Chapter 28

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As the soldiers in red killed off the last shadow hunter they turned to face Clary and Jonathan. The red soldiers all knelt, except one.
The male in front opened his mouth to speak but the woman next to him tugged his sleeve. When the man saw that they were all kneeling he squinted his beady eyes at Clary and Jonathan and remained standing.
"You do not kneel to your king and queen, why?" Jonathan spoke quietly. Even though it was a whisper everyone heard the threat behind the words.
The mans eyes flew open in shock and he fell to his knees.
"My lord and lady I apologize for my mistake, please forgive me." The man begged as he pressed his body closer to the ground. Clary laughed at his fear and began to raise her blade.
"No." Jonathan snapped as he grabbed Clary's hand. Clary's amusement slid off her face and was replaced by shock.
"What?!" Clary exclaimed as she whirled around to face Jonathan. Jonathan dropped her arm and just stood there.
"We need all the soldiers we have Clarissa." Was all Jonathan said before he turned back to the soldiers.
"Stand." He barked and they all scrambled to their feet. They hastily tucked their weapons into sheaths and straightened their stance.
"What happened here?" Jonathan snarled as Clary sulked behind him.
The soldiers looked at each other and remained silent until a woman stepped forward.
"We were on our way back to the base when they ambushed us. We attempted to dispose of them quickly but they were strong." The woman whispered as she stared at the ground. Her body shook with fear at the angry stare of her king.
"I thought your orders were to capture any strong fighters?" Clary snarled form behind Jonathan before he could respond.
The woman's eyes widened as she was questioned.
"I apologize my lady but they were too strong." The woman whimpered. Jonathan sighed and glared at Clary before waving the woman away.
"You can't be too hard on them they aren't as enhanced as us." Jonathan sighed as Clary pouted.
The group of red soldiers had begun to whisper among themselves.
"Go." Jonathan commanded and they quickly scurried off. Clary huffed and pushed past Jonathan. Jonathan sighed before following her.
Clary stomped down the road with Jonathan a few steps behind her. Jonathan knee she was upset and she just needed space.
"Careful Clarissa you don't know what's around the corner." Jonathan called to her as she began to round the corner. Clary laughed without amusement as she disappeared around the corner.
Clary was still upset as she rounded the corner. She wasn't upset that she didn't get to kill the man but she was upset that Jonathan was underestimating her.
The pressure began to build until a large white wolf replaced her. She was stunned for a second until she began to sprint down the street.
"Clary!" Jonathan shouted but Clary ignored him and kept running. She could hear Jonathan's feet pounding on the pavement as he tried to keep up with Clary's blinding speed.
Clary kept running, ignoring Jonathan's shouts and sped up.
Eventually Clary began to hear the sounds of fighting but she just kept running. She ran straight through the battle field and tore apart any demon the got in her way. She ignored the taste of their acid blood and just kept running.
She kept running till the houses began to disappear and the vast forest began to appear. She pushed herself harder and kept running even as the branches scraped her fur and drew blood.
She kept running till the sunlight began to fade and it began to grow darker. She ran u til the moss and dirt under her feet turned to sand and the trees faded into the glossy surface of Lake Lynn. She felt a sense of calm as she turned back into a human.
When she reached the lake she froze and looked at the glass surface of the lake.
She remembered the last time she was here, the way her father bound her and forced her to watch as he drove a blade through Jace's heart. She remembered the way the angel had risen and she was frozen as she remembered the glory of Raziel.
Then suddenly the water began to bubble and froth.
She fell back in shock and crawled away from the water. It suddenly became humid and the water began to part, like the Red Sea. One half of the water turned a deep black while the other half turned a royal gold color.

It seemed like a beam of sunlight was focused directly on the lake and made the lake and everything around it glow. Suddenly 2 beings began to rise from the water.
On the gold side and large figure with ginormous wings and a deadly sword began to rise from the water. Even though he rose from the water, he was completely dry.
He looked like a god. He had a sharp jawline and deep gold eyes paired with the fairest hair that Clary had ever seen. His skin was a golden brown like he had spent years laying on a beach. He wore a priests robe with gold accents and he held the gorgeous sword like it was made for him.
On the dark side a huge figure rose from the frothing water. Water poured from his sides but he looked completely dry. He almost looked like Jonathan when he pretended to be Sebastian Verlac .
He had dark black hair and black eyes like Jonathan's. He had the palest skin Clary had ever seen, but it paired well with his dark features. His pink lips were twisted in a sinister smirk. Clary has seen the very same look on Jonathan's lips.
He wore a black suit with expensive looking Italian leather shoes. In his right hand he held a wicked looking dagger that dripped a red liquid that looked suspiciously like blood.
"Hello Clarissa." The God-like figure greeted her in a deep voice. His voice sounded musical, like all the instruments were created to mimic the sound of his voice but none could compare. He sounded kind and his face was stretched in a small smile.
"Yes, Hello Clarissa." The demon-figure mocked the godly figure. His voice was deep and mocking but it was also husky. He sounded like he had an accent but she couldn't pinpoint the exact country. It sounded almost like someone had taken all the accents in the world and smushed them together. He looked like he could kill her one second then sit down for tea the next
Clary's mouth dropped open in an O shape and her eyes probably looked like dinner plates

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