Chapter 30

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Jonathan had been pacing his bedroom for the last 2 hours. She had disappeared and not even his best men could find her.
Of course Clary was good but he didn't think she was that good at hiding. Unless she wasn't hiding and she was hurt in the middle of some random street.
Suddenly a loud bang erupted from somewhere in the manner. The next second someone began pounding on his bedroom door.
"Come in." He snarled and the door slammed open to reveal Sebastian in his crimson gear. His ebony hair was tumbled as if he had ran his hands through it numerous times. His left hand rested on the hilt of the sword sheathed on his left hip.
He had an odd look on his face and to anyone else it might have seemed unusual but Sebastian was his parabati. Jonathan has seen that look several times and it was never good.
"What's wrong?" Jonathan asked, suddenly concerned for his parabati
"We can't find her Jonathan, Rose is going insane." Sebastian murmured before running his hands through his already messy hair.
Jonathan took a deep breath and folded his hands behind his head.
"Yes I am aware."
Sebastian looked up at him almost as if he was surprised by Jonathan's reaction. Jonathan was always calm and collected but the raw emotion in his voice shocked Sebastian. The pain that resonated in his voice was more than what Jonathan could handle alone.
Sebastian could feel Jonathan pain. It resonated deep in his chest and made his parabati rune throb.
"Oh Jonathan." Sebastian sighed and closed the gap between him and Jonathan. He pulled Jonathan into a hug.
Jonathan remained stiff for a minute before relaxing into Sebastian's arms. Then Jonathan's body began to shake with sobs.
Sebastian just held Jonathan in his arms and rubbed comforting circles on his parabati's back.
He ignored the white hot pain the began to pulse in his chest as Jonathan cried. Sebastian knee that Jonathan's pain was much greater.
"It will be okay, brother, she will be found." Sebastian murmured as Jonathan began to pull away.
Jonathan didn't respond, he just collapsed into the plush bed behind him. Sebastian swung Jonathan's legs onto the bed and pulled the crimson comforter over his body.
Sebastian had never seen Jonathan this vulnerable and reliant. He was always the one in charge, the one who didn't need anyone's help. But here he was, getting tucked in like a toddler.
Jonathan looked up at Sebastian with eyes half open and grabbed his hand, just as Sebastian was about to pull away. Jonathan looked up at him through hooded eyes before he collapsed back onto the bed, asleep.
Sebastian rested his hand on Jonathan's bicep for a few seconds, observing how gentle his face became when he was asleep.
"Will he be okay?"
Sebastion smiles gently but still remained facing Jonathan.
"He just needs some sleep. Once she is found he'll be better." Sebastion told Rose as she came up behind him. She laid a hand on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist.
"Good." Rose murmured as she laid her head in the crook of Sebastion's neck. He smiled but didn't move.
"And how are you, Rose?" He asked.
"Your her parabati."
Rose didn't respond and just sighed into his neck. Sebastion knew she wasn't fine but she would be okay.
Rose stepped away from Sebastion and crossed Jonathan's room to where the large French doors were. She took a deep breath as she gazed out at the stars. Clary was out there somewhere and she would find her way back home.

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