Chapter 33

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Clary has no idea how it happened. One second she was sitting with King Mason and the next she thrown across the room. As her head hit the wall, her vision became blurry and black spots danced across her vision.

Clary could faintly hear shouts but the ringing in her ears muffled most of the noise. There was a sharp pain in her chest and something warm trickled down the side of her face. Clary tried to sit up but she was quickly pinned back down by a sharp shove to the chest. She glanced up but stopped struggling when she realized who it was above her.

The Inquisitor's sharp face stared coldly down at her as he held her down with one hand. Clary just stared back at the Inquisitor as calmly as she could. They just stared at each other, the calm in the miss of all the destruction. The hall had been destroyed but there didn't seem to be any fighting. The wolves seemed to recognize that they could do nothing against the shadow hunters.

"Knock her out and bring her to the silent city." The Inquisitor's cold voice ordered to a person out of Clary's sight and suddenly the hilt of a blade connected with her head, sending her spiraling into the never ending darkness


The first thing that came back to Clary was her sense or hearing. She could hear the quiet, angry murmuring of people surrounding her. Even though she was an enemy of the shadow hunters, their voices seemed to calm her and she almost feel back asleep.

Clary stayed still, just listening to their voices, until her eyes involuntarily flew open. The sudden light blinded her and Clary had to furiously blink for a few seconds before her eyes adjusted to the light.

When Clary could finally see, her mouth feel open. She was on a stage, tied to a chair but that wasn't even the bad part. The bad part was all the people. Every Shadow hunter that she had ever seen plus some she had never met were assembled in front of her.

Once she had opened her eyes, the murmuring had stopped and now it was dead silent. Every single pair of eyes was trained on her and Clary felt uncomfortable. She had never liked being on stage and this was worse than anything she could have imagined. Her palms began to sweat and her breathing began to pick up. She nervously twisted her wrists in the fiery ropes that encircled her wrists.

"Clarissa Morgenstern." A voice from somewhere on her left boomed. Once the person had entered her sight, Clary suppressed the urge to roll her eyes.

"Inquisitor, such a delight." Clary greeted him sweetly but she was sure that everyone in the room saw through her act. The Inquisitor snorted and turned to face the gathered shadow hunters.

"We have gathered you all here to witness the trial of Clarissa Morgenstern by the Mortal Sword." The Inquisitor was only stating the obvious but they didn't seem to mind. Clary began to silently panic. She could be the reason that Jonathan lost the war.

Suddenly the air next to Clary began to shimmer until a projection of a man had appeared.

Jonathan looked terrible. His silver hair was rumpled and he had dark bags under his eyes. His crimson gear was wrinkled and his face was weary. The second he had materialized, his glance had immediately gone to Clary. She could see the concern and fear but it was well hidden behind the rage. His eyes darted over her tattered dress and smudged makeup before settling on her face. Jonathan wasn't dumb, he knew that something had changed since she had left.

"Mr. Morgenstern! How kind of you to join us." The Inquisitor exclaimed and he pulled the mortal sword from a small rack next to him. Clary could tell that the Inquisitor was shocked by Jonathan's appearance but he did a good job of hiding it.

It had been a while since Clary had seen the sword and it never failed to take her breath away. It was made from smooth silver metal but the runes etched on the hilt and the blade glowed with an unearthly light. It truly was a blade forged by the heavens.

"The pleasure is all mine, Inquisitor. I wouldn't miss this for the world." Jonathan voice was low and dangerous and his face was like an empty slate. The Inquisitor didn't respond and continued his advance towards Clary.

As he neared where she was tied up, Clary began to struggle. She gritted her teeth against the white-hit pain from the burning bonds, and continued to struggle.

"Clarissa," Jonathan's voice rang out in the silent room. Everyone was now watching him as he brushed past the inquisitor and bent down to grip her face.

"You will hold the sword and you will answer their questions." His voice was sharp and held no room for argument. His black eyes were endless tunnels of rage and Clary couldn't help but be afraid. Normally, Clary would have bit back or even defied him but for this one time she obeyed.

Clary could feel everyone's eyes on them as she extended her arms and snatched the sword right out of the Inquisitors hands. She took a shuddering breath as she felt the hooks of the sword sinking deep into her mind.

"Well, let us begin than." The Inquisitor smirked and watched as Jonathan moved away from Clary. His eyes followed Jonathan all the way across the stage until he had reached the opposite end of the stage.

"Any question requests for Mrs. Morgenstern?" The inquisitor asked the mob of shadow hunters. They all shifted uneasily, like they weren't expecting it. They were silent until a voice from the center of the crowd spoke.

"Where are Alexander Lightwood and Manus bane?" The familiar voice of Isabelle Lightwood shouted from the crowd. Her voice was shaky but her face was set in a stern expression.

Clary felt the hooks tearing at her mind as she struggled to keep her mouth closed. Jonathan, who had remained so quiet that they had almost forgotten that he was there, nodded at Clary. Clary let her mouth and let the truth tumble out.

"Last I had seen them they were with Jonathan." Clary heard her voice echo in the quiet chamber. No one spoke until Jonathan laughed.

"You shadow hunters could have just asked me that. Alexander and Magnus are currently asleep in their chambers." His voice was slightly mocking as he stared straight into Isabelle's eyes. The poor girl seemed to crumple in on herself until she was absorbed back into the crowd.

"Since no one else has any questions, I will take over." The Inquistor stepped back in front of Clary wearing the coldest smirk she had ever seen.

"How many endarkened shadow hunters are remaining and what forces are you allied with?" Clary inhaled sharply at his question. She knew that this was going to reveal her secret but she didn't prevent the words from spilling out of her mouth.

"We have 100,000 endarkened warriors remaining, we have also joined forces with the wolves, fearies, vampires and warlocks. We have many unofficial alliances." Clary took a deep breath after she finished her answer. The Inquisitor raised a bushy eyebrow and quieted the murmuring mob.

"What 'unofficially alliances' do you speak of?" Clary sucked in a deep breath and managed to get out a quick prayer to Raziel before words began spilling out of her mouth.

"We have the support of Lucifer and his children as well as Lilith and her children. We also temporarily have the support of the archangels Micheal and Ithuriel." With that the room exploded into chaos but Claryw as only focused on Jonathan.

Jonathan looked surprised but pleased. He smiled softly at her before disappearing into thin air.

Clary sighed and pulled the sword closer to her as she attempted to block out the panicked shouts of the shadow hunters.

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