Chapter 6

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He screamed. That's all he did was scream.
He curled up against the alley wall and sobbed. Jace couldn't believe he made the most important person in his life leave him.
"Jace!" Voices screamed but Jace ignored them he just sobbed.
The voices continued yelling at him to get up, to tell them what happened. Jace screamed until he was pulled into someone's arms.
He stopped screaming and just sobbed, he sobbed brokenly.
The voice whispered soothing words to him as he sobbed into the person clinging to their tshirt so roughly he was afraid, somewhere in the back of his head, that it would tear to shreds.
When Jace stopped sobbing he took a deep breath. The darkness slowly crept up on him until that was the only thing he saw.
The darkness consumed him, pulling him down. Deeper and deeper he fell, and the deeper he fell the more he wanted to drown in the darkness.
He felt nothing, the pain dulling to a throb until he barely noticed it was there.
Then he heard it, it was distorted but he still heard it.
"Jace." The voice said
"Jace" the voice said more urgently this time.
"Please Jace" the voice said. The voice was familiar but he couldn't name it's owner.
"Please" the voice begged. Alec. The name registered in his brain. He started to fight against the darkness, that was still pulling him deeper.
He had to get back to his parabiti, his brother.
The darkness started to fade, replaced by a blinding light. After what seemed like an eternity the last of the darkness ebbed away. He gasped, sitting up and immediately fluttering his eyes trying to escape the blinding light.
"Alec" he cried waving his hands wildly, trying to find alec without opening his eyes to the blinding light.
"Jace!" Alec called, shocked.
"Alec turn off the light i'm being blinded here." He said irritated. He heard Alec's gental laugh and the red that was pressing at his eyelids disappeared, replaced by black.
Jace cautiously opened his eyes, just in case the light was still there but the room was dark, lit only by a small lamp.
He looked over at Alec who was sitting in his chair next to his bed.
Alec smiles at him and Jace looked around. He was in his room, but why?
"Alec-" he startes to say but then it all came back to him amd he let out a strangled sob.
Alec looled at him confused, then shocked.
He thought back to the alley, Jace screaming and sobbing. It couldn't be because of him or Izzy because they were the ones who found him.
He wouldn't care that much about Simon. The only person that could break Jace was Clary.
It was only logical, he was alone in the alley and Clary can portal.
The only one that Jace care about that much was Clary, his one true love.
Jace curled his body up and sobbed. How could he cheat on her? And all thoose things he said? How could he? Jace's sobbing immediately ceased causing Alec to look up at him.
"It's all my fault." He said getting out of bed.
Alec followed him, confused, as Jace walked down the hall to Izzy and Simon's room.
He rapped his knukles on the door quickly. He had an impatient look on his face. Simon answered the door in boxers, sleepily rubbing his eyes.
"What?" He asked obviously mad. Alec usually didnt mind Simon but now he was making Alec mad.
Jace disnt answer he just grabbed Simon's neck and pushed him back into the dark room.
Simon was too tired to resist so he just let Jace push him backwards until they Simom's back hit the wall.
Jace growled and tightend his grip on Simon's neck.
"Jace?" Simon asked confused. Simon was scared but he had learned that showing your fear only made your enemy happier.
Jace growled again and gripped Simon's neck tighter.
"Jace?" Another tired voice askes. Izzy. Jace turned his head to face her but still kept his grip on Simon's neck.
Izzy's hair was a mess, knotted all around her head, like a halo. She was wearing Simon's tshirt and probably nothing else.
Izzy relized what was going on and sprang out of bed towards Simon.
"Jace let him go!" She shouted trying to push Jace off Simon but he didn't move one bit.
Simon was quickly running out of air but he didn't need Izzy hurt
"Jace!" Izzy screamed and when Jace didn't respond she whirled on Alec.
"Alec help Simon! Please." She begged but Alec just shrugged and gave her a defeated look. Izzy screamed in frustration and turned back to Jace.
"Jace please let Simon go and we can talk." Izzy begged and Jace growled and let Simon go. Simon collapsed onto his knees, taking deep labored breaths.
Jace turned to Izzy. He stepped towards her and she walked backwards, the same way Simon had, with the same look Simon had on his face.
When Izzy's back hit the wall he didn't try to choke her but instead he slapped her.
The slap left a bright red mark on Izzy's pale cheek. She lifted her hand to her cheek, shocked.
Jace would never hurt her, at least without a reason. Jace spun on his heel and run out of the door, pushing past Alec.
"What the hell was that about?" Izzy screamed at Alec after Jace had been gone for a few moments. Alec just sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.
Izzy sighed and tapped her foot impatiently.
"Jace blames himself and you guys for Clary leaving." Alec said after a moment. Izzy gasped, her hand covering her mouth.
"Clary is gone?" Izzy exclaimed as is she didn't believe it. And Alec nodded.
"Yeah apparently Jace was drunk and he cheated on her with some one. Between that and you guys making fun of her, she snapped."
Alec said shrugging like it didn't matter to him but him and Clary had gotten close before she left and he wanted to scream. She was kinda like his little sister and anyone who messes with her messes with him.
"She heard us?!" Izzy shouted her eyes springing open. Alec sighed and nodded.
Simon who had been relatovly quiet the whole time, sank to his knees and put his head in his hands.
Izzy collapsed onto the bed sobbing.
"Mr.lightwood!" A faint voice shouted. Alec's eyes sprang open, he was the temporary head of the institute.
He threw open the door and ran down the hall towards the entrance hall.
The inquisitor was standing in the center of the hall and the 2 shadowhunters behind him held a struggling Jace.
"Inquisitor!" Alec exclaimed, attempting to fix his messy hair. The Inquisitor just sighed, dismissing the formalities.
He turned to the guards and waved his hand. The guards dropped Jace and went back outside, the doors snapping closed behind them.
Once they were gone the Inquisitor turned to Alec.
"We found your parabiti picking fights with werewolves and possibly destroying the accords." Alec turned to Jace in shock. Jace just stared back at him with hard eyes.
"Jace go find Izzy and Simon, you guys need to talk." Alec said running a hand through his hair. Jace just nodded, grateful for the excuse to get away, and practically ran out of the room.
Once they were both sure Jace was gone the Inquisitor turned to Alec.
"Alexander, we found Clarissa Morgenstern."

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