Chapter 24

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"Magnus I don't like this. They've been gone for too long." Alec told Magnus nervously. Magnus just shook his head slightly at Alec's concern.
"Alec this is Clarissa and Jonathan Morgenstern that we are talking about. Do you think that they would let themselves be harmed?" When Alec didn't answer Magnus sighed.
"Do you think that the downworld would let Clary be harmed?" Magnus asked sharply. While Alec's concern was touching Magnus knew that Clary and Jonathan could take care of themselves.
Alec shook his head and sighed.
"I'm sorry Magnus I'm just really worried about Clary." Alec said softly. Magnus smiled and rubbed Alec's back reassuringly.
At that moment a spiral of flames appeared in the center of the kitchen throwing two people into the room.
Loud groans rose from the pair of people on the floor.
"Get off!" The boy yelled as he shoved the girl off his chest. The girl huffed and climbed to her feet.
As the girl was fixing her curly blonde hair the boy jumped to his feet instantly pulling out a dagger.
They were both wearing the bright red gear that marked them as Jonathan soldiers. The only thing that Alec found unusual was the fact that their eyes weren't the black pits that all of Jonathan's men had.
"Who are you?" The boy snarled as he moved to shield the girl with his body.
Alec and Magnus glanced at each other before raising their hands in the air.
"I'm Alec Lightwood and this is Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn. We just arrived here a couple days ago." Alec said slowly as the boys face furrowed in confusion.
"I'm Sebastian Verlac and this is Rose Greenwood, parabati of Clarissa Morgenstern." Sebastian said as he gestured to Rose who was still partially hidden behind him.
Alec's mouth parted in shock, Clary never told him she had a parabati.
Alec's eyes flickered to the large spiraling rune that covered the girl's neck. But where was Clary's rune?
"But you were dead, Jonathan killed you." Alec corrected Sebastian. Sebastian laughed and sheathed his blade.
"The body was a fake. Jonathan needed to pose as someone and I offered up myself." Sebastian said as he pulled Rose out from behind his back.
Even though Jonathan had killed Max, something that Alec could never forgive him for, Alec felt slightly more content knowing that Jonathan hadn't truly killed Sebastian.
Alec nodded and glanced at Magnus who was smiling widely at Sebastian. Alec frowned at the look on his boyfriends face.
Magnus glanced at him and smiled even brighter.
Alec just rolled his eyes and turned back to Sebastian and Rose.
"Do you know when Clary And Jonathan will be back?" Alec asked Sebastian but as Sebastian's mouth opened to answer another spiral of flames appeared next to Sebastian and Rose.
"Right there." Sebastian said as two people gracefully stepped out of the portal. Clary and Jonathan wore matching grins as they laughed at something.
"Oh hello Rose." Clary slurred as she saw Rose and Sebastian.
"And hello to you too Sebastian." She cooed, fluttering her lashes. Sebastian laughed as Jonathan snarled possessively and wrapped his arms around Clary's waist, pulling her close to his chest.
"Hello Sebastian, Rose." Jonathan nodded curtly to the pair before he turned to face Alec and Magnus.
"Alexander, Magnus." Jonathan nodded as he tried to restrain a giggling Clary.
After a few moments of watching Jonathan struggle Magnus waves his hand and Clary slumped forward, unconscious.
Jonathan looked surprised but swept her into his arms, bridal style.
"Thank you warlock." Jonathan said before he left the room with the unconscious Clary.
They were all silent before Sebastian laughed.
"That was the best time yet." Sebastian laughed and Rose smiled.
"Yes it was but I'm going to bed." Rose said before she followed Jonathan into the West wing of the manor.
"I'll retire as well." Alec said as he pulled Magnus into the East wing, where the 'not as important people' stayed.
Sebastian just nodded and watched them retreat down the hallway. The light flickered off as Alec's hand flipped the switch on his way out of the kitchen.
As Alec opened the bedroom door his eyes darted back down the hallway to where Sebastian's silhouette was illuminated by the moonlight in the kitchen, making him look almost unrecognizable.
Alec cringed further into the room and quickly pulled Magnus inside and snapped the door shut behind him.
Magnus just laughed at his unease. Alex scowled at Magnus and pulled him into bed.
Magnus just sighed and wrapped his arms around Alec and soon enough the young couple had drifted off to sleep.

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