Chapter 31

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Clary stumbles into the clearing. Her hair was matted and her face was cut. She was exhausted and her face was caked with dry sweat and mud.
The huge palace like mansion loomed up over her. It was just as magnificent as ever and she looked like she had just crawled out of a hole in the ground.
"Lady Clarissa. Why are you here?" A voice said from somewhere on her left.
Clary whirled around to face the voice. Justin was leaning against an old oak tree.
Clary has to admit he was handsome, in a biker way. But he could never compare to Jonathan's platinum-haired-glory.
Justin was wearing a pair of acid washed jeans and an almost see through white v-neck that made his muscles bulge. He had a black leather jacket slung over his left shoulder and his dark hair was messy.
His bright blue eyes were dark and calculating, they seemed to watch her every move. He had a fresh patch of stubble across his upper lip.
When Clary didn't say anything, Justin kept talking.
"Are you alright Lady Clarissa?" Justin asked again. When he spoke his pink lips pulled back to reveal the bright white, sharp incisors. When her name rolled off his lips a slight British accent revealed its self.
"Can we go inside Justin? I need to get cleaned up." Clary asked quietly. She looked down at her combat boots and ripped red gear.
"Of course, my lady." Justin replied quickly and grabbed her hand. Clary tensed you but Justin didn't seem to notice or acknowledge it.
Justin pulled her towards the front door.
"King Mason isn't in right now, but he should be back in a few hours." Justin said as he looked at his watch.
"Why don't you go get cleaned up and one of the maids will be up in an hour to do your hair and makeup." Justin continued as he opens the front doors.
Clary nodded and allowed Justin to guide her through the doors and up the grand staircase. Clary's eyes danced around the room, looking at the gorgeous features of the living wing.
The gold paint that outlines the paintings on the walls.
The marble pillars and stained glass windows.
The linen curtains that draped over the huge windows.
"You can have the other room in King Mason's hallway." Justin said as he pulled open the large oak door on the left of the hallway. Clary figured that the other door on the right of the hallway was Mason's room.
There were no other doors in the hallway, just a small end table on the back wall of the hallway. The hallway was remarkably long for only 2 rooms but Clary figures the rooms had to be pretty big.
Clary smiles at Justin and stepped into the room.
"The maids will be up in a few minutes to draw your bath and assist you." Justin said before giving a small bow and closing the door behind her.
The room was huge. The walls were a soft grey that seemed to brighten the room, yet darken it at the same time. On one end of the bedroom was a huge four poster bed that seemed to be much to big for one person. The bed was covered in a white, silk comforter. Pillows covered the top and seemed to pile up.
In the middle of the room was a a bright red couch. It was the only color in the room and it stood out against all the neutral tones of the room. There was a white shag rug on the floor between the bed and the couch that looked like it could have been from a real animal.
Opposite from the bed was a tv. The tv was the biggest flat screen she had ever seen. It was mounted on the wall between two doors and took up the entire top half of the wall.
The doors on either side of the flat screen were the same dark oak wood as the hallway door. Clary assumes that one led to a bathroom and one led to a closet. The second she had seen those doors she almost sprinted towards them.
The wood was cold and smooth under her hands as she eased open the door on the left. It was a room about half the size of the bedroom that was filled to the brim with clothes.
Brightly colored dresses, shirts, pants, skirts and formal wear lined the walls. In the middle of the room was a large glass display that held hundreds of glittering necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets and tiaras.
The back wall was lined with handbags, purses and shoes in any color you could imagine. There were heels that ranged in heights. Some where so tall that her eyes widened while others had a baby wedge. They were colored with any color you could dream of. There were neutral colors like grey or cream but there were also bright pink and neon green heels that were almost to vibrant to look at.
Clary quickly backed out of that room and into the next room.
The second room was just as big as the closet, if not bigger.
In the middle of the room was a massive bathtub that took up the majority of the room. It was about the size of a swimming pool and was much to large for just her. On the far end was several golden handles and a large faucet.
The bathtub was made entirely from a large slab of white marble. Clary could t tell how deep it was because it was currently filled to the brim with pink bubbles. The bubbles reached the brim of the bathtub and gave the room a soft rose smell. On the wall next to the door was a large mirror that covered the entire left wall. Beneath it was a large counter that looked like it was made from the same marble as the bathtub.
There was a sink on the left end and a chair on the right end. In between the two things were rows and rows of cream cabinets. Some where large and wide while others were thin and narrow.
On the right wall was a large glass box that had several shower head pointing in all different directions. On the outside was a control panel with enough buttons to make her head spin. Closer to the door was a large pouch bench that looked like it belonged at the end of her bed.
Clary quickly slipped off her muddy gear and let it fall to the floor before slipping into the warm, inviting water.
Clary sighed and let her eyes close. She enjoyed the warmth for a few moments before her eyes slipped shut completely and darkness took her.

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