Chapter 32

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"Lady Clarissa."
Clary woke to a soft hand on her shoulder and a gentle voice. She spun around and caught sight of the woman.
She was pretty, with long brown hair and a soft face.
"I'm sorry my lady but if you want to be ready in time I had to wake you." The maid mumbled nervously. Clary ran her hands through her wet hair and splashed some cool water from the bathtub on her face.
"It's okay." Clary told her and began to climb out of the tub. The woman grabbed a white towel from the side of the bathtub and began to wrap Clary in it.
Clary began to shiver now that she was out of the lukewarm water. She allowed the maid to guide her to the small couch against the wall and begin combing through her wet hair. Clary wasn't uncomfortable being naked around the maid. Any of the embarrassment the old Clary would have had was gone.
They both remained silent as the maid pulled a blow dryer out of a drawer on the wall. She plugged it into a wall socket and began to dry clary's hair.
Clary closed her eyes and allowed the maid to do her work as the warm air calmed her. Eventually the woman turned off the blow dryer and escorted Clary over to the vanity table where she began to do Clary's makeup.
It was natural looking but still bold at the same time.
Clary's hair was styled in soft curls that looked almost natural and her makeup was done with shades of light brown and burgundy. Her lips were tinted slightly red but the rest of her face looked natural.
"Now for your dress; red or blue?" She asked before standing Clary up and unwrapping the towel from around her body.
Red was bold. It would show that she wasn't afraid to stand out. She wasn't someone to pushed around.
The woman nodded before leaving the bathroom and returning with a large pile of red fabric and a smaller pile of black on top of that.
She set down the red fabric and lifted up the black fabric.
Clary's eyes widened as the maid held out the black lacy lingerie.
It was one piece. The see-through, lace bra was connected to the just as see-though panties by leather straps on bothers sides. The leather straps continued down her legs to her knees where they were connected to a leather band that wrapped around her thigh.
Clary raised her eyebrows at the maid but only received a shrug in return.
Clay sighed but grabbed the lingerie from the maid and began to step into it.
Once it was all on Clary couldn't help but admire herself in the mirror.
"Turn." The maid ordered Clary and she spin so that the maid was facing her back.
"Step in." The woman told her and Clary stepped into the dress that had been looked at her feet. The woman pulled the silky red fabric up and began to zip the back.
The inside of the dress was silky and seemed to cling to her curves.
The dress was floor-length and had a deep v-neck. It got tight around her waist then flowed out around her legs.
Her platinum hair seemed a stark white against the rich red fabric. But her eyes shone like spotlights. They seemed to stare into her reflections soul.
"My Lady, we still aren't done." The maid said as she placed a small hand on Clary's bicep.
Clary turned to face the maid. Her eyes met the girls for a split second before the maid dropped her eyes down to the floor.
"You need shoes My Lady." The maid murmured before almost running out of the room. Clary frowned and watched her retreating figure.
In a few minuets a the maid returned with a pair of white stilettos with red bottoms and two small, black boxes. She placed the shoes on the floor and guided Clary's feet into them. Once her feet were in the shoes Clary nearly groaned.
As much as she loved wearing heals, the pain that came with it was not nearly as enjoyable.
The maid must have caught the look on her face because she began to apologize.
"I'm sorry My Lady. We can switch if you want?"
Clary shook her head sharply and the maid nodded and turned away from Clary to grab the top box.
She pulled out a silver circlet that formed a peak in the front. It was covered with diamonds but on the peak of the circlet the diamonds began to steadily increase in size.
Clary dipped her head and allowed the maid to place the circlet among the soft curls. The maid began to fasten it to her hair with small clips that seemed to disappear into her hair.
When she was satisfied, the maid reached into the second box and pulled out a gorgeous bracelet.
It was a silver band with small red gems set into it. When she moved her hand, Clary swore that the gems moved as well.
They sat in silence for a few minutes before the maid abruptly started speaking.
"Now I must escort you to the throne room. The king awaits."
Clary nodded and allowed the maid to lead her out of the room and into the hallway.
As they walked along the dimly lit hallway Clary couldn't help but wonder what Mason was going to say.

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