Chapter 7

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"Jonathan i swear to fucking god if you dont inject that into me right now i will not kiss you for a month." The firery red head threatend from her chair.
The gorgeus silver haired boy's hand quivered as he touched the tip of the syringe to the red heads frail arm.
"Clary are you sure you want this?" He said stalling all too obviously.
"Jonathan!" was the only respose he recieved.
To Clary's pleasure Jonathan shoved the syringe into her arm before he could persuade himself against it, earning a pained gasp from Clary.
Jonathan cringed and pushed the plunger down causing Clary to immediately started screamimg.
Jonathan's instinct told him to run from her screams but he knew that Clary needed him so he stayed rooted to his spot next to Clary and grabbed her hand.
It was pure agony to Clary. The faerie blood was heaven compared to this.
She screamed for what felt like an eternity. Suddenly the pain doubled and Clary couldn't take it anymore so she let the looming darkness consume her.
When Clary passed out Jonathan watched in utter amazement as muscles sculpted themselves out of Clary's frail arms.
Her thin body began to get curvier.
Then nothing happened for a few seconds and Jonathan thought that the blood had finished its work until it was like someone had dumped a bucket of paint over her head.
Her fiery red curls were still curly but they weren't fiery anymore. They were white. Jonathan stumbled back, ignoring the sudden tightness to his pants.
If he thought he loved Clary with red hair he definitely loved her white hair even more. Her body started to get longer, like she was being stretched and pulled by a taffy puller.
Before Clary was like 5'3 now she was like 5'5 to Jonathan's 5'11. Clary still green eyes flutterd open slowly trying to adjust to the light in the room.
When the darkness finally faded Clary sat up and turned to look at Jonathan, who was still by her side and he seemed to have a problem.
"You might want to find a solution to your problem brother." Clary said her eyes flicking downward. She laughed as she lightly stepped off the chair.
Jonathan just looked down at his feet and flushed.
Clary obviosly knew that she was the cause of Jon's problem.
Jonathan looked like he could go down on her right there on the cellar floor. The thought made Clary squirm in delight. Jonathan cleared his throught awkwardly breaking the silence.
"Clary you need to go meet the current Luna of the wolves, since you have her mother's blood you will rule next to her as a Luna." Jonathan said trying to distract himself from Clary.
Clary giggled lightly again at his issue and nodded, walking up the stairs to go shower and prepare to meet her sister.
After a few moments Jonathan reluctantly followed Clary up the stairs.
Seeing Jonathan like that because of her made Clary extremely horny.
As soon as the bathroom door was closed behind her she shed her dress and under garments before stepping into the shower.
As she washed her hair she hoped that the water would help her issue but it only made her more aroused.
She could hear Jonathan walking around with her newly enhanced senses which only turned her on more. She attempted to ignore it but her arousal only grew.
Finally it became too much and she snapped.
"Jonathan!" She shouted and in a split
second he was outside the shower.
"What's wrong Clarissa?" He asked with a strained voice. Clary laughed at his obvious issue.
"Jonathan i want you." She stated and in a split second he was standing in front of her.
Water trailed down his chest and drippes from his hair as he gaped at her naked body.
He was frozen in shock so she rolled her eyes and leaned forward, kissing him roughly.
Jonathan moaned immediatly responding to Clary's lips. The kiss grew more heated as the two battled for dominice, each one fighting just as hard as the other.
Jonathan moaned and lifted Clary up by her waist.
Clary immediatly wrapped her legs around his waist letting him enter her slowly. She growned at his sized as he startes to pound into her. Jonathan groaned at how tight she was.
Clary cries out as she climaxed with Jonathan following quickly after.
Jonathan set Clary down as he kissed her. Clary reached behind her to turn off the shower, not breaking the kiss.
The steam disappeared,causing goose bumps to form on the couples skin.
After a few seconds they both pulled away gasping for air.
Jonathan leanes back in for anothe kiss but Clary giggled and darted out of the shower, grabbing a towel as she darted away from Jonathan into her bedroom.
Clary wrapped herself in the towel and jumped onto her bed, her wet hair dripping onto the duvet.
After a few seconds Jonathan walked out of the bathroom with a towel hung low on his waist. He looked at Clary slumped on the bed and laughed at her childness.
He walked out of the room and left Clary to get dressed.
After a few moments Clary got up and dragged herself towards her closet. She dropped the towel on the floor and pulled a pair of black lacy panties out of a drawer and the matching bra.
Clary looked around the closet until a dress caught her eye. It was silver amd shimmery. It had long sleeves, a high collar and it was tight and stopped at about mid thigh.
She pulled the dress on, grabbed a pair of silver stilettos and walked into the bathroom to do her makeup.
Clary ended up going with a smokey eye and winged liner. She applied mascara and quickly put on a small amount of foundation and blush.
She toped off the look with bright red matte lipstick. She pulled her hair into a messy pony tail and clipped on a pair of silver hoop earings.
"We're going to be late if you dont hurry up Clarissa!" Jonathan screamed up the stairs impatiently. She rolled her eyes and threw open her bedroom door.
Jonathan was leaning against the banister at the bottom of the stairs with his eyes closed. He opened one eye as Clary opened her door. She looked magnificent as always.
"We're going to be late if you dont hurry up Jonathan." Clary mimicked.
Jonathan just laughed softly at Clary's childish antics.
Clary just rolled her eyes at him and walked down the stairs.
When she reached the bottom Jonathan offered her his hand.
"My lady"
Clary just rollex her eyes and put her hand in his.
Clary pulled Jonathan's stele out from his back pocket and drew a portal.
"Think of the Luna" was all Jonathan said before he pulled Clary into the portal.

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