hunters have to much power over the downworlders. Jonathan wants to give the downworld more power over the shadow hunters. You can allow both downworlders and shadow hunters to live in harmony." Micheal explained as he twirled his sword between his fingers.
"But what about the demons. Aren't they your children Lucifer?" Clary asked. Lucifer just sighed and looked up at the sky like it could save him from her stupidity.
"Yes they are my children but they are also my worst mistake. The downworlders are my pride." Lucifer said as he finished cleaning the dagger. Now that it was clean Clary could see the carvings and the stones that were set into its surface.
"Okay." Was all Clary said. They said they were here to help but they still hadn't done anything.
"You already have the power of my children and the power of my brother so the best I can give you is some of my power." Micheal told her and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and suddenly there was a white hot pain that burned her back like a whip.
She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, refusing to show any pain to the immortals.
When she opened her eyes everything looked more in focus, as if someone had put a pair of glasses on her.
Her body seemed lighter but her back seemed heavier than usual.
She glanced back to see a large pair of gold wings on her back. They looked almost identical to Micheals except that they had the same runes that Ithuriel's wings had when Clary had seen him last.
Clary looked up at Micheal and Lucifer to see satisfaction covering their faces.
"You have chosen good brother." Lucifer said quietly, "She is strong."
Micheal just nodded and continued to stare at Clary.
"Now for my brother's gift." Micheal told her before turning to Lucifer.
"You have the blood of my favored children and I cannot give you the blood of my demons or else it would burn away all the angelic gifts that my brother just gave you. The best I can do is give you my blessing." Lucifer told her and closed his eyes.
Clary squeezed her eyes closed, waiting for the pain white-hot pain.
When the pain didn't come clary hesitantly opened her eyes and met Lucifer's gaze. He nodded at her and she knew that the only thing he gave her was power.
"Brother, look." Micheal said to Lucifer as he pointed to her wings. Clary turned her head to gaze at her wings and found the the solid gold was broken up by occasional black feathers.
Lucifer just laughed at Micheal.
"It's okay brother, if she is to represent both of us her wings should as well." Lucifer said as Micheal frowned but said nothing. Lucifer seemed to sense his brother's displeasure because a smug smile appeared on his face.
"Thank you my lords, I am forever in your debt." Clary thanked them as she knelt in the sand.
Lucifer and Micheal just smiled at her.
"I think it is us who is in your debt Clarissa Morgenstern." Micheal responded before looking at Lucifer.
"This our last gift to you. If you need us just hold it and we will come." Lucifer told her before pulling a small necklace out of his pocket.
Clary looked up as Lucifer began to step forward. Suddenly he was her height and he was standing within arms reach. He undid the clasp and stepped forward.
Clary swept her hair off her neck and allowed Lucifer to put his arms around her back to clasp the necklace.
The necklace was short but long enough to be covered by a shirt. It was a star made of gold and diamonds.
"You are the one Morningstar to make me proud, Clarissa. You have brought honor to our name." Lucifer told her before kissing her forehead and reappearing next to Micheal. Clary stood with her mouth agape and just nodded.
"We will see you again, child." Micheal told her before both beings disappeared.
The water had returned to the glass surface and it was dark again. The only proof the they had been there was the necklace resting between her breasts and the heavy wings on her back.
Clary took a deep breath and listened to the silence that surrounded her.
She took a deep breath and realized she didn't know how to hide the wings.
"Just think about it and they will disappear." The voice was sudden and resonated around the clearing.
Clary jumped in fright but calmed once she recognized Micheal's musical voice but this time it was tinted with a hint of sadness.
The wings retracted and Clary took one last look at Lake Lynn before heading back into the dark forest.

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