Chapter 18

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"Jonathan I love you, I truly do but we don't have time for this. The war is approaching quicker than ever and we need to complete the injections and visit my new family." Clary murmured as she pushed Jonathan off her neck. Jonathan growled in protest but picked up the syringe anyway.
Jonathan leaned forward and kissed her just as he stabbed the syringe into her arm.
Clary gasped and Jonathan quickly snapped her neck. Jonathan looked down at her limp body mournfully.
Even though Clary didn't need to complete the complete transformation for any other downworlder blood, the vampire blood required her to be killed, buried then revived.
Jonathan sighed and picked up her limp body. Her face was still tan, even in death. She looked so peaceful that if Jonathan didn't know any better he would beleive she was sleeping.
As he approached the grave he looked down at Clary once more before laying her gently in the grave.
Jonathan snapped his fingers and 2 male servants rushed forward and began to cover Clary's body with dirt.

Jonathan watched silently as the servants piled dirt on top of his lover. The moon shown like a becon, lighting up the park almost as brightly as the sun did.
"Sir, its done." One of the servants called as he dropped his shovel and wiped the sweat off his brow.
Jonathan nodded and sent the servants scrambling back to the mansion. Jonathan stood frozen as he waited for Clary to claw her way out of the ground.
After what seemed like forever the ground began to cave inward, creating a sinkhole-like opening. As Jonathan began to see flashed a pale skin and platinum hair he cautiously approached the hole. Suddenly the earth around the sinkhole was thrown outward and a small, feminine body pulled itself out of the grave.
Clary looked almost the same as before. She still had tangled, mud-covered hair and smooth, pale skin. She was calmer than most vampires. Most vampires were savages as soon as they clawed their way out of the ground, the blood lust taking over immediatly. But Clary just regarded everything with her piercing eyes.
Her eyes drifted over the landscape before landing on Jonathan. She regarded him cautiously for a few seconds before her face broke out in a smile.
Her radiant smile reveiled freshly sharpened insicors. Jonathan smiled gently before pulling a blood bag out of his coat pocket and extending his arm out to her. She grimced slighyly but took it anyway.
She carefully ripped off the top and hesitated before glancing at Jonathan and placing the bag to her lips. Jonathan, watched curiously as she slowly sucked the blood from the bag. After she finished the blood she didn't demand more, she wiped the blood from her lips and handed Jonathan the empty blood bag.
"Come on lets get inside." Jonathan smiled as the tense silence was finally broken.

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