Chapter 26

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"What happened to her?" Alec asked as they watched Magnus work. Jonathan sighed and raked his hands through his platinum hair.

"We were walking through Idris and Clary thought it would be funny to run away from me. She was so fast that I couldn't figure out where she was until it was too late. I found her pushed against a an alley wall with a demon hovering over her. The demon hadn't bit her yet and I killed it but Clary ended up passing out. I don't know what happened to her and it's killing me." Jonathan told Alec softly as he watched Magnus work. Alec nodded and his face creased in concern for Clary.

"I thought the demons were on our side?" Alec asked abruptly. Jonathan sighed and leaned against the wall.

"It's complicated. Only half of the demons were created by my mother, Lilith. The other half were created by Lucifer. Lucifer's demons are stronger and more intelligent while Lilith's demons are more of servants. I only have control over the demons Lilith created." Jonathan explained slowly as if he were speaking to a small child.

Alec frowned but nodded. This was new information to him but it seemed believable. Alec suddenly felt laughter bubble up from somewhere inside of him.

As Alec chucked quietly Jonathan turned toward him with a demonic snarl on his face that reminded Alec just who Jonathan was.

"What are you laughing about, shadow hunter?" Jonathan snarled at Alec. Alec struggled to find words.

"I uh, was laughing cuz if someone would have told me 2 months ago that I would be sitting in the same room as Jonathan Morgenstern without trying to kill him I would have thought they were crazy." Alec said quietly as his eyes drifted away from Jonathan's angry face and towards Magnus and Clary.

Jonathan just sighed and followed Alec's gaze. Clary was laying motionless on the bird while blue sparks flew around her and Magnus. Magnus was panting slightly and attempting to wipe the sweat off his brow with his shoulder.

Suddenly the sparks stopped and Alec jumped up.

"She'll be okay." Was all Magnus said before he fell forward into Alec.

Look At Me Now: Clarissa MorgensternWhere stories live. Discover now