Chapter 23

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Alec took a deep breath and knocked. The sound of his knuckles rapping against the wood echoed down the dark and silent hallway.
"One second." Clary's voice answered. Alec took a deep breath and waited. He was wasn't sure how Clary would treat him. Even though him and Clary had become friends he was still worried. After all he had been mean to her when she first arrived at the institute.
Suddenly the door swung open and Alec's mouth dropped open.
Clary stood in the doorway wearing a beautiful black dress that dipped in a low v over her chest. The dress hugged her midsection before it puffed out around her legs.
Her feet were incased by a pair of red stilettos with ribbons that twisted around her ankles.
Her platinum hair hung in loose curls around her face.
Clary was stunning and even though Alec was gay he couldn't take his eyes off her.
"Hi Alec do you need something?" Clary greeted him as she opened the door wider. Alec swallowed thickly and smiled at her.
"I just wanted to talk. Can I come in?" Alec asked as he glanced behind him into the dark room.
"Sure, I was just getting ready to go get Jonathan." Clary said as she retreated into her room.
Alec swallowed and stepped into Clary's room. Her room was much bigger than the room the one that Alec and Magnus shared.
Clary's room had a balcony and a loft instead of the large bay windows in Alec's room.
Even though the room was dark Alec could still make out the beautiful paintings that dotted the walls.
"Going anywhere special?" Alec asked as Clary began to strap on thigh sheaths. Clary glanced at Alec and laughed.
"Jonathan and I are going to a gala that is being hosted by the downworld." Clary said as grabbed a pair of throwing knives off of a desk in the corner.
She slid them into the thigh sheaths and began to twist a silver whip around her wrist. The sight of the whip reminded Alec painfully of Isabelle.
Once Clary was done stuffing weapons into every crevice of her dress she picked up a sparkly clutch purse from her vanity.
"So Alec is there anything specific you wanted to talk about?" Clary asked as she placed a small crown on her head. Alec noticed that her crown wasn't a traditional tiara.
It was a crown of twisting vines and leaves that was dotted with little pink and yellow flowers.
Alec shook his head as his throat began to tighten.
Clary finished fixing her crown and looked at Alec. She seemed to notice Alec's emotion change and her face softened.
"I just don't feel comfortable here, Clary." Alec whispered as Clary pulled him into a tight hug.
"If your not comfortable here than go home. There is no evidence that you had even joined our side." Clary said gently. She realized the pain that Alec was in, being away from his parabati.
"I can't I'm here for Magnus." Alec protested quietly. Clary and Alec were more alike than they realized. Both Clary and Alec were suffered for the one they loved. They had both switched to the 'evil' side so that they would be with the one they loved.
Clary was here so that she could support Jonathan even though it caused her pain to be away from her family.
Alec was here to support Magnus who was following his monarch and Clary couldn't help but feel responsible for Alec's pain.
If Clary wouldn't have joined Jonathan than Magnus wouldn't have been forced to change sides. And if Magnus wouldn't have been forced to change sides than Alec could have stayed with his family, like he was supposed to.
Clary nodded in understanding and pulled away from the hug.
She placed a comforting hand on Alec shoulder.
Alec smiled gratefully at Clary and wiped the tears that had began to drip from his eyes.
"Clary? Are you almost ready?" A loud voice asked followed by sharp rapping on the door.
A sudden fear gripped Alec. He was almost scared to know what Jonathan Morgenstern would do to the man he found in his girlfriend's bedroom.
Clary's eyes widened almost comically and she began to panic.
"Almost, I'll be out in a minute." Clary called back as she began to usher Alec towards the French doors.
She opened the doors and pushed Alec out onto the dark balcony.
"Stay out here until you hear me and Jonathan leave." Clary whispered before she swung the door closed quietly, not waiting for a response.
Clary raced around the bedroom gathering her clutch and adjusting her hair.
Finally once she deemed her appearance appropriate she took a deep breath and opened the door.
In the hallway Jonathan was leaning against the wall talking to one of his endarkened soldiers. He was wearing an tight, expensive looking black and white suit. An untied tie hung limply around his neck. His hair was combed back and he looked as handsome as ever.
He was speaking sharply to his endarkend when he caught sight of Clary. His sentence cut off mid-word and he stood there gaping like a fish.
The endarkend solider looked concerned and began to shake Jonathan.
"Master? Are you alright?" The man asked as he shook Jonathan back and forth. But Jonathan's eyes remained fixed on Clary no matter how hard the endarkend shook him.
Finally Jonathan snapped at the endarkend.
"Yes I'm fine. Leave." Jonathan snapped at the man who scurried away at Jonathan's request.
"It looks like you need some help mister." Clary teased as she reached forward to grab Jonathan's tie.
As Clary tied the bow tie Jonathan watched her hands as they moved across his chest.
Each time Clary's hands brushed his chest, Jonathan sucked in a sharp breath as if her hands stung.
Once she had tied the bow tie she twined her arms around his neck. Jonathan smiled at her and leaned in for a soft kiss.
Clary began to melt as Jonathan continued to kiss her.
"Jonathan we have to go." Clary murmured as she pulled her face back.
"Mhm." Jonathan agreed as he leaned in for another kiss. Clary laughed and placed her hands on Jonathan's chest, pushing him back.
"Do we have to go?" Jonathan groaned as he placed his head in the crook of Clary's neck.
Clary laughed and rubbed Jonathan's chest. Sh
"Sorry love." Clary said as she pulled her stele out of the bust of her dress.
Jonathan raised his eyebrows but said nothing.
"Let's go." Clary said once the portal was open. She made sure to raise her voice enough that Alec could hear her from the balcony.
Jonathan grabbed her hands and kissed her softly before leading her into the swirling mass of purple flames.

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