Chapter 19

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The old manor seemed to pulse with familiarity as Clary and Jonathan neared the front doors. The moon cast the long shadows of the trees making everything seem more frightening than it truly was.
Even though it was safe for Clary to be in the sun, the vampires they were meeting with were still vulnerable to the sun. As they neared the huge doors a large man stepped out of the shadows.
"Your brother, his majesty, is waiting for you my lady." His voice was rough and lethal but it still held respect. Clary nodded and allowed herself and Jonathan to be ushered through the doors and into the manors looming darkness.

——————line break—————————————

The inside of the manor was ghostly beautiful. It's beauty was aged, like an old lady that was once beautiful. Clary could imagine how it looked before it was taken over by vampires.

The staircases dotted with people in suits and sweeping ball gowns, lamps in corners glowed with a soft yellow light and the soft music from the grand piano floated through the room. The quiet buzz of conversation dying out as couples began to dance in the center of the room.

Clary's head snapped toward their escort. He looked concerned, his face had softened a considerable amount.
"I'm alright," Clary trailed off as she realized she didn't know what his name was.
"Justin" the man smiled gently at her before placing a hand on her back and pushing her towards were her brother was. Jonathan smiled softly as he saw Clary approach but as his eyes traveled her body his eyes landed on the hand on her back. Jonathan's eyes darkened and his smile morphed into a scowl.

Jason quickly noticed the change in Jonathan dementor and pulled his hand away. Clay frowned at Jonathan. He didn't have to be so possessive all the time. Jonathan smirked and shrugged innocently. Clary sighed and brushed past Jonathan as she began to climb the dark staircase.
Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows at Clary's irritation. He didn't understand why she was so upset. He was just defending what was his.
Jason darted up the stairs after Clary. He looked like a lost puppy.
As Jonathan slowly began to climb the stairs he could here snippets of Clary and Jason's conversation.
The topics they discussed shifted quickly. From what Jonathan could hear they spoke mostly off vampires and their culture.
As Jonathan finally reached the top of the stairs he noticed how close Jason and Clary were standing. Suddenly his chest felt tight, as if a fat man was sitting on him.
"Finally!" Clary is declaimed throwing her hands up in exasperation. Jason tried to conceal his amusement but a small smile broke out across his face.
"Are you ready to meet King Mason?" Jason asked turning to Clary. Clary face a stiff nod as Jason prepared to open the double doors behind him. Jason took at deep breath, straightened his back and threw the doors open.
The room was dark but Clary could make out a soft light in the distance. As they neared the growing light Clary could make out the two thrones that sat a few meters in front of them.
A man occupied the throne on the left but the throne on the right remained empty. The man was beautiful, in a dark way. He had skin so pale, it looked almost as if he had painted it on. His hair was the darkest black Clary had ever seen, it almost looked almost colorless as if it was absorbing the light.
As they continued to near the thrones Clary noticed his eyes. The man had the richest brown eyes that Clary had ever seen.
"Welcome we have much to discuss."

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